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I don't think there is an opt-out from autoupdate in Rabby
Читать полностью…Now imagine a similar attack to a Rabby dev, that pushes a compromised update to their wallet extension
I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but if the signers laptops were not compromised, they could have decoded the data field with the contracts ABI
Читать полностью…If the eip712 signature in the wallet e.g.metamask shows the domain, chain, etc, but can't "decode/verify" the parameters that conforms the data that then is hashed to be signed, then the signer is blind
Читать полностью…you should proof read your tweets before sending bro
Читать полностью…Especially once you start counting all those perp trades at notional
Читать полностью…If they can infiltrate clouds/on-prems, they can potentially get into banking/SWIFT/treasury systems (where 1.5b may be a small amount in comparison). Its a valid attack vector nevertheless.
Читать полностью…They would have to physically break into a Google datacenter or infiltrate Intel supply chains for that
Читать полностью…A slightly different take on how the hack could have been prevented. Since there are multiple layers to security, this TEE-based approach is specifically targeted at making server-side deployments more robust.
Whatya mean? Reduces yield rates for stables in a bear or
Читать полностью…OpSec suggest to not install updates right after they come out
Wait some time always
Or were the messages used by safe already structured with something else than a big "data" field?
Читать полностью…Or do metamask / rabby supports to send all parameters somehow to create the signature?
Читать полностью…I think that the conversation should go into "how we make that eip-712 signatures are really verifiable in the wallet software"
Читать полностью…was trying to answer here:
Читать полностью…does anyone know how much it security people (in ops) Binance has?
Binance does > $3 trillion annual volume (lots will be washtrading, but let's assume this volume would all be from hard fiat currencies).
stock exchanges with that kind of volume have 50-100 people on payroll to secure their infra. I doubt that most crypto exchanges have even 10.
Think you are referring to home-owned SGX compromises. These days you can get attestations from clouds for TDX boxes.
Читать полностью…U think NK wouldn't infiltrate TEE supply chain for 1.5b?
Читать полностью…My version how the hack could happen and how we could avoid such kind of attacks:
Читать полностью…Lets build more cool primatives with it, its long term bullish
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