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Telegram-канал marienews - Marie/Rose News


All the latest news about Marie, and her little sister Rose! Marie Support: Rose Support: @RoseSupportChat Marie Source: Rose Source: unavailable Custom Rose Clones: @RoseClone_bot /

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Marie/Rose News

New Rose update:

- User-only filters! Limit your filters so that only users can trigger them (not admins!). This can be done simply by adding {user} to your filter text.
For example: /filter test Only users can see this {user}
If an admin wants to force rose to reply, they can use the "force" keyword; for example:test force will force rose to reply to the test note.
- The anonchannel lock now supports allowlists; you can allowlist a channel ID/username to allow them to speak, while still having other locks/blocklists/antiflood trigger on them. Much safer than approving channels completely!
- The command lock also supports allowlists! This might be useful if you want to stop all commands, except for a select few; for example, you might want to /allowlist /rules to let users check the rules.
- Allowlists have been improved for the matching to be more predictable. Let us know if you're seeing strange behaviour with the new format, and we can see how to fix your lists!
- Log channels now log join requests and join approvals.
- Fbans also work with join requests.
- Using /info on an anonymous channel will now show whether they are approved, to make it consistent with how it works on regular users.
- Lots of minor bugfixes, improvements, and updates.
- Updated translations.

And remember to donate to support Rose :)

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Marie/Rose News

New Rose update!

- You can now add and remove multiple blocklists or filters with a single command!
To do so, just wrap the list of names with (), and separate each one with commas.
For example:
/filter (one, two, three) test will add filters "one", "two", and "three".
/blocklist (hi, hey, hello) will blocklist "hi", "hey", and "hello".
- /info now shows whether a user is approved in the current chat, as well as mute/ban durations.
- Log channels now show the full name of the user affected by an action.
- When anonadmin is enabled, log channels now show the title of the anonymous admin that performed an action instead of the chat name.
- Fixed a bug where setting the floodmode to mute 1m would mute forever.
- Fixed a bug where rose would send errors trying to reply to a deleted antiflood message.
- Allow /fstat to be used even on users rose hasn't seen yet.
- Backend improvements.
- Updated translations.

This is the last warning for Malayalam, Tamil, and Khmer languages - these will be removed in the next update if they are not updated on crowdin.


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Marie/Rose News

We are receiving questions and complaints about the support group being unavailable for "copyright infringement".
We are aware of this issue, it isn't the first time that something similar happens, and we're actively trying to solve this issue, once again.

Obviously, the chat has been flagged incorrectly, and Telegram will hopefully revert the mistake as quickly as possible.

We will keep you posted as soon as news and informations are available.
In the meanwhile, thank you for your support and your patience!

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Marie/Rose News

Small Rose update:

- All Antiraid commands now work through connections!
- When an admin uses the /info command, Rose now shows if the selected user is admin, banned, or muted in that chat.
- /raid now no longer works; use /antiraid instead.
- Fix a small bug where the lock reason would HTML escape some characters, causing weird output.
- More backend improvements and fixes.
- Updated translations.

Note: Malayalam, Tamil, and Khmer speakers - please update crowdin soon, or your language could be removed!


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Marie/Rose News

Rose is currently experiencing some issues with the Telegram servers, and we’re actively working on it (and waiting for Telegram to fix what’s broken on their side).
As a result Rose is unresponsive at the moment.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience and we’ll keep you posted when new updates are available.
Thanks for your patience!

Everything is back to normal, thank you again for your patience!

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Marie/Rose News

We are aware of an issue where Rose has been mistakenly marked as a scam.

Of course, this is incorrect . We are working with telegram to get this fixed.

Please be patient while we get things back to normal.

This has now been fixed - apologies for the confusion.

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Marie/Rose News

Rose update:

- Added a new {protect} filling for both notes and filters, which allows you to mark them as "protected content" on telegram. This will stop people from forwarding, or screenshotting, those messages. Great to stop people sharing your content!
Eg: /save example This note cannot be forwarded {protect}
- Added a new confirmation button for fedban reason updates. Rose will now ask you to confirm if you would like to update the fban reason when you attempt to fban an already-fbanned user.
- The /import and /export commands now show which modules were imported (if they were explicitly specified).
- Backend improvements.
- Updated translations.

If anyone speaks Malayalam or Khmer, please update crowdin as soon as possible - translations are running behind, and could be removed if not updated soon!


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Marie/Rose News

Rose update:

- /adminerror can now be used to enable/disable the errors sent by Rose when a non-admin sends an admin command.
This can be useful to reduce command spam in larger groups, where users might try commands that theyre not allowed to use.
Could also help for chats which use other bots that clash with Rose's admin commands!
To enable it, simply use /adminerror off.
Rose will then stop replying to users sending admin commands.
- Updated translations.


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Marie/Rose News

Happy new year everyone! :) 🎊

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Marie/Rose News

Rose upgrade:

Telegram have updated to the Bot API 5.6, adding a brand new formatting type; spoilers! And if telegram supports something, then so must Rose.

