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Group for Malware Analysts. Pinned message with resources and rules:

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Malware Research

Hello i need a cyber security expert for paid mission

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Malware Research

Has anyone come across The Paradox malware before?

Just wandered around on youtube, another cheat - ok, drop in 3(?) stages

obfuscated .bat {Exploit UAC + WD}
7aa4dc47991ed55ce962b00d48f04ac8 (On anyrun)
C# dropper
f4d0884562f73348674470145b34b735 (On anyrun)
It downloads a C# payload of a stub stub similar to rootkit
There is only one working C2 left -

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Malware Research

Tpeбyютcя нecкoлькo чeлoвeк для coвмecтного зapaбoткa на кpиптoвaлютe!
Минимaльнaя зaнятocть.
Oбyчeниe пpeдocтавляем.
Ждy всex жeлающиx!

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Malware Research

Hello Nikhil, welcome to the Malware Research group! Please read the pinned message before you post!

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Malware Research

Hey can someone share some samples of GuLoader compiled in one zip

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Malware Research

That's really cool. Thanks for sharing.

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Malware Research

Which LLM model did you used? How did you prompt?

Did you gave the model a source code and asked it to write ast parser to do xyz?

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Malware Research

Nice work once again

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Malware Research

First off, happy Diwali to everyone and their families!

Second, this is a blog post alert!

This one is about developing tooling to deobfuscate JavaScript malware using Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). We will look at:

● Removal of junk comments.
● Removal of junk unused variables.
● Simplifying function bodies.
● Signaturizing ASTs to auto-rename functions.
● Deobfuscating the recently reported MintsLoader malware.

Blog link:

Disclosure: The tooling code was generated through a LLM. I provided the ideas and directed the model to create the relevant code. Without this assistance, it would have taken me longer to codify the concept, given that I’m not deeply versed in JS.

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Malware Research

New FedBan
Fed: Libra's Empire
FedAdmin: alex 27
User: Orkhan Jalal
User ID: 5708493409
Reason: spam

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Malware Research

maldev academy , zero2automate. best way to learn how to analyze malware is to analyze malware - get ghidra or ida pro, a debugger, sandbox, look at samples and start playing around. ofc learn winapi c c++ c# assembly n more if u havent yet

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Malware Research

I am currently working as a SOC Analyst with nine months of hands-on experience in monitoring, incident response, and threat detection. I am keen to advance my career by transitioning into a Malware Analyst role and would appreciate any guidance from you guys regarding the necessary skills, certifications, resources, or study paths to prepare myself for the same

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Malware Research

I think it is a good thing to brush up on some fundamentals before going in.

For keeping up with the news and TTPs, I use MITRE ATTACK as my compass. It is really hard to wrap your head around all of these techniques esp when you only do RE as a hobby and not during your day-to-day work.

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Malware Research

Quick question How can you remote Someones Pc?

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Malware Research

New FedBan
Fed: Libra's Empire
FedAdmin: alex 27
User: Binary Breach
User ID: 1868147043
Reason: spam

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Malware Research

Why do you say that this is paradox malware ?

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Malware Research

New FedBan
Fed: Libra's Empire
FedAdmin: alex 27
User: Юрий
User ID: 1990400078
Reason: spam

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Malware Research

search Malware Bazaar for it

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Malware Research

Hello Mahbubor Rahman, welcome to the Malware Research group! Please read the pinned message before you post!

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Malware Research

Guys i know Nothing but i like this 🙂

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Malware Research

The free version of ChatGPT. I think it used gpt-4-turbo, I haven't checked.

An example prompt when I was working on removing unused variables:

Even the unused variables are showing in usedVars variable. I think the problem is that you're adding a variable to usedVars even for the declaration statement. Ignore declaration statements when updated usedVars

It started off with a prompt like:

Consider the AST of the following JS code:

var xcssnuyk = thatleft0sovereigntynever;
var thatleft0falklandwith = thatleft0sovereigntynever;
var thatleft0notscottish = thatleft0sovereigntynever;

As it turns out, only the first variable is used later in the code. The other 2 are basically junk code. How would you identify such junk code using the AST?

The AST:

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Malware Research

The LLM did. I didn't even know the lib existed lol

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Malware Research

Did you picked esprime library or did LLM picked it ?

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Malware Research

New FedBan
Fed: Libra's Empire
FedAdmin: Libra
User: Leviatan_09 😺
User ID: 716622107
Reason: spam

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Malware Research

Hello Gabriel, welcome to the Malware Research group! Please read the pinned message before you post!

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Malware Research

Twitter, Google Alerts

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Malware Research

Curious to hear where do you get your latest trends.

I know of Malpedia, M-trends (yearly release) and some blogs like Unit 42, ...

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Malware Research

Thanks ♥️🦦 and Libra, this is really great information

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Malware Research

Hey, a question to discuss, how hard nowadays is to bypass CrowdStrike \ SentinelOne EDRs ?

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Malware Research

Heya :)

If I were to interview someone, my questions would depend on the specific role and the maturity level of the role. My expectation of a senior researcher for a malware analysis role differs compared to a junior CTI analyst. Having said that, I'd ask about projects you've done, preferably ones where there is public information on them to be found. Based on that, I'd asses your skills, and ask you questions about the project, such as:

- Where did you get stuck?
- What was your approach when you were stuck?
- How did you solve the issues, and what did you learn?
- Why did you work on said project (especially if its something done in spare time)
- What tools did you use, and why

Additionally, I'd inquire about expectations (not talking salary, I'm not a manager, but about the day to day tasks you would like to do, and what you expect that needs to be done).

Granted, that is more of a "what did you do" line of questioning, so if I were to ask more specifics, I'd ask about some recent campaigns and what you know about them, and if they remind you of something. I.e. email thread hijacking is done by multiple families (i.e. Emotet used to), so if there is a recent report about that and you mention that, I can see if you can link it back to 'historic' events. This is to see if you are keeping an eye out for trends and recent events, and if you can correlate events, which will be required in such a role.

I'm not a fan of asking "how do you exactly walk the PEB" and other specific technical questions, as I feel the job is not trivia based, and I (too) look up how specific things work when I encounter them if I dont use them all too often. You have internet during your work to look things up, but you either are or aren't interested in infosec news, malware trends, etc as a person.

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