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Living Ocean

Vulcanokoktopus hydrothermal 🐙

Small bentic octopus, endemic hydrothermal springs. This is the only famous type of genus VulcanoCTOPUS.

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Living Ocean

Egor-Clown 🤡

Type of sea fish from the family of Ugre. It lives in the Indo-Pacific region, from the Red Sea to Australia. It can reach a length of 1 m. It feeds on small fish and crustaceans. Clar-Clown has a bright color that helps him mask among corals. This is a popular aquarium fish.

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Living Ocean

Chrysaora Colorata 🪼

This is a type of jellyfish living in the Pacific Ocean. They reach a diameter of up to 70 cm and have purple stripes on the body. Purple -legged jellyfish are not the most dangerous jellyfish, but their bite can cause pain and temporary vision of vision.

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Living Ocean

The crab carrier is also known as the Dorippe Frascone, or Crab-Yezhik 🦀

It is found in the Red Sea and some parts of the Western and Eastern Indian Ocean. He often has a symbiotic relationship with a long -tailed sea hedgehog and wears it on his shell. But in this video, he drags a cassioopea Andromeda Medusa, and it protects crab with its stinging cells

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Living Ocean

Rinofor ❤️ tot

This is a paired organ of smell, which is available in some sea mollusks, such as Golozhable, sea hares and sea slugs. Rinophores have the shape of long tubes that can be stretched and drawn. They are located on the head of mollusk and are used to detect food and predators.

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Living Ocean

Hoplophrys oatesi?

A very colorful crab with a tall of 1.5 to 2 cm. It lives on various types of soft corals of the genus DendronePhthya. It is disguised as imitating the colors of the polyps, among which it hides. He adds additional camouflage, attaching polyps to his shell.

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Living Ocean

Golozhaberi ✨

A detachment of marine belly mollusks that do not have a sink. They have a variety of coloring and body shape. Golozhaberny feed on small invertebrates, such as worms, hydra, polyps and mollusks. Some species of the heads are poisonous.

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Living Ocean

Foronida larva 🧬

This is a free -saved larva that looks like a crest. It has a long tail and two fans of gills. Foronida larva feeds on plankton and lives for several weeks before turning into an adult animal

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Living Ocean

Giant Australian Karakatitsa 🔥

The largest of all types of karakatits, reaching 50 cm in the length of the mantle and over 10.5 kg in live weight. Endemic Australia. The color depends on the mood (stress, readiness for reproduction, fright) and the environment.

Giant karakatitsa is found on rocky reefs, algae thickets, a sandstone or a horseman of the sea at depths of up to 100 m. Smart hunter, attacks from an ambush, or uses his tentacles for a production of prey.

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Living Ocean

Golozhaber mollusk Chromodoris Reticulata ❤️ tot

These mollusks are hermaphrodites with both male and female genital organs. After copulation, Chromodoris Reticulata throws a penis, but can grow a new one within 24 hours.

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Living Ocean

Herring king 👑

Type of radiant fish of the belt -shaped detachment family. Pelagic fish, found in warm, moderately warm and moderate waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

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Living Ocean

Pugo-fingers 🦜

The coemage of the radiant fish of the Labriformes detachment. Distributed in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. They have bright, diverse colors. They feed on corals, algae and small invertebrates. Some species are popular aquarium fish.

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Living Ocean

😲Bumblebee shrimp

Type of shrimp, common in tropical lagons, bays and reefs. Similar in coloring on a brightly colored bumblebee with blue glare, a striped shrimp-shmel can grow up to 1 inch in length.

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Living Ocean

Fish-snow ❄️

The popular designer type of amphiprionocellaris with a traditional orange body combined with the same incorrect white and black marks that remotely resemble a snowflake and differ from the Ocellaris fish-like type. There are no two fish-sheets with the same pattern.

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Living Ocean

🐍 Rinno is blue

One of the most elegant and bright morays. Body length can reach 130 cm. Termer is striped, slender.

