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Update Log for @MaestroBots' sniper bot @MaestroSniperBot

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🌟 Maestro Feature Update 🌟

This update brings multiple Trade Monitor improvements to enhance your trading experience.

📈 Buy Menu in the Trade Monitor

You guys have been requesting the ability to seamlessly stack multiple buys of the same token, and we're here to deliver. In the Trade Monitor, you can now find a Sell ↔️ Buy button, which allows you to buy the token you're tracking directly from the Monitor. Any buys done through this menu will be integrated into the same trade panel, stacking the initials that you've accumulated, and re-calculating your profit percentages on the spot. This should make it much easier to manage multiple buys of the same token without losing track of your profit targets.

💰 Partial Sell Auto-Adjustments

Keeping with the theme of Trade Monitor improvements, this latest update allows the Monitor to automatically adjust your initials, token worth, and profit percentages whenever you sell partial amounts from a trade. You will NO longer need to press Reset after a partial sell, which means that you won't have to lose track of your P/L percentages. This should further boost your ability to accurately track gains, especially while you ladder out of a token.

💎 Sell Initials

To give you even more control over your investments, the Trade Monitor now has a Sell Initials button. As implied by the name, this new button allows you to effortlessly remove your initial investment from a token, which basically eliminates most of the risk involved with volatile movements. The Sell Initials button will always attempt to secure whatever ETH/BNB value you see next to Initial in your Trade Monitor. The Initial and Worth will be updated accordingly.

🛡 Accidental Buy Protection

We've seen a few cases of users accidentally buying tokens while they scroll through their chats with the bot, and we want to protect you against that. You can now enable Buy Confirmations in your wallet settings to ensure that any buy clicks require additional confirmation. This functionality behaves very similarly to the pre-existing Trade Sell Confirm , and can be found by navigating through /sniper ➡️ Wallets ➡️ Config ➡️ Buy ➡️ Trade Buy Confirm.

⚡️ Scraper Update (Version 0.1.30)

The latest iteration of our popular Telegram scraper boasts more consistency and speed yet again. You can find the updated download links here or here.

⚙️ Miscellaneous Fixes and Improvements

Fixed an issue that caused faulty Trailing Stoploss calculations.

2. Fixed an issue that circumvented Sell Confirmations in certain cases.

3. Fixed an issue with the accumulation of 🎯Alpha and ⌚️Seen fields.

4. Improved handling of presale snipes and auto-claims.

5. Improved the overall speed of bot interactions.

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🌟 Maestro Block-0 DOMINANCE 🌟

In partnership with bloXroute, we are proud to bring you the ultimate sniping solution: Block-0 DOMINANCE. This will become the absolute gold-standard for sniping in terms of speed and consistency. Here's a quick breakdown of everything you need to know:

⚡️ Block-0 DOMINANCE
The system uses blockbuilder tipping/bribing to secure better entries on block-0 snipes. You will essentially bribe the blockbuilder (with high gas prices) to place your buy transactions immediately after the launch function through the use of bundles.

⚡️ Maestro Cooperation
buys from Maestro users will be grouped into one big powerful bundle that can easily overwhelm the competition. As long as you're sniping block-0, you'll be cooperating with the rest of the Maestro userbase without even noticing it.

⚡️ Maestro Competition
The higher your gas price, the better the place you'll receive in the bundle, and the more valuable the bundle will become. So even while competing, you'll still be cooperating. The ordering will always favor ⭐️Premium members over base users.

⚡️ Backup Snipes
The bot will also send an independent Backup snipe for every single user, so even if you don't get included in the winning bundle, you'll still buy right after it. The Backup will use half the gas delta you set in the God Mode menu, and it will never go through if your bundle transaction succeeds.

⚡️ Block-0 Anti-MEV
You cannot get sandwiched/MEV'd with Block-0 DOMINANCE (unless the block gets uncled, which happens with less than 2% chance). All Block-0 DOMINANCE bundles and Backup snipes are sent through bloXroute Anti-MEV.

To participate in Block-0 DOMINANCE, simply use God Mode. The Block0 Tip button in the God Mode menu allows you to opt out if you so desire, but it's not recommended.

With this update, Maestro is now the absolute fastest sniper on the market, and it'll continue improving. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin, and happy sniping.

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🌟 Milestone Update 🌟

As promised a few weeks ago, we are now ready to switch our fee collection to a more user-friendly and gas-optimal approach. We'll restate this optimization below:

💰Maestro Fee Optimization

The current system of extracting the 1% transaction fee (fees can ONLY be taken out in 0.01 ETH/BNB portions) works for low volume traders, but it’s highly inefficient for high volume traders. The following example will illustrate this case:

Old Costly System:
1% Fee on 10 ETH Buy
➡️ 0.1 ETH fee
➡️ 10 separate 0.01 ETH transfers

New Optimized System:
1% Fee on 10 ETH Buy
➡️ 0.1 ETH fee
➡️ A single 0.1 ETH transfer

The extracted fees will never be lower than 0.01 ETH/BNB, and never higher than 10% of your highest wallet balance. We hope this optimization can lower overall usage costs associated with the 1% fee.

📍But wait, there's more!

The fact that the bot could only extract fees in 0.01 portions allowed some users' unpaid fees to balloon up fairly quickly. High volume traders were accumulating fees at a much faster rate than the bot could handle, and their tab definitely reflected that. We don't want anyone to have to deal with the aftermath of that, especially after the fee optimization explained above. This is why we are instating the following surprise change:


This equates to around $1,200,000 in forgiven fees

It doesn't matter how much fees you've accumulated. We want you guys to start fresh and not have to worry about cumbersome accrued fees. Yes, it's more than a million USD, but we're more than happy to let that go. Your comfort and ease of mind is so much more valuable to us, and we hope this solidifies our dedication to you, the users, and the crypto community as a whole.

This concludes the Maestro Fee Optimization and Fee Forgiveness updates.

🛡Copytrade Security Update

've staved off multiple copytrade scam attacks over the last few weeks, and we think it's time to fully robustify our systems and give you more control over what you want or don't want to copy. The bot will now notify you if a detected copytrade transaction originated from an unidentified wallet. For example, if you're tracking wallet w1, and a different wallet w2 initiates a transaction that swaps tokens into w1, the bot will give you a very clear warning about the transaction's origin, and it will block autobuy.

However, we understand that this change can block you from copying wallets that trade through contract/multi bots. This is why we've added an additional button to your copytrade settings called Blind Follow. This setting is disabled by default. When enabled, the bot will ignore transaction origins when evaluating copytrade validity, thus bypassing the checks explained above. Only enable this if you're following a wallet that trades through a contract/multi bot.

