Latest Downloads
CherishOS - HERE
NusantaraProject - HERE
Recoveries for the Mi 9T/Redmi K20
Читать полностью…Updated and now its using amr's launcher. Any way to go back to the launcher used in 4.3
Читать полностью…Latest Downloads
CherishOS - HERE
NusantaraProject - HERE
Data decryption in Recovery Mode Is available??
Читать полностью…Till date @Trader_Jonasfx has been a great inspiration to me and my family. For a start I deposited $150 and after a work I got $2,000 return.he's accurate and reliability can't be compromised
Flash Latest A11 Firmware (21.xx.xx)
Читать полностью…User Lucky is banned in subfederation Anti-Spam Therapy Revamped // @antispamtherapy (cf3d90ad-cac7-4047-939f-a4a78c8233ac
), and so has been removed.
Reason: spammer [ub]
How to install mi album apk in cherish os
Читать полностью…In this i cant use that android 13 cool features like saving pictures and copying texts from recent application list🫤🫤
Читать полностью…I got update in cherish os to 4.4
Читать полностью…Latest Magisk Releases:
Stable: APK v22.0
Beta: APK v22.0
Canary: APK v79ee85c0
• Rename the .apk file to .zip to flash in recovery
• Rename the .apk file to to get the uninstaller zip to flash in recovery
Pixel Launcher, as a magisk module.
Note that if recents don't work after flashing, just reboot once more.
Taken from
By mhamzas
List of notes in Louis Builds | Mi 9T - Redmi K20:
- bugreporting
- donate
- downloads
- firmware
- fix_netflix
- gapps
- installation
- magisk
- pixel_launcher
- recovery
- screenshots
- vantom
You can retrieve these notes by using /get notename
, or #notename
I just can't keep this good opportunity to myself alone. I never believed I could earn money online until I met mr @Darin_Steven1 who gave me all the necessary tips on how to start trading by myself. I now make over €9,000 as profit and I never have issues making my withdrawals, I'm thanking him for his generous support, you can reach him through the link below
I feel so excited about making money from home despite being not to depend in my salary, i invested $400 and earn $4,500 cash !!. it is more than my normal monthly check