All the latest news about Marie, and her little sister Rose!
Marie Support:
Rose update!
- Improve markdown formatting to support telegram's syntax highlighting features. Please let us know if you have any issues with formatting following this update!
- Improve Rose's built-in antispam protection to avoid situations where group admins could be temporarily ignored when a group is being spammed by users.
- When logging joins via invitelinks, Rose will also log the invitelink name.
- Lock reasons now also support formatting.
- Fix /info command not showing the status for muted users correctly.
- Reports shouldn't reply in private (cant report to yourself!)
- Fixed a bug where disconnecting from a chat wouldn't update Rose's cache correctly.
- Lots of other small backend improvements and bug fixes.
- Updated languages (join us on crowdin!).
Enjoy :) And as usual, if you'd like to support Rose, you can use Github Sponsors, crypto, or Tribute.
Help Support Rose
Enjoying using Rose to protect your group? Show some love with a donation! Every bit helps. Thank you for your support! 🙏
(Trying out a new in-telegram donation method!)
Small Rose update:
- Added new "story" lock, to stop people from sending user stories into your chats (from telegram's latest update).
- Bugfixes and improvements.
- Updated translations.
If you'd to like help with supporting Rose, check out GitHub sponsors, or our newly added crypto options. Enjoy! :)
Telegram is currently experiencing difficulties.
Please don't spam the support chat asking about Rose; it's not a Rose issue, it's a telegram issue. Just wait for telegram to get stable again.
This seems to have been resolved. Telegram is back, and Rose should be functioning as expected again.
Hi all,
After reaching 400M users over Christmas, Rose has now made it to over 500M users!
Really exciting to see a volunteer run project grow so large. No adverts, just purely run on donations. Thank you all for your support, and looking forward to the big things to come!
If you'd like help by supporting Rose, check out GitHub sponsors, or our newly added crypto options. Have a lovely day! :)
Rose update!
Not a big one this time, but lots of small fixes and drive-bys.
- Improved the help on multiple modules, adding some new examples and clarifying the help strings.
- Fix the noformat option on welcome messages when using the random filling
- Fix an issue where the inline lock didnt respect the allowlist in some scenarios
- Improved interactions with global chat permissions for lock/unlock
- Some error message improvements when chat members are hidden
- Backend improvements
- Updated translations
Note: Punjabi, Khmer, and Serbian users - please update your languages on crowdin soon.
Enjoy! And as usual, remember to donate to support Rose. It wouldnt be possible to run her without donations!
Ahoy there mateys!
Avast ye landlubbers, we be excited to announce the addition of a pirate language to Rose! Ye can now set sail on the high seas of telegram with aye aye’s, shiver me timbers and a whole lot of arrr’s!
Whether ye be a seasoned seadog or a fresh-faced swabbie, this new feature will have ye talking like a true buccaneer in no time. So hoist the Jolly Roger, grab your parrot and get ready to chat like a pirate!
Ye changelogs:
- Add new "Pirate" language 🏴☠️. Thank you ChatGPT!
- Fix blocklist triggers not escaping with \ properly.
- Add a new link to the connections help when users try to use group-only commands in PM.
- More small bugfixes and improvements.
Fair winds and following seas, me hearties!
And if ye be so kind, toss some doubloons me way!
Rose update!
- Commands that target users (like /info) now work with URLs too; eg, /info
. This should make it easier to use with some clients that now copy urls instead of usernames.
- Ensure that urls and usernames are properly escaped in mentions, so we dont get any accidental promotion.
- Fix a bug with {replytag}
not working as expected in topic groups.
- Improve Rose's lock system