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥 Feature and QoL Update 🔥

⭐️ God Mode TURBO

Tired of having to check increasingly complex contracts before sniping? Getting caught in dynamic deadblock launches? Can't figure out a contract's max buy? The ⭐️Premium-exclusive God Mode TURBO is here to save the day.

With TURBO, you don't need to simulate or read any contracts. TURBO offers the following features:

1. Completely Automated Sniping: No need to simulate or look for the right method or approach to snipe. The bot completely automates this process and identifies the right transaction to snipe in mempool, all in block 0. This will go hand-in-hand with block 0 tipping, which will be implemented in the next update.

2. Dynamic Deadblock Detection: Lots of contracts can now change deadblocks within their launch functions, which hinders most snipers out there, but it won't hinder us. TURBO can dynamically adjust to any deadblock specifications, even for the most complicated contracts and launch methods.

3. User-controlled Tax Thresholds: We've also seen a new trend of tokens launching with hardcoded high taxes. TURBO gives you complete control over the max buy and sell tax you're willing to buy into. If a token launches with taxes that you don't approve of, TURBO will wait until the contract respects your thresholds before buying.

4. Dynamic Max Buy Adjustment: Getting stumped over pre-launch max buys? TURBO completely addresses this by making sure that your buy never violates a contract's max buy. If you try to buy 2% of the supply when max buy is 1%, the bot will auto-adjust your buy, all on block 0.

God Mode TURBO will quickly become the absolute gold standard for sniping. Paired with ETH block 0 tipping (to be released very soon), this will give ⭐️Premium users a distinct edge in launch situations. Enjoy!

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥 Feature and QoL Update 🔥

🕵️‍♂️ Maestro Launch Simulation - ⭐️ Premium exclusive

Tired of buying in deadblocks or guessing at a contract's launch method/max wallet?🕵️‍♂️ Maestro Launch Simulation is here to save the day.

⭐️Premium users can now simulate contract launches directly through the bot. Our launch simulations will automatically identify deadblocks, launch taxes, launch methods, and the contract's max buy BEFORE launch, which makes God Mode a lot more streamlined and efficient to use. Simply paste a contract, go to God Mode, and press the 🕵️‍♂️ Simulate button. Five seconds later, you'll get a detailed report of the contract's launch state, including everything you need to successfully and safely snipe the launch.

This feature is exclusive to ⭐️Premium members. We've promised tons of unrevealed benefits to our most dedicated users, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. 🕵️‍♂️ Maestro Launch Simulation is only the first step towards completely automating the God Mode experience for ⭐️Premium users, so buckle up and enjoy the ride.

💳 Maestro Wallet Bot Update - Arbitrum

Our Arbitrum userbase has been steadily growing ever since the chain was integrated into the sniper bot, and it's about time we gave them the same care we've given to BSC and ETH. Our wallet tracker @MaestroWalletBot now supports Arbitrum wallets. You can now utilize the wallet bot to keep track of your Arbitrum token balances and receive lightning-fast price alerts in real time. You can also quickly navigate to the wallet tracker by pressing the 📢 Balance button in the sniper bot.

⚡️Cross-Chain Wallet Imports

Many users have expressed interest in using the same wallet address on multiple chains, but the process to accomplish that involved messing around with private keys/mnemonic phrases. Our new command /import is here to rectify that.

This command allows you to import an already connected wallet across different chains, and it's fairly simple to use. It requires 4 arguments (origin chain, origin wallet name, destination chain, destination wallet name). For example, if you want to import your main BSC wallet to ETH and name it "Wallet1", you would use:

/import BSC main ETH Wallet1

And you'll be good to go!

⚙️ Miscellaneous fixes and additions

You can now pay for ⭐️Premium using ARB-ETH.

2. Fixed an issue that hindered tax estimations for Camelot tokens.

3. Improved copytrade for Camelot tokens.

4. Improved handling of non-native pools for Uniswap V3 tokens.

5. God Mode now displays Unidentified Methods.

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

💰 Exact Sell Orders

Ever since the bot's inception, we've allowed users to setup Auto-Sell thresholds through percentages only. However, we've received multiple requests to implement Exact Sell Orders. In this new update, you can now configure the bot to auto-sell at a specific Market Cap (MC) or token price. You access this functionality directly on the Trade Monitor. Simply click on your Sell-Lo/StopLoss or Sell-Hi/TakeProfit percentages on the Trade Monitor, and the bot will prompt you to set an auto-sell target in terms of MC, price, or percentage.

Regardless of your choice, the bot will always convert your target to percentage terms so you can compare it directly with your P/L. For example, if your current P/L is +100%, and current MC is 10k, and you set your Sell-Hi to 20k on the Trade Monitor, then the Sell-Hi percentage will be adjusted to +300% (we'll let you do the math on that one).

⚡️ Telegram Scraper Update (Version 0.1.25)

This update brings further improvements to the scraper's speed and stability. It also adds support to messages with custom emojis, which were causing issues on the last version. If you're updating to Version 0.1.25, make sure you disable Remember Me on your first new login, restart the scraper, then re-enter your credentials manually after you download the new files. You can enable Remember Me again after the first login.

You can find the updated scraper files here or here.

⚙️ Miscellaneous Fixes and Additions

1. Robustified
@MaestoWalletBot and improved its speed and stability.

2. Added a 🔄
Chain button to the token buy menu. If you paste a contract address that has tokens on multiple chains, and the bot doesn't display the chain you're looking for, you can simply press this button to switch the targeted chain.

Changed Gas Limit to Max Gas Limit in the wallet settings. If a transaction ends up requiring more gas than the set Max Gas Limit, it will be rejected on the spot.

4. Fixed an issue that caused "fake" method calls to trigger God Mode.

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥Feature Update 🔥


We've heard your requests, and we've been hard at work over the last couple weeks to push this out. You can now fully trade Uniswap V3 tokens on both ETH and ARB using Maestro, complete with autobuy, autosell, Anti-Rug, and copytrade support. At the moment, the bot doesn't support V3 liquidity snipes or 0 block token amount method snipes, but 0 block ETH amount method snipes are fully functional. We'll extend support for these usecases in the coming weeks.

Whenever you paste a contract address into @MaestroSniperBot, the bot will check all relevant liquidity pools and immediately target the pool with the highest liquidity, so you can trust the bot to automatically choose the token's main LP for you. Enjoy!

⚡️ Speed and Stability BOOST

We've been tirelessly working to improve the bot's speed and stability in tandem. The bot is now up to 6 times faster in terms of resolving contracts and updating trade monitors, and we've completely addressed some nagging stability issues. Enjoy!

