ውሸት ምን ያደርጋል ምርጥ ምርጥ ጥቅስና wallpaper picture ከፈለጉ ይቀላቀሉን ውሸት አደለም
Sponge bra and sun chips
Both are the same. when you open'em the pkj is half empty!!
እስኪ ሐበሻ እንዴት ትገልፀዋለህ
ሀበሻ እኮ ሌባ የሚያጠላ
ግን የተሰረቀ ሞባይል አፈላልጎ
የሚገዛ ከባድ ህዝብ ነው
Teacher: “#Betty , What do u want to be in life?”
Betty: “A successful multi billionaire business woman.”
Teacher: “okay #naaf what about you?”
Me: “#Betty’s husband”
I'm still waiting for the day my parents will come and tell me
Son we are millionaires this was just to teach you how to be humble😇
Do u remember the verse of ማናለቦሽ ዲቦ song
በ 12 ብልት ይለካ ሴትነት
ma dirty mind ሚያስበውን እንዳታስቡ 😊
How Ethiopian ladies Stand when they find out U are cheating on them😂
_/ \_
There are some “IDIOTS” in this world, That Always Reply “NO” to every Question we ask them....now tell me, Are you one of Them?
Ezi channel lay zefnoch💃
🙆 yfkr tarikoch
🤗 ylkekubtal 🙋Ena couple pic
by👉Rózíñà yé shébäw
For any comments & cross
Channel leave❌
Friendly channnal
@blackquueenn👈👈 plz join & share
You think heart break is worse
Have you ever tripped and fall on the ground when you are walking with your crush
የሰፈሩ diaspora በሚገርም መኪና
My ሀሜተኛ ፒፕል...
እዛ ሽንት ቤት ጠርጎ እኮ ነው ሚያመጣው😅😅
ነገረኛ ሚስት አግብተህ እሱዋን surepris ለማረግ የ 2000 ብር ሽቶ ገዝተህ ስሰጣት
እሷ:- ምን ያህል ብገማህ ነው😂🤣