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Living Ocean

Sargasso sea clown 🥰

Type of radiant fish from the monotypic genistrio of the clown family. It lives among Sargas -algae, common in subtropics. The name comes from the Latin word "Histrio", meaning the "actor", and is associated with the behavior of the fish.

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Living Ocean

Argonauta Hines 🦑

This is a type of cephalopod mollusks related to the Argonautidae family. This is the only form in the kind of Argonauta. Argonauta Hines is found in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. This is a small, fragile octopus female that reaches a length of about 10 cm. Argonauta Hins is known for its small, calcite shell, which it uses to protect its eggs.

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Living Ocean

Palmadusta Ziczac 🥰

This is a type of marine belly mollusks related to the Cypraeidae family. This is a small snail that reaches a length of about 20 millimeters. The color of the shell of the snail is orange - beige with white zigzag stripes.

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Living Ocean

Fighting fish ✨

Also known as a fighting fish, this is a small fish with bright and beautiful colors. Among them are blue, which are usually very bright and saturated.

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Living Ocean

Wunderpus Photogenicus 🐙

From the family of ordinary octopuses. To protect against predators, he is able to imitate poisonous animals. So, for example, to imitate shelves, he widely spreads the tentacle. He also imitates other animals in his environment, such as, for example, sea snakes and various fish.

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Living Ocean

Holoturia 🤍

It is also known as sea cucumber, and its commercial species, caught mainly in the Far East, is Trepang. This is a whole class of echinoderms, which includes over 1,000 species, sometimes significantly different from each other externally, but united by a common origin, a similar internal structure and a way of life.

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Living Ocean

The sandstone is red -fledged 🔥

Not conflicting with other species of fish, skirmishes are possible only with those fish that also live at the bottom.

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Living Ocean

Bioluminescent flashlight 🦈 🦈

This is a type of shark from the Flaaric sharks family. It lives in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans at depths of 200 to 1200 meters. This is a small shark, up to 50 cm long. The body of dark brown with fluorescent organs located on the sides and head. Sharks use these organs to attract production and for communication.

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Living Ocean

Chironex FleCkeri 🪼

The species of sea -shocking from the class of kubumeduz, widespread off the coast of North Australia and Indonesia. Sea Osa is famous for its ability to apply burns; The animal tentacles are completely covered with stinging cells that contain one of the most powerful poisons on the planet.

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Living Ocean

Vulcanokoktopus hydrothermal 🐙

Small bentic octopus, endemic hydrothermal springs. This is the only famous type of genus VulcanoCTOPUS.

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Living Ocean

Egor-Clown 🤡

Type of sea fish from the family of Ugre. It lives in the Indo-Pacific region, from the Red Sea to Australia. It can reach a length of 1 m. It feeds on small fish and crustaceans. Clar-Clown has a bright color that helps him mask among corals. This is a popular aquarium fish.

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Living Ocean

Chrysaora Colorata 🪼

This is a type of jellyfish living in the Pacific Ocean. They reach a diameter of up to 70 cm and have purple stripes on the body. Purple -legged jellyfish are not the most dangerous jellyfish, but their bite can cause pain and temporary vision of vision.

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Living Ocean

The crab carrier is also known as the Dorippe Frascone, or Crab-Yezhik 🦀

It is found in the Red Sea and some parts of the Western and Eastern Indian Ocean. He often has a symbiotic relationship with a long -tailed sea hedgehog and wears it on his shell. But in this video, he drags a cassioopea Andromeda Medusa, and it protects crab with its stinging cells

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Living Ocean

Rinofor ❤️ tot

This is a paired organ of smell, which is available in some sea mollusks, such as Golozhable, sea hares and sea slugs. Rinophores have the shape of long tubes that can be stretched and drawn. They are located on the head of mollusk and are used to detect food and predators.

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Living Ocean

Hoplophrys oatesi?