⚙️ Miscellaneous Fixes and Additions

Added more copytrade filters to protect users from airdrops and malicious transactions.

2. Fixed an issue that caused faulty copysell percentages.

3. Fixed an issue that caused max gwei calculation issues on copytrade.

4. Fixed an issue that caused "double calls" from some call channels.

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥Feature Update 🔥


We've been on the lookout for projects that truly innovate and push the crypto landscape forward, and no project is more deserving of such praise than SURGE. Their token introduces a new streamlined framework to safely launch, buy, and sell tokens without the need for external and costly routers on both BSC and ETH. To support this brave and exciting endeavor, our newest update introduces the following:

Maestro users will now be able to trade tokens paired with $SURGE using the bot directly, complete with autobuy, autosell, and call channel sniping support. Maestro will treat both the BSC and ETH branches of $SRG as two new chains, so you will have to create wallets for each and load them with BEP-20 or ERC-20 $SRG (depending on the chain) if you wish to snipe and trade SRG-20 tokens. Maestro does not support God Mode, presale sniping, or copytrading on these 2 pseudo-chains at the moment.

Couple of important notes:
1. SRG-20 trades (both buys and sells) will NOT be taxed Maestro's 1%!
2. Two new chains have been added (BSRG for BSC Surge and ESRG for ETH Surge). You can setup new wallets for these chains.

Official links for Surge:

🌐 Website ⚡️ SurgeSwap
⚡️ Docs 🎮 Discord
⚡️ SRG20DeployerChannel
👉 Announcement Channel
👉 Telegram 👉 Twitter
👉 surgedefi">YouTube

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

⭐️ Maestro Premium and QoL Update ⭐️

💎 Maestro Pro Bot 💎

We're proud to announce the debut of the fastest and most complete product on our roster: @MaestroProBot. This bot offers a more streamlined and exclusive experience, as befitting to our Premium subscribers.

All Premium users can now navigate to the /premium menu and press Transfer to Premium ➡️ for a seamless and effortless transition. To celebrate this milestone and allow Premium users to draw out the Pro Bot's true potential, the @MaestroProBot will now feature:

📈 30 Concurrent Trades instead of 20 Concurrent Trades

96 Hour Trade Monitors instead of 72 Hour Trade Monitors

Thank you for all the support you've given us so far. We still have so much in store for you, so stay tuned ❤️

⚙️ Miscellaneous Updates and Fixes

1. Fixed an issue that caused gwei and gas limit issues on Arbitrum.

2. Fixed an issue that caused transaction error messages to be more vague. The error messages should now be very explicit and clear.

3. Extended support to wallets that use mnemonic phrases with more than 12 words.

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin.

Happy sniping! ❤️

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

⚡️ Telegram Scraper Update ⚡️

📌 Version 0.1.24

To test this version, make sure you disable Remember Me on your first new login, restart the scraper, then re-enter your credentials manually after you download the new files. You can enable Remember Me again after the first login.

🌐 Login Workarounds

This new release updates the scraper to adjust for the changes to Telegram's API servers, so if you were having login issues, this is the version for you. The sniper will now also warn you if it detects that you're using an older scraper version.

💲Arbitrum Scraping Support

This version of the scraper allows users to scan Arbitrum contracts from channels, groups, DMs, and bot messages. Enjoy!

🏎 Scraping Speed BOOST

We've been hard at work at increasing the speed of all Maestro products, and this update brings some smart optimizations that will lead to much faster scrapes on all chains.

⭐️ Premium Sniper Bot Toggle

The scraper now has a new toggle that allows you to forward scraped contracts to our soon-to-be-released Maestro Premium Sniper. This will only be available to ⭐️Premium users, and prepares the Maestro Scraper for the release of the separate premium bot.

The updated links can be found in in the scraper debut announcement. Do NOT download the Maestro Telegram Scraper from any other sources. And remember that you need to disable Remember Me on your first new login, restart the scraper, then re-enter your credentials manually after you download the new files. You can enable Remember Me again after the first login.

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🟢 The new MAESTRO Sniper Bot Tutorial is LIVE 🟢

This tutorial combines the two sessions done by @addo47 last week on @MaestroBotsHub. It covers all the bot's features from copytrading to LP/method sniping and Anti-Rug, and guides users through the wallet setup and configuration process in detail.

👉 Link:

Enjoy! Happy Sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

⚡️ Telegram Scraper Update ⚡️

📌 Version 0.1.21

This version brings a few new features to improve and streamline your experience with the Maestro Telegram Scraper. You will now be able to:

💾 Save Selected Chats Across Scraper Sessions

Enabling the "Remember Me" button now also remembers chosen groups, channels, and DMs on exit. You no longer have to setup your scraping targets on every reboot. Just fire it up and scrape away!

🌍 Region Choice

Telegram servers have been somewhat inconsistent as of late. To counter that, you can now select which region's servers you wish to connect to. This should hopefully resolve all login/consistency issues going forward.

⚙️ ARM Linux Support

We have now extended support to ARM Linux users. This rounds up our support for popular operating systems and paves the way towards the mobile scraper in the future.

The update is not automatic, and you need to download the new version. The updated links can be found in in the scraper debut announcement. Do NOT download the Maestro Telegram Scraper from any other sources.

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

⭐️ Maestro Premium OVERHAUL ⭐️

We've listened to the feedback and re-evaluated our initial offerings for both the base and premium tiers. This new change aims to restore the base tier to its former strength while boosting the premium tier even further, thus justifying its price tag. The changes are as follows:

💳 Multi-Wallets
💪 Base:
2 Wallets ➡️ 3 Wallets (1 Main + 2 Multi)

⭐️ Premium: 5 Wallets ➡️ 10 Wallets (1 Main + 9 Multi)

📈 Trade Monitors
💪 Base:
5 Concurrent Trades ➡️ 8 Concurrent Trades

⭐️ Premium: 15 Concurrent Trades ➡️ 20 Concurrent Trades

👁 Copytrade Wallets
💪 Base:
2 Wallets ➡️ 3 Wallets

⭐️ Premium: 5 Wallets ➡️ 10 Wallets

These changes should allow the base tier to remain the best offering on the market by far, while strengthening premium benefits for the more hardcore traders. We hope these adjustments can cater to the needs of both tiers, and we'll continue to be open for feedback.

📍A message to current Premium subscribers:

Thank you for being early adopters. If you're not fans of these changes and believe that the new base tier is enough for you, you can DM @maestromarketer for a full refund of your purchase. We will extend this offer for 48 hours from the release of this message. After that period passes, no refunds will be processed.