To use spoilers, simply save a message with a spoiler tag as you usually would. That is, use /save test ||these are spoilers||.

Note: older apps may not support this yet. Make sure to upgrade your telegram client to the latest version if this doesn't work for you.


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Marie/Rose News

Can confirm, it looks like our server provider is undergoing network maintenance. We're leaving rose online, and hopefully she'll be able to catch-up when the maintenance eventually finishes. With a bit of luck, it'll finish earlier than Hetzner have estimated.

Sorry for yet another section of downtime - this is completely out of control, and sucks just as much for us as it does for you.

Thank you for your understanding!

Looks like Rose is back to normal for now.
Hopefully the network won't degrade any further for the next couple of hours, and we can all enjoy some stability.
Thank you!

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Marie/Rose News

Rose Update:

Rose now fully supports the bot API 5.5! 🎉

This means that you should now be fully equipped to fight spammers posting as anonymous channels.

In particular:
- Full support for anonymous channels.
- You can now /ban and /fban channels (and of course, unban them!).
- Antiflood, blocklists, and locks now all work as expected against channels. Note: Due to limitations of the bot API, bots cannot "kick" or "mute" channels. Therefore, Rose will ban channels instead, even if youve configured Rose to do otherwise.
- You can now /approve channels to allow them to speak in your group. This might be helpful for group admins who would like to speak as channels, but still want the anonchannel lock to be enabled!

Finally, Rose now knows Taiwanese 🇹🇼! A big thank you to everyone who contributed. Also updated all the existing strings.

Enjoy the update, and as usual, report any bugs in the support chat.

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Marie/Rose News

Maintenance is now beginning.

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Marie/Rose News

Hi all.

I'm sure many of you have noticed that Rose has been having some delays over the past few days, and are wondering why. The short answer is, we cannot afford to upgrade her to a larger server with the current donations. If we don't upgrade her, she will keep being slow.

The maintenance we did the other day was to extend the storage of the database. However, the new storage is too slow to handle Rose's traffic, which is what is causing this issue. There are no other companies which would allow extending the storage at fast enough speeds - I've checked.
To fix this, we need a new server, with more storage. This is expensive.

A server big enough for rose's size would cost us £200 (260 USD, 230€) per month.
Currently, we receive £120 (160 USD, 140€).

Which is why I'm turning to you - if you enjoy using Rose, and would like to see Rose keep growing, please setup a monthly donation here. You would be helping millions of users use one of telegrams largest bots, reducing spam, and making communities a safer place for everyone.

Sorry for the awkward message, and thank you in advance!

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Marie/Rose News

We have been receiving several inquiries regarding the recent changes from Telegram, which are causing many groups to experience issues in regards to channels and spam.

Rest assured, we are working on implementing the ability to ban channels to fight this type of abuse. However, this does require some work to implement, and also time for us to test to ensure it does not negatively impact Rose's performance - or cause any new issues.

We ask that you remain patient while we perform the necessary work and testing to get this added for you, and as soon as this feature is available for use, we will post an announcement to let everyone know.

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Marie/Rose News

Rose update:

- Added a new {nonotif} filling to notes/filters/welcomes etc, which stops the message from sending a notification in the chat. This is a feature which has often been requested for welcome messages in the past, to reduce notifications to users!
- Blocklisting filenames is now more powerful; blocklist file:*.jpg to blocklist all jpg files, while still allowing users to mention filenames! This is fully backwards compatible, so existing file blocks will still work.
- The {protect} filling to stop forwards/screenshots is now available everywhere that supports fillings.
- New locks: stickerpremium and stickeranimated. As named, they can be used to block premium and animated stickers.
- The /pinned and /donate messages now reply to the replied-to message, if available.
- Backend improvements and bugfixes.
- Updated translations.

And if you'd like to help support us, please donate!

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Marie/Rose News

This has now been fixed - telegram have removed the incorrect claims.
Thank you for your patience!

Note: if you still can't access the chat, try restarting your app.

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Marie/Rose News

Rose update:

- /fstat now shows who fbanned the user when used by an admin of the same fed. If the fban was an import, it will show as imported.
This only shows for admin of the same fed to avoid personal attacks.
- /fedimport now allows you to choose between two different modes; overwrite, or keep. This decides what to do with any duplicate fbans; whether to overwrite them (use the reason from the import) or to keep them (keep the existing reason).
- /info now shows more status fields; member, restricted and not in chat!
- Reports now also show the user id.
- Fixed a bug where Rose would try to reply with filters to a deleted sban/smute/skick command and throw an error.
- Fixed a bug where Rose couldn't update fban reasons when the new fban command was deleted.
- If you change log channels, Rose will now log that change to the old channel.
- Backend improvements.
- Updated translations.

As I said last time; Malayalam, Tamil and Khmer speakers, please update your translations on crowdin, or they will be removed.


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Marie/Rose News

Rose update!

This is a big one, and has been a while in the making - we're very excited to share it with you!