A very colorful crab with a tall of 1.5 to 2 cm. It lives on various types of soft corals of the genus DendronePhthya. It is disguised as imitating the colors of the polyps, among which it hides. He adds additional camouflage, attaching polyps to his shell.

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Living Ocean

Spider-fish 🕷

Spider-Fish is a kind of deep-sea fish from the Aulopian detachment (Bathypterois). 
A distinctive feature of this kind is the long lower fins similar to stilts.

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Living Ocean

Cardinal Fish Bangai 🐠

This is a small fish that is found in the waters of Indonesia. It has a length of about 6 cm and has a characteristic color in the form of black and white stripes. Bangai cardinal fish is a popular aquarium fish.

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Living Ocean

Discis ❤️ tot

A genus of cichli fish, widespread in the Amazon River basin. They are characterized by a rounded body flattened from the sides, a pattern of nine vertical stripes is present in the color. Adult fish reach 12.3-13.7 cm long. Sexual dimorphism is not expressed.

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Living Ocean

Hypselodoris infucata 🐌

Type of colorful sea slug, or head -to -the -head dorid, naval belly mollusk of the Chromodoridoval family. This species feeds on sponge.

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Living Ocean

Lethotremus Awae ✨

Small fish living off the coast of Japan. It has a length of up to 2 cm and is painted in bright green or red.

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Living Ocean


Also called a striped sea roller, found in the Red Sea and the Tropical Indo-Pacific region from the Indo-Australian archipelago to the islands of the Southern Pacific Ocean. It lives on coral reefs at a depth of 2 to 40 meters, leads a day and night lifestyle and is well masked by its coloring. In some places it is frequent.

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Living Ocean

Shrimp-Detor Cardinal 🦐

The cardinal shrimp by the brightness of the outfit can be compared even with the most elegant inhabitants of the reef. The whole body is bright-cherry red. The distal parts of the legs and antennas are bright white. Karapax decorates several small white spots.

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Living Ocean

Golden shrimp-the Open ⭐️

This is a type of shrimp that live in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. This is a small shrimp, up to 10 cm long. The body is golden-brown with white spots. Golden Mother of God-browkens have very powerful claws that they use to hunt small fish and crustaceans. Their blows with claws are so strong that they can break through the glass.

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Living Ocean

White-green Sufflamen 🐟

Sea fish from the Spinorovy family. It lives in the western part of the Indo-Pacific region from East Africa to Hawaii, the Marquis Islands, north to south of Japan and south to the Great Barrier Reef, New Caledonia, Rapa-Iti and Duisi. He lives alone or in pairs on the outer slopes of the reefs below the surf zone at a depth of 3 to 90 m.

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Living Ocean

Serrivomer SP ✨⁠

This is the fish of the Trachichthyidae family, common in the Atlantic Ocean and in other places around the world. It has a narrow, elongated body and mouth directed up. The color of the fish can fluctuate from dark to light, and some species of this fish glow in the dark due to their photographs.

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Living Ocean

Angel - Hydromyles Globulosus 😇

The only type of marine slugs of the Hydromylidae family. It is usually found in the indo-tykh ocean. This species is Pelagic, carnivorous and viviparous. They are unique among the sea angels in that they bear their cubs. Their cubs develop in the body of the mother and appear in the form of chicks.

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Living Ocean

Copper Rockfish 🐟

This is a type of sea fish living in the Pacific Ocean. This is a small fish, up to 30 cm long. Copper-brown body. It feeds on small crustaceans and mollusks.

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Living Ocean

Opistognathidae ✨

The family of radiant fish from the perch of the perch -like, inhabiting in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. They have small sizes, from 2 to 15 cm in length. Opistonatids are bottom fish living on coral reefs. Feed on small invertebrates, such as shrimp, crabs and worms

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Living Ocean

Hippolyte Catagrapha Crinoid shrimp 🦐

She is able to change color to merge with the sea lily on which she lives.

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Living Ocean

Striped Marlin 😍

This is a large sea fish that lives in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. It can reach a length of up to 4.5 meters and masses up to 600 kilograms.

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