The Maestro Yacht Club is currently being cleaned up and prepared for the arrival of new premium members. We'll reach out to you as soon as everything is ready. Thank you for patience.

And finally...
Thank you all for the feedback and support. Our team is always listening, so never shy away from messaging @MaestroBotsAdmin in case of trouble. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥Scraper and QoL Update 🔥

⚡️Scraper Update (Version 0.1.20)

1. You can now scrape DMs, be it with bots or with real accounts.

You will also find a new column in the group/channel options that says Bots. If you leave this unchecked, the scraper will simply ignore all messages sent by bots. Enabling this allows the scraper to track and scrape bot messages. This should be useful for channels that post contracts through analysis bots for example.

The latest update also brings stability and consistency improvements that should improve the overall experience. The download links in the Scraper release message have been updated with the latest version, so make sure to use them (and remove the older versions).

⚙️ Sniper Updates

Improved handling of certain messy contracts to prevent Anti-Rug false flags.
2. Improved detection of ETH multi-call trades in copytrade.
3. Fixed a bug that caused the bot to report inaccurate buy amounts in copytrade.
4. Improved handling and consistency of non-0 block delay snipes.
5. Addressed a few fringe cases that affected 0 block delay snipes, specifically on ETH.
6. Added warning messages when Snipe Auto is used for non-Tricky contracts.
7. Added warning messages when the user attempts to activate God Mode on a token while a God Mode snipe is already scheduled for a different token.

Thank you for all the support and feedback. If you have any issues, please report them to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy Sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥Feature and QoL Update🔥

⚙️ Buy/Sell/Approve Gas Prices and Deltas

After consistent community demand, we have now introduced the ability to set different gas prices/deltas for buying, selling, and approving. You can now have full control over your gas fees. You can find these new settings in the re-designed wallet menu. Go to /sniper -> Wallets -> BSC/ETH -> Config and explore.

💰Pre-Defined Auto-Sell Amounts

Another popular demand was having the ability to pre-define the amount to be sold when an auto-sell threshold is met (before the transaction even happens). We have now added global Sell Amount buttons in the re-designed wallet Config. You can find these new buttons after pressing ⚙️Sell in the Config menu.

Auto-Approve Toggle

Part of the Config re-design introduces the ability to turn off Auto-Approve after a successful buy. This allows users who desire even more control to stop the bot from immediately approving after a buy. You can find this button after pressing ⚙️Approve in the Config menu.

Cancel Transactions

We have now added the ability to cancel transactions straight from the bot. On any pending buy/sell, you will now find a new ❌Cancel button underneath. Keep in mind that on BSC, the odds of you being able to cancel a transaction is fairly low, so be careful. The ❌Cancel button is most effective in cases where you have a stuck transaction on ETH.

👁 Anti-Rug Update

We've seen a few false-positives pop up due to some "interesting" coding practices. Smart Rug Auto Sell can now handle such contracts. We've also done a few changes under the hood to improve general Anti-Rug performance and efficiency.

📌 Liquidity Health Check

We've noticed a few users mistakenly buying tokens with almost non-existent liquidity pools. This is most prevalent on ETH, where a malicious actor can create a "trap" V2 liquidity pool for a V3-paired token. To help our users avoid such scams, we've added a pre-buy check that tests whether the targeted LP pool has a healthy percentage of the token's max supply. If that condition is not satisfied, the bot will warn you and block your Auto-Buy.

👁‍🗨 Bot Deep-Links

We have added the ability to call a specific token in the bot through a link; for example, BUSD: /channel/MaestroSniperBot?start=0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56. This allows crypto bot developers to add buttons to their scanners that immediately re-direct to the bot and publish token info. These links will act like Pasted Contracts, so please be careful about what links you choose to open.

Thank you for all the support and feedback, and please keep it coming. We will continue to push this sniper into the best crypto tool in the space, bar none. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🌟 Maestro Feature Update 🌟

🛍 Maestro Presale Overhaul 🛍

It's about time we've given our presale sniping system the polish it deserves. Our newest updates gives you access to the following:

⚡️Speed BOOST

The bot will now make sure that your contribution catches the first available block, regardless of how tricky the timing is. Increase your gas price and secure effortless entries into hyped presales!

🏎 Auto Claim

You can now setup automatic claims on presales that you've contributed to. If enabled, the bot will claim your tokens in the same exact block the presale finalizes, giving you complete control over your holdings and edge over the competition. Claimed tokens will be immediately funneled into your Trade Monitor.

💵 Presale Auto Sells

Since presale claims are now funneled into your Trade Monitor, you can setup Auto Sell thresholds for your claimed tokens. To do so, follow /sniper ➡️ Presales ➡️ Chain ➡️ ⚙️Config and change the settings to your liking. If you want Auto Sell to be enabled by default on your claimed tokens, make sure Auto Sell is enabled in the Presale ⚙️Config, as well as your main wallet settings.

💳 Multi-Wallet Contributions

Snipe and contribute to presales with multiple wallets simultaneously! This update extends our Multi-Wallet system to presales, allowing you to contribute, claim, and setup autosells using multiple wallets.

💷 Support for non-BNB/ETH Pools

You can now setup presale snipes on BUSD, USDC, and USDT pools, all through Maestro! The bot offers immediate conversions from BNB/ETH to the required presale currency directly in the presale menu. The bot will also perform checks to make sure that your wallets are ready to snipe, and notify you if it finds any issues.

💰Manual Contributions, Withdraws, and Claims

If you need to manually contribute to already live presales/fairlaunches, emergency withdraw a contribution, or manually claim tokens, you can simply do so by pasting the presale address in the bot and clicking the relevant button, all within Maestro.

If you want to take our new presale system for a spin, grab any Pinksale presale address or link, and paste it in the bot, the same way you would for a contract address. The rest will be self-explanatory!

ℹ️ Please note that the bot only handles Pinksale presales and fair launches. If you've set up any presales before this update, please make sure to set them up again, as the system has been completely re-worked.

⚡️ Maestro Block-0 DOMINANCE Update ⚡️

After observing user Block-0 snipes, the results are absolutely impeccable. To give you more control over your Block-0 snipes, we've added a Backup TX button to the God Mode menu. If disabled, the bot will no longer send a backup transaction to secure your entry on Block-0. We recommend you keep both Block0 Tip and Backup TX enabled for the best possible experience, and that you use at least 75+ delta if you want good entries, but if you wish to disable one or both of these features, you still can.

