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Tahith Chong a living devil in the souls of Liverpool today
User 1302674246 changed name from Junior to Daniel Ewnetu
Read the texts mate it's def him
How many accounts does bro have?😂
That person really hates u
Shhh... quiet now.Muted Fuck You.
This is actually so sad😭
Shhh... quiet now.Muted Nobody.
Fuckface I won't be going anywhere
Not yet. It's in the queue. Currently reading Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes
Anime season is back on
Shhh... quiet now.Muted Maniac.
Dick face u can't stop me
Shhh... quiet now.Muted Dibu.
Why u mute him? Kidus™️
Professional kidus hater😂
Nah thomasshole is one in a mil what a guy😂
I counted atleast 4 accounts
You think he'd call him 'kiddie'?😂
I really wanna see how many acc he have
Idgaf u deserve to die
Fuck you U son of satan
Out of like millions of books why land on that piece of shit?
Awb might actually be better
Take that emi motherfucker
Read that book yet??
why is garnacho so bad at fifa
Hope you've read crime and punishment
This person can already speak freely!
Unmute me you son of a bitch