- Introducing custom lock actions and reasons. Up until now, locks have only been able to delete messages; with this new feature, it is now possible to specify custom actions for different locks!
To use them, simply use the normal lock command with the categories as usual, followed by ###, and then your reason or custom action.
For example, to ban anyone promoting their chat, simply use:
/lock invitelink ### No promoting other chats! {ban}
With this set, anyone sharing their group link will get banned with the reason "No promoting other chats".
You can check your existing lock settings with /locks.
- Introducing silent automated actions. Custom lock actions are great, but some actions should just be quiet. This new feature makes it possible to use silent actions in both locks, blocklists, and antiflood.
Check the help for how to enable these in your chat!
- Show whether a note is {private} or {noprivate} in the output of /notes.
- Reworked the output of /locks to be more readable. If you still want the full list that was shown before, use /locks list instead.
- Updated the /donate string.
- Lots of bugfixes and performance improvements.
- Updated translations.

And if you'd like to show your support, please consider donating with /donate!

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Marie/Rose News

Small Rose update:

- Rose now speaks Malay 🇲🇾! A big thank you to everyone that has contributed to this translation.
- Small backend bugfixes and improvements.
- Updated translations.


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Marie/Rose News

New Rose update!

- Added a new option to automatically enable AntiRaid. If hundreds of users join your group very quickly, it can be worrying and stressful, and it can take some time to react. To keep your group protected, you can enable /autoantiraid, which automatically enables antiraid if too many people join in a short period of time. Read more about it in the /help!
For example, /autoantiraid 15 will automatically enable antiraid if more than 15 people join in under a minute.
- Renamed the /raid command to /antiraid. /raid will keep working for a few weeks, but will be renamed completely in the future.
- Lots of small usage improvements.
- @admin tags no longer trigger reports if sent in code font.
- Use full names in log channels and fed logs.
- Updated translations.


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Marie/Rose News

Rose update:

- Blocklists now trigger on weird characters. For example, if you blocklist money, and a user sends "𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲", Rose will now try her best to recognise these weird characters and delete the message as expected.
This should help lots against spammers using weird fonts to avoid blocklists!
- Backend improvements
- Updated translations


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Marie/Rose News

Rose update:

- Added a new raid mode! This allows you to defend your chats from telegram raids. A "raid" is when hundreds (or thousands!) of users join your chat at the same time to spam.
When you enable raid mode, Rose will temp ban all new users who join for the next couple of hours, keeping your chat protected, and allowing conversation to continue as usual.
To enable raidmode, simply use the /raid command. You can then disable it by running the same command again.
Raid mode durations can be customised to suit your needs - check the /help on raids for more info.
- Improvements to the display of warning settings.
- Bugfixes and big performance improvements.
- Updated languages.

As usual, join us in the support chat if you have any questions.

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Marie/Rose News

Small Rose update:

- Added a spoiler lock type, to stop users from hiding their messages behind spoiler tags.


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Marie/Rose News

Telegram seems to be experiencing some issues at the moment. This is causing delays with multiple bots across telegram.

Rose will recover when telegram does - thank you for your patience.

Telegram is back. I've dropped a lot of pending messages to get Rose back online as fast as possible. Should be all good now 🎉

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Marie/Rose News

Telegram seems to be experiencing issues, which is causing rose to have delayed responses.

Update: our server provider is currently experiencing network issues, which means rose can't receive or send messages. Please bear with us while we look to solve this.

We are still investigating.

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Marie/Rose News

Migration completed. Looks like a big success, things seem much faster than they were before.

Enjoy the speedy Rose everyone!
And a big thank you to everyone donating to make this possible ❤️

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Marie/Rose News

Hi all, me again.

Thanks to the overwhelming number of donations over the past few hours (really, thank you!) and some helpful tips on server availabilities, we believe we've found somewhere reasonable to run Rose efficiently.

To make sure everyone can keep relying on Rose, we would like to get this done as soon as possible; at 7pm UTC, tonight - in one hour. We expect the maintenance to last 3 hours, like last time.

Hopefully, everyone agrees that a slow Rose is not helpful, and understands why this maintenance is so urgent!
Thank you for your patience.

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Marie/Rose News

Rose update:

This is a VERY small initial update to support the bot API 5.5.

Under normal circumstances, we would usually group together all the new features that the new bot API provides Rose into a single update. However, we've experienced so much spam over the last two days, that we've decided to release a small preview to handle the new anonymous channel spamming.

- Added a new locktype, anonchannel. Use /lock anonchannel in your groups to stop anonymous channels sending messages into your chats.
- Ensure that blocklists and locks work as expected on anonymous channels.
- Internal bugfixes to prepare for full bot API 5.5 support.

We are aware that many commands, such as /ban and /fban, are not yet ready to be used against anonymous channels. Rest assured, we are working hard to get them ready in the next update.

Thank you for your patience, and enjoy!

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Marie/Rose News

Migration completed. Rose should be back up and running.

There are currently no new features added yet - the latest bot API update will be added later this week.
Thank you for your patience!

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