🛡 BSC Semi-Private Transactions 🛡

In cooperation with bloXroute, we're proud to present Semi-Private transactions on BSC. Semi-Private transactions are hidden for about a second, which should allow you to evade most MEV attacks on the chain. Similarly to Anti-MEV on ETH, do not use irresponsibly high slippage with this feature, as the MEV protection is not fully guaranteed. We also recommend you leave it disabled for God Mode snipes.

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🌟 Maestro x bloXroute 🌟

It's time to unveil a partnership that's been months in the making. We are proud to announce a long-term partnership with the amazing bloXroute team. If you're unfamiliar with their work, they're objectively the best of the best when it comes to speed, consistency, and quality, and they'll be helping us provide Maestro users with the absolute best sniping and trading experience available on the market. Our partnership entails the following:

⚡️ bloXroute Mempool Service

Every single Maestro service will now be utilizing bloXroute's lightning-fast exclusive relays. bloXroute relays receive mempool signals up to 400ms faster than any available service, which will give Maestro users a distinct edge in Block-0 snipes, Anti-Rug frontruns, and copytrade.

⚡️ bloXroute Propagation

These exclusive bloXroute relays also propagate transactions to blockbuilders up to a full second quicker than other solutions on the market, which ensures that your transactions have the highest chance of being included as early as possible.

⚡️ bloXroute Anti-MEV

All Anti-MEV transactions will now be sent through bloXroute's optimized private relays, which offer even faster propagation of private transactions than competing solutions. This also allows you to use Anti-MEV on block-0 transactions.

As senior partners of bloXroute, we have access to the highest tier of exclusive relays, which will offer unprecedented performance to users on both the base and pro bots. This update makes Maestro faster than any public, private, or hybrid node setup. We've invested a lot of time, effort, and money into this, and we hope you enjoy it.

We're not done yet! We're excited to announce that this massive update will finally bring a long-awaited feature:

🌟 Maestro Block-0 Tipping/Bribing 🌟

It's time to usher a new era of block-0 dominance. More details can be found in the next update part.

Update Parts:

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

But wait, there's more!

💵 Free Stable Swaps

We know a lot of you like to keep stables instead of BNB/ETH in your wallets, and we would like to facilitate that as much as possible. This is why we're instating a surprise change to our fee structure:

Swapping to and from USDT, USDC, BUSD, DAI, WETH, and WBNB will NOT be charged the Maestro 1% fee. You will no longer accumulate fees when you perform stable swaps.

We hope this change makes it easier for you to manage your portfolios.

💰Maestro Fee Optimization

The current system of extracting the 1% transaction fee (fees can ONLY be taken out in 0.01 ETH/BNB portions) works for low volume traders, but it’s highly inefficient for high volume traders. The following example will illustrate this dichotomy:

Current system:
User buys tokens for 10 ETH in one transaction. He has now accumulated 0.1 ETH in fees. The bot will then take out the fees in TEN separate 0.01 ETH transfers, which is costly given current gas fees.

This is why we're switching to the following model:

New Optimized System:
User buys tokens for 10 ETH in one transaction. He has now accumulated 0.1 ETH in fees, same as before. The bot will then take out the fees in a single 0.1 ETH transfer, as long as his wallet balance is healthy enough to support the transfer. The bot will make sure your wallet balances stay healthy while extracting fees. If your balance isn't healthy, the bot will stick to 0.01 transfers.

To help you keep track of accumulated fees, you can navigate to your wallet settings: /sniper ➡️ Wallets ➡️ Chain to see your unpaid fees.

We hope this optimization can lower overall usage costs. This change will take effect within the next 2 weeks.

concludes the updates to the Maestro fee structure.

⚡️Scraper Update (Version 0.1.28)

The latest iteration of our popular Telegram scraper brings more consistent channel fetching and faster performance all around. If you noticed a few missing channels/groups on older iterations, you should definitely update to this one. You can find the updated download links here or here.

💸 Sell Thresholds

The ability to completely disable Sell-Lo/StopLoss while still having an active Sell-Hi has been a long-requested feature in the bot, and it's about time we delivered. You can now set the Sell-Lo/StopLoss to -101%. It is mathematically impossible for a Profit/Loss percentage to reach -101%, so this value effectively disables the bot's stoploss functionalities. Enjoy!

⚙️ Miscellaneous Changes and Fixes

Added further protection from malicious copytrade transactions.

2. Fixed an issue that caused copytrades to be rejected due to faulty chain gwei warnings.

3. Refined internal health checks on copytrade transactions.

4. Robustified launch simulations for ⭐️Premium users.

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

Update Parts:
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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥 Feature and QoL Update 🔥

⚡️ Telegram Scraper Update (Version 0.1.26)

This release fixes the channel fetching issues introduced by Telegram's latest changes. You can find the download links below:

Linux (ARM)

You can also find the updated scraper files here or here.

📍 Trade Monitor Updates

We've been keeping a close eye on user feedback regarding Trade Monitor operations over the last 3 months. Three recurring themes are Trade Monitor visual update speed, Trade Monitor capacity, and the potency of the Refresh button. To streamline user experience, the following changes are in effect:

1. Trade Monitor updates are now FIVE TIMES FASTER.

Speed is of the essence, and nowhere is that more true than crypto. Trade Monitor updates are now up to 5 times faster, and autosells/buy-dips should feel much snappier, allowing you to maximize your profits.

2. You are NO LONGER blocked from purchasing tokens if your Trade Monitor is full.

Before this update, Trade Monitor capacity (8 trades for base and 30 for ⭐️Premium) dictated transaction limits as well. If your Trade Monitor was full, the bot would reject any additional buy transactions. This is no longer the case. Even if your Trade Monitor has reached its max capacity, the bot will now allow you to purchase tokens, but it will not add these tokens to your Trade Monitor. This should give both base and ⭐️Premium users more freedom in pursuing investments.

3. ⭐️Premium exclusive: The Refresh button will now extend the duration of ALL trades on your Trade Monitor.

With a 30-trade capacity, ⭐️Premium users have found it a bit tedious to manually go through each of their trades to extend Trade Monitor duration. To address this, one click of the Refresh button will now extend the durations of ALL active trades. And if you're someone who simply likes to sell after a specific time period, do not be alarmed. The Refresh button will now extend durations WITHOUT altering the Time Elapsed on the trade. This should greatly improve Trade Monitor interactions without hindering people with unique trading strategies.

Thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🛡 MAESTRO x MEVBlocker 🛡

Whenever a user attempts a sizable trade, there's always an MEV bot lurking around the corner, waiting to snatch gains right out of the user's pockets. A collection of big actors in the scene are now collaborating to combat this mounting threat, and the fruit of their labor is MEVBlocker, a brand new RPC that sends transactions straight to block builders with very little threat of being sandwiched, all with minimal speed penalty (0~2 blocks of delay).

To aid in this community endeavor, Maestro's Anti-MEV will now use MEVBlocker. Anti-MEV transactions should now feel noticeably faster. It's still NOT suitable for launches, frontrunning, or any situation that requires speed, but it's a remarkable improvement over older iterations of Anti-MEV. If you end up using Anti-MEV, don't use Smart/strict slippage, and let the private transaction do its magic.

⚙️ Miscellaneous Fixes and Improvements

1. Anti-MEV, if enabled, will now also be active for sells (except Anti-Rug sells) to protect from frontrunning/sandwiching. It will use the MEVBlocker RPC highlighted earlier.

2. Anti-MEV and Smart Slippage can no longer be mixed together, since it's a recipe for failure.

3. Added some visual cues to help users understand whether their God Mode snipe will utilize Multi-Wallets or not.

4. Fixed a small visual issue with presale amounts.

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥 Feature and QoL Update 🔥

This is a fairly long update post, so it'll be split into two parts.

👁‍🗨 God Mode Overhaul

It's about time we gave God Mode the shine it deserves. With this new update, God Mode is now more customizable than ever. You can enjoy the following:

1. ⭐️Premium Members: You can setup concurrent God Mode snipes on up to 5 different tokens. This should make your sniping experience a lot more streamlined and hands-off.

2. For token amount snipes, you can simply specify a percentage of the token's supply instead of inputting a token amount. This should make grabbing a max bag on launch much easier.

3. For token amount snipes, you can specify the maximum amount of BNB/ETH you're willing to spend on those tokens.
For example, you can specify a target of 100 tokens, and then set your maximum investment to 0.1 ETH. When the snipe executes, the bot will send 0.1 ETH to the router and try to secure 100 tokens, and any leftover ETH will be sent back to the wallet. You can adjust this behavior using the Slippage button in the God Mode menu. This is an alternative way of defining slippage, and it's much more convenient for people who want absolute control over their investments.

4. You can configure slippage for God Mode specifically. There's no need to mess around with your global wallet settings anymore.

5. You can set different slippage values for Liquidity/Method snipes.

6. You can enable Multi-wallet snipes directly through the God Mode menu. If you already have a Multi-Wallet God Mode snipe enabled in the bot, please navigate to the token's God Mode menu and enable Multi there.

You can now set up Auto-Sell and Trailing Stoploss for God Mode snipes through the newly added ⚙️God Mode button in the /sniper menu. You can also use that menu to bring up any active God Mode snipes and re-configure them.

🏎 Call Channel and Copytrade Update

Continuing with the theme of user authority, you will now find 3 additional buttons in every call channel/copytrade menu:

1. Gas Price/Delta: you can now configure your gas price/delta for each channel/copytrade separately if you so desire. Since gas price essentially decides the speed of your transaction in comparison to others, you can tailor the bot to use high gwei on more hyped channels.

2. Slippage: you can also set different slippage values for each channel/copytrade. If you're following wallets that always snipe launches and buy in congested situations, you can use slightly higher slippage values to ensure your entry.

3. Smart Slippage: you can also enable/disable Smart Slippage for each channel and copytrade wallet. The button has 3 modes: 🌐 which follows your wallet settings, and ✅-❌ which override those settings.

Keep in mind that these buttons only affect channel/copytrade auto buys. If you leave these settings untouched, the bot will simply use your wallet gas price/delta, slippage, and Smart Slippage settings when it auto buys. Remember that Smart Slippage will always override your custom slippage.

Update Parts:

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

📖 Manual Update 📖

PDFs are a bit out of fashion, and GitBooks are all the rage right now, so we've decided to upgrade our written manual to GitBook format, complete with a shiny new coat of paint and plenty of additions to enhance legibility. You can use Gitbook's pages and subpages to seamlessly transition between sections, and utilize the search functions to immediately find what you need.

Save the link: 👈

We will continue to improve and update the GitBook as we release new features. Enjoy, and Happy Sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥QoL Update🔥

🧠 Smart Slippage Overhaul

We've been hard at work to perfect the Smart Slippage formula. This new iteration strikes a solid balance between flexibility and strictness, giving users enough leeway to enter trades while shielding them from frontrunning. We've also improved our price impact estimations, which should bolster the accuracy of Smart Slippage even further. Reminder: Smart Slippage should always be paired with high gwei for optimal results.

⚡️Copytrade Updates

CopyTrade Accuracy:
We've seen a few users struggling to copytrade wallets that attempt swaps for exact token amounts (swapETHForExactTokens), specifically when the tracked wallet is sniping a launch (and the bot could not estimate max buy). This caused max transaction violations in most cases. The bot will now decipher these specialized transactions and attempt to match the exact token amount being sniped by the tracked wallet. This should stop copytrade transactions from being reverted due to max transaction violations, especially in scenarios where the tracked wallet is sniping a launch.

Frontrun Gwei Rework: We've also noticed that most of our copytrade users like to utilize Smart Slippage. However, pairing this with the automated frontrun gwei (tracked wallet gwei + 5) was sometimes not enough to work with Smart Slippage. We've enacted the following reword to address the issue: whenever the bot detects a mempool transaction from the tracked wallet and Frontrun is enabled, the bot will now compare your wallet's buy gas price/delta against (tracked wallet gwei + 5), and use whichever is higher. This should allow you to utilize the bot's frontrunning functionalities while maintaining full control over the kind of gas price/delta you would like to use.

Malicious Transactions: We've also been keeping a close eye the kind of copytrades the bot is processing, and we've noticed a growing trend of scammers attempting to interact with popular copytrade wallets to trap copytraders. Our advanced systems can now filter out these malicious transactions.

😈 Degen Mode

The sniper normally blocks token autobuys if it detects honeypots, blacklist risks, or unhealthy liquidity. However, some users have requested the removal of these "training wheels" to allow them to go full degen. This is what Degen Mode aims to accomplish. When enabled, the bot will still notify you if the aforementioned risks are detected, but it will NO LONGER block autobuy in those events. Only enable this if you absolutely know what you're doing and are willing to handle the risks involved.

⚙️ Miscellaneous Additions and Fixes

1. Extended support to Camelot on Arbitrum.

2. Fixed an issue that caused price impact calculations to be faulty in a few fringe cases.

3. Fixed an issue that caused 100% token transfers to fail occasionally.

4. Fixed an issue where the Track button was not re-spawning a pre-existing Trade Monitor.

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥Feature and QoL Update🔥

🕵️ ETH Private Transactions (Anti-MEV)

This release introduces Frontrun Protection on ETH buys. Simply navigate to /sniper ➡️ Wallets ➡️ ETH ➡️ Config and enable Anti-MEV to activate this protection. If enabled, the bot will route your buy transactions through a private relay, and your buys will not be broadcast on mempool. This technique will guard against MEV/sandwich bots and avoid pesky copytraders. You can essentially buy whatever token you want with 100% slippage and not care about getting MEV'd. However, such private transactions tend to be slower than un-protected router interactions, so only use Anti-MEV for casual trading sessions where peace of mind, and NOT speed, is the priority.

⛽️ Gas Limit Optimizations

More often than not, the bot was sending Anti-Rug/God Mode/Copytrade transactions with higher gas limits to guarantee success. However, this causes issues for users with low wallet balances. We've optimized all of our gas estimations to be more accurate. You'll find that the bot now sends most transactions, including demanding Anti-Rug sells and God Mode snipes with more manageable gas limits, so you'll encounter the insufficient funds error less frequently.

📍 Wallet QR Codes

You can now type /wallets within the bot to view the addresses and native balances of your connected wallets on all supported chains. The buttons at the bottom of this menu can be used to generate QR codes for wallets of your selection, which should make it much easier to receive crypto without needing to fumble with lengthy wallet addresses.

⚙️ Miscellaneous Features and Fixes

Added support for OreoSwap and Camelot on Arbitrum.

Fixed an issue that prevented sniping some Pinksale presales.

3. Fixed an issue that caused Copy Sell to initiate sells even if the user had negligible token balances.

Fixed an issue that prevented Transaction Cancellations from going through. Transaction Cancellations should now be more consistent and reliable than ever (as long as you press the ❌ Cancel button before the transaction gets mined).

4. Fixed an issue that caused the Underpriced Transaction error to show up randomly.

5. Generating Multi-Wallets will now provide the seed phrases (12-word mnemonic phrase) of those wallets, instead of just the private keys.

And as usual, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥 QoL and Feature Update 🔥

⚡️ Speed BOOST

We've been hard at work for the last month to enhance the speed and fluidity of all bot operations. God Mode snipes, copytrade frontruns, and Anti-rug autosells all are operating at much higher speeds now. Pasting and resolving contracts should also be noticeably more snappy, and Trade Monitors should be smoother than ever. And there's more to come in the future 🚀

📍Arbitrum Support (Experimental)

Maestro welcomes a new chain: Arbitrum. You can now setup Arbitrum wallets in the wallet settings, perform manual trades by pasting Arbitrum smart contracts, and setup God Mode snipes on any Arbitrum token. Keep in mind that while the chain uses ETH, you still need to bridge that ETH if you wish to participate. The chain also doesn't care about gas price/delta, so there's no need to configure those settings. And since the chain does not offer mempool support, Anti-rug is NOT operational on Arbitrum. The bot only supports SushiSwap on Arbitrum at the moment. We will extend support to Uniswap V3 in the future.

📌 Trade Monitor Navigation

Gone are the days of spamming the arrow buttons to navigate through your trades! With users tracking up to 8 (20 for ⭐️Premium users) at the same time, the arrows simply weren't cutting it. We've completely revamped Trade Monitor operations by introducing targeted navigation. Your Other Trades will now be numbered using /1, /2, etc., and you can simply click these numbers to jump to whatever trade you wish to track. The Trade Monitor will immediately react to your clicks and move the selected trade to the Primary Trade slot. Enjoy!

🐶 ShibaSwap Support

You can now trade tokens launched on ShibaSwap through Maestro! This support extends to ETH, USDT, USDC, and DAI-paired tokens, but not to SHIB-paired tokens at the moment.

🔥Tracking Token Burns

The bot will now display the percentage of burnt supply whenever you paste a contract address into the bot. This allows our internal systems to get the token's exact circulating supply, which leads to more accurate assessments of a liquidity pool's health, as well as better estimates of the token's Market Cap.

👁‍🗨 Copytrade Update

We've noticed that simple token transfers were not being processed properly by our copytrade framework. Token transfers (both to and from the tracked wallet) will now trigger notifications in the bot, but they will NOT trigger any auto buys/sells. This allows you to keep tabs on all of the tracked wallet's movements while protecting you from unnecessary buys and sells.

💰Token Information

We've also updated the format with which information is presented whenever you paste a contract into the bot. Isolating the token's 🧢 Market Cap and ⚖️ Taxes should lead to a smoother user experience, especially in situations were speed is paramount.

And as always, thank you for all the support and feedback. We will continue to push Maestro until it becomes the definitive sniping and trading solution on the market. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy Sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥 Feature and QoL Update 🔥

⛽️Gas Fee Estimation

The bot will now display the contract's estimated buy and sell gas fees in USD whenever you paste a token address. You no longer need to guess at how much a transaction would cost you. The fees will look something like this 💵 TX Fees | 🅑 $0.48 🅢 $1.12. These estimates will adjust to your choices of the buy and sell gas price/delta and gas limit. We suggest you leave the latter on auto for more accurate estimates.

⚖️ Realtime Token Tax Tracking

As per popular demand, the Trade Monitor will now show a live counter of both the buy and sell taxes for a token. You can now accurately track the tax evolution of the token and how it reacts to contract clogs and buy/sell pressure.

💲Market Cap Tracker on Buys/Sells

Another popular request was showing the exact marketcap (MC) at which a buy/sell transaction is submitted. "Buy Pending" messages will now accurately display this MC. This MC is NOT the value at which your buy made it in, but the value at which the bot sent a transaction. Use this feature to judge whether your gas price/delta is truly fast enough against other competing buyers in the same block.

⚡️Copytrade Updates

We've noticed that some wallets that receive tokens (which are the wallets you should be copytrading) are also contracts, so we have now lifted the restriction on contract copytrading. Just make sure that the wallets/contracts you choose to follow are actually receiving the tokens. You can confirm this by checking the wallet/contract's BEP-20/ERC-20 transactions on bscscan/etherscan.

2. Fixed an issue where trades through contracts and multicalls were not being detected. The issue should now be resolved.

👁 God Mode Update

Fixed an issue that caused LP, method, and Auto snipes to simply not activate. The issue should now be resolved.

⭐️ New Premium Feature: ⌚️Last Seen

Premium users can now see the last time a contract address was pasted in the bot under the 🎯Alpha counter. Paired with the 🎯Alpha counter, this should allow users to better judge the hype behind a project.

📝 Scraper Update (Version 0.1.22)

This new scraper version brings performance improvement specifically for hyperlinked addresses and long complicated posts. If you were struggling with inconsistent performance on older versions, make sure to download the new one from the updated links in the scraper debut post. Do NOT download the scraper from any other sources.

And as usual, thank you for all the feedback and support. If you encounter any issues, send them to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

⭐️ Maestro Premium Update ⭐️

💎 Maestro Yacht Club 💎

Access to the Maestro Yacht Club is now LIVE 🟢 for premium users. Check the /premium menu, and you'll find your personalized invitation to the private group. Welcome onboard! We hope you enjoy the smooth cruise towards gains with other experienced Maestro users in the club.

💎 Future Developments 💎

In the following month, premium users will be migrated to their own telegram bot for a smoother and more streamlined experience. This is the first of many un-revealed benefits in store for you. Stay tuned!

Thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report any issues to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

This update was adjusted in the following post.

⭐️ Maestro Premium Update ⭐️

After constant community demand, we are now unveiling the first (of many? 👀) Premium tiers for our users. Users who opt into this tier will benefit from:

⭐️ Alpha 🎯 Counter
This counter shows how many users have pasted the same contract into the bot. This should help you evaluate general interest in the project from other Maestro users.

⭐️ 15 Trade Monitors
The trade monitor capacity will increase from 5 to 15 trades, complete with Anti-rug and auto-sell support.

⭐️ 72 Hour Trades
Instead of having to refresh every 24 hours, the trade monitor can now run unattended for a full 72 hours, which makes for a more convenient and enjoyable experience.

⭐️ 5 Wallets (1 Main + 4 Multi)
While non-premium users can only utilize 2 wallets, premium users can manage and multi-buy with up to 5 wallets.

⭐️ 5 Copytrade Wallets
Copytrade slots will increase from 2 to 5, allowing you to copy profitable transactions from even more sources without breaking a sweat.

⭐️ Maestro Yacht Club Membership
Becoming a premium member gives you access to our private group, full of influential figures and experienced Maestro users. You will also receive the best support possible from our team members.

⭐️ Future Unrevealed Benefits
From a global node network to fully automated trading and sniping, premium users have a lot to look forward to.


All these features can be accessed for $200 per 30 days. You can make your payment directly in the bot using the ⭐️ Premium ⭐️ button in the /sniper menu, or through typing /premium in the bot.

❔What happens to non-premium users

Nothing really. If you do not wish to subscribe to the premium service, you can still use the bot as usually do. Both tiers of users will incur the 1% fee on transactions. Both tiers will continue to benefit from sniper and scraper updates. And ultimately, both tiers of users will still receive our attentive support if they have issues. User feedback, regardless of the source, is of the utmost importance for our team.

And finally, thank you for all the support and feedback. Please report to @MaestroBotsAdmin if you encounter any problems. Happy Sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥Feature Update 🔥

📉Buy Dip Overhaul

Buy Dip (or Limit Buy) has been a longstanding feature of Maestro, but it wasn't performing to our high standards. This new update allows users to choose a specific price, percentage dip, or MC (marketcap) to buy at. Regardless of your choice, the bot will always convert your entry into MC denominations to facilitate tracking on the Trade Monitor. To explore this feature, paste a contract address, press Track, then mess around with Buy Dip row of buttons.

💳 Multi-Wallet Update

After constant demand for more control over multi-wallet operations, we have now introduced the ability to disable specific wallets. If you disable a wallet, that wallet will no longer participate in any multi-wallet buys. This allows you to tailor the bot's behavior to suit your exact preferences. To disable a wallet, go to /sniper -> Wallets -> BSC/ETH -> Multi-Wallets, pick the wallet you wish to disable, then press the ✅Enabled button.

🎯 Alpha Counter

We have now added 🎯Alpha to the token description whenever you paste a contract into the bot. This shows the number of times the contract was pasted/interacted with in the bot, and should give you a good idea about the kind of attention the token has received so far from fellow Maestro users.

⚙️ Miscellaneous Fixes

. Fixed an issue with the calculation of the max gwei for ETH copytrade buys.
2. Fixed an issue where some users couldn't adjust their gas delta.

Thank you for all the support and feedback. If you have any issues, please report them to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy Sniping :)

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Maestro Sniper Bot Updates

🔥 Feature Update 🔥

⚡️ Auto God Mode

You can now find a new button in the God Mode menu named Snipe Auto. When activated, the bot will automatically snipe for you when the token becomes tradable. This can happen within the first or second tradable block, depending on the contract. This mode will work on any CA with tricky and/or unknown antibots. Note that this mode is conservative. It will always use safe values for gas price, gas limit, and slippage, and won't buy until certain conditions regarding the contract's taxes are fulfilled. However, this mode does not replace liquidity and method ID sniping. The latter two will always be the faster but riskier god mode options, so if you know your way around a contract, make sure to use them. This is still an experimental mode and we'll be gathering feedback and improving it over time.

👁 Hidden Mint Detection

We all saw what happened at LMWC where a hidden mint allowed the devs to rug almost $84,000. We won't let this stand. Maestro will now detect when an abnormal amount of tokens is awarded to addresses. Anti-rug will now frontrun mints (both visible and hidden) to make sure that your investments are safe and sound.

📌 Copytrade Frontrun Toggle

Another highly requested feature sees its debut in this release. You can now select whether you'd like to frontrun the copytrade wallet or not. When turned off, the bot will match the gas settings of the wallet performing the original trade. You can now safely give your addresses out to people you trust, knowing that you won't get frontrun if they choose to copy you.

📍 Quick Menu Updates

Convenience is the name of the game and with this release we're adding more buttons to the handy /quick menu. You can now enable/disable Multi-wallet and also adjust the buy amount for pasted contracts.

💲 Trade $ Values

Buy and sell confirmation messages will now show the $ value, not just the BNB/ETH spent/gained.

📈 Trade Monitor Updates

On the Trade Monitor, you will now see a 🔃 next to the Token name (the one between the navigation arrows). This will force update the Monitor to the latest values seen by the bot, including market cap, token price, time elapsed, and all other secondary token statuses. We advise you to use this button when the bot is under high load and/or when you're too impatient to wait for the next monitor update.

⏰ Faster God Mode

We work around the clock to keep our mempool processing at world-class speed levels. We've achieved a 10x speed improvement on non-zero block delay sniping so that your transactions are sent as soon as possible.

Thank you for all the support, and be sure to send feedback to @MaestroBotsAdmin. Happy Sniping :)

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