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Living Ocean

Serrivomer SP ✨⁠

This is the fish of the Trachichthyidae family, common in the Atlantic Ocean and in other places around the world. It has a narrow, elongated body and mouth directed up. The color of the fish can fluctuate from dark to light, and some species of this fish glow in the dark due to their photographs.

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Living Ocean

Angel - Hydromyles Globulosus 😇

The only type of marine slugs of the Hydromylidae family. It is usually found in the indo-tykh ocean. This species is Pelagic, carnivorous and viviparous. They are unique among the sea angels in that they bear their cubs. Their cubs develop in the body of the mother and appear in the form of chicks.

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Living Ocean

Copper Rockfish 🐟

This is a type of sea fish living in the Pacific Ocean. This is a small fish, up to 30 cm long. Copper-brown body. It feeds on small crustaceans and mollusks.

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Living Ocean

Opistognathidae ✨

The family of radiant fish from the perch of the perch -like, inhabiting in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. They have small sizes, from 2 to 15 cm in length. Opistonatids are bottom fish living on coral reefs. Feed on small invertebrates, such as shrimp, crabs and worms

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Living Ocean

Hippolyte Catagrapha Crinoid shrimp 🦐

She is able to change color to merge with the sea lily on which she lives.

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Living Ocean

Striped Marlin 😍

This is a large sea fish that lives in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. It can reach a length of up to 4.5 meters and masses up to 600 kilograms.

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Living Ocean

Korobok fish 🔥

This is a small sea fish living in the tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. It has a cubic shape and is brightly painted in yellow, orange and white. A fiber-fiber is powered by algae and small invertebrates.

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Living Ocean

Crab runs away from the octopus 🦀

Octopuses are terrible predators and have a very high level of successful attacks. Most of their success is due to highly developed 8th tentacles, intellect, speed and dexterity. As can be seen in this video, in 20% of cases, the crab is simply lucky or is able to outwit our Hero-Osminoga.

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Living Ocean

Sneilfish ✨

This is a deep -sea fish that lives at a depth of more than 1000 meters in the ocean. She got her name thanks to her strange form of the body resembling a snail. Snielfish has small eyes and a body without scales, covered with gelly -like mucus.

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Living Ocean

Sepioteuthis Lessoniana 🦑

A variety of squid-loliginide. This is one of the three currently recognized species belonging to the genus Sepioteuthis. Studies conducted in 1993, however, showed that Rifting squid Bigfin can be a mysterious species complex. This species probably includes somewhat very similar and closely related species.

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Living Ocean

"Tiger beach" 🦈

Discovered in the late 80s, Captain Scott Smith. Initially, rescuers and divers were based on the beach, who found the fragments of two old ships and cannon cores in local waters. Today, the beach is popular in that here you can see in the natural habitat of tiger reef sharks, by the name of which the beach was named.

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Living Ocean

🐙 Perekhnoshok

The newborn baby octopus has dimensions less than a millimeter. Forty days later, they reach 12 mm.

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Living Ocean

😮 Zeber fish (Platax Batavianus)

Amazing reef fish with a bright appearance. It has a flat body, black and white vertical stripes resembling a zebra pattern. A zebra fish attracts attention with its beauty and is an interesting object for observation in aquariums and underwater research.

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Living Ocean

😐 Chinese sea perch

The species of sea ramp fish belonging to the subfamily of Sebastinae, marine rocky fish included in the Scorpaenidae family. It lives in the waters of the Pacific Ocean in the western part of North America.

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Living Ocean

🐟 The most poisonous fish

Warrior, or stone fish is the most poisonous sea fish and one of the most dangerous creatures in the world.

Warrior leads an inactive lifestyle. She spends a lot of time waiting for her prey (small fish, shrimp and other crustaceans), buried in sand or soil.
Only the upper part of the head and back, to which various blades of grass stick are visible from above. This makes the fish even more inconspicuous. What, in fact, is danger.

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