Channel for lovers of rivers, seas and oceans. Dive with us!
😆Have you seen a crab swim? 🦀
There is a separate family of swimming crabs. The last pair of limbs has a specific structure (flattened), allowing the crabs to actively swim in the water column.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
😀This is a transparent surgeon fish 🐟
It is only transparent when young, later it will become a regular black and blue fish.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
Dugong with a stuck Remora.
The dugong, often called the sea cow, is a large marine mammal belonging to the order Sirenia, which also includes manatees. Dugongs have a streamlined body with a whale-like tail. They can grow to approximately 3 meters in length and weigh between 250 and 900 kilograms. Their skin is thick and smooth, usually gray or brown. Dugongs are found in warm coastal waters from East Africa to Australia, including the Red Sea, Pacific and Indian Oceans. They prefer shallow, sheltered bays, mangrove channels and seagrass beds, which are their primary feeding grounds.
Space nudibranch.
Nudibranchs are an order of marine gastropods from the subclass Heterobranchia. Structural features include the absence of both a shell and a pronounced mantle. Some species are poisonous and brightly colored. All nudibranchs are hermaphrodites. Very picky about food.
Red scorpion fish.
This is an unusual marine predator that feeds on a variety of marine animals. It lives near the seabed, where it blends in with its surroundings and stalks its prey.
🐡 Chaunokops spend their entire lives lying on the bottom of the ocean and waiting for at least something to eat to swim by.
Читать полностью…🐠 Flying Gurnard
This fish can grow quite large, up to 16 inches.
🦄Rhinoceros fish
Coastal fish that live at depths from five to eighty meters.
Stone fish.
It remains invisible even though it grows up to half a meter in length! All she can do is lie there and wait for the shrimp, fish or squid to get as close as possible.
😆Fugu 🐡
The fish gained its main fame thanks to Japanese chefs and its strong toxicity. In fact, the true name of the puffer fish is the brown pufferfish. Fugu was mistakenly called due to a Japanese dish, but the name became very boring and now it has become more common than the true name of the fish.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
😍Sea turtles 🐢
A family of turtles from the superfamily Chelonioidea. Unites large sea and ocean turtles that have a streamlined heart-shaped or oval shell, covered with horny scutes, and non-retractable flipper limbs. The large head does not fit under the shell
Did you know these facts?
- In ancient Malaysian mythology, it is the sea turtle that is the creator of the world.
- They all live only in warm tropical and subtropical waters.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
☺️Shortfin mako 🦈
A large shark of the herring shark family. These are typical inhabitants of the pelagic zone of the open ocean, and are considered the fastest of all existing sharks.
They have a spindle-shaped elongated body with a pointed snout, characteristic of herring sharks. The dorsal surface of the body is dark blue, the belly is white. The maximum recorded body length is 4.45 m.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
🐡Star Arotron
Star arotrons live in light lagoons and among offshore reefs at depths of 3 to 60 meters, they swim high above the bottom substrate or just below the surface of the water.
😃Giant trevally 🐟
This is one of the main predators of coral reefs and a symbol of courage for the inhabitants of coastal countries. Its length can reach more than one and a half meters. In the sea, the fearless trevally attacks not only fish, mollusks and crustaceans, but even young turtles and reef sharks, ramming them with its powerful forehead and grabbing them with sharp teeth.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
😁Australian sea lion 🦭
A large representative of the eared seal family, living on the southern and western coasts of Australia.
Did you know these facts about sea lions?
- Animals are excellent swimmers. If necessary, they can reach speeds of over 50 km/h!
- An interesting fact is that the sea lion can not only swim quickly, but also has great endurance. During his travels, he is able to swim across not only the sea, but also the entire ocean.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
The marine iguana looks menacing...
But it is not at all dangerous for humans. It feeds mainly on algae in the intertidal zone, biting them off the rocks 🙌
🐡 Long-spined hedgehog fish, this species has very powerful jaws. Thanks to them, she can easily bite through even a turtle shell.
Читать полностью…There are fish that try to stay away from jellyfish. And there are some fish that, on the contrary, hide in jellyfish to protect themselves from predators. Of course, such a formidable bodyguard will not work for free. The fish feed the jellyfish with plankton. As a result, everyone is happy!
Читать полностью…🐋 This is the moment when a beluga whale returns a phone to a man who accidentally dropped it into the waters of a Norwegian harbor
Beluga whales are considered the most intelligent inhabitants of the ocean: they are very smart, enjoy contact with humans, and easily learn the most incredible tricks.
What beauties! 🥰 🐬
According to the latest scientific data, dolphins have a “vocabulary” of 14,000 sound signals, which allows them to communicate with each other as productively as possible and provide timely help to everyone in need.
🐬 Pink Dolphin
The Amazon river dolphin is a freshwater animal. It is found in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers and waterways located in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. The river dolphin is smaller than other species of sea dolphins, and this species has excellent hearing.
🐷 Plectorhinchus polytaenia - a species of guinea pig
They live in the Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean, where they can be found on coral reefs at depths of 5 to 40 meters. This species can reach 50 cm.
🦈Any average shark grows up to 7 rows of teeth.
Since the mouth is the main weapon of a predator, nature made sure that its falling fangs are replaced with new ones.
Thanks to this, sharks can change up to 30 thousand teeth during their life😮
🐠Rhombus clown fish.
This is a tropical marine fish that lives in the Pacific and Indian oceans. Diamondback clownfish can reach lengths of up to 20cm and typically feed on algae.
🌊Sea urchin skeleton
Since sea urchins have a limestone skeleton, their remains are quite well preserved and allow us to trace the history of the origin and evolution of this group.
The zebra lionfish, or zebra fish, is a fish of the scorpionfish family. It has another official name, lion fish.
It is compared to a zebra because of its striped coloring, consisting of gray, red and brown stripes. It is compared to a lion because of its long fan-like fins, which give the fish the appearance of a kind of mane. It was nicknamed lionfish because of its large pectoral fins that resemble wings.
These are the monsters found in African rivers - large tiger fish. These monsters grow up to 1.5 m, attack people and are afraid only of Nile crocodiles.
Читать полностью…😄Long-snouted dolphin 🐬
A genus of toothed whales of the dolphin subfamily. They are very similar to common dolphins, differing from them only in their flat sky and coloring details. Their closest relatives are common dolphins.
Did you know these facts about dolphins?
- Male dolphins sometimes separate females from their families and starve them until they agree to mate.
- Dolphins who are disappointed in love can start killing everyone.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
Dog-like 🐟
An order of ray-finned fish from the superorder spiny-finned fish. Previously considered to be in the rank of the blenny-shaped suborder in the perciformes order. Marine, brackish and freshwater fish. There are 6 families with 150 genera and 918 species in the order of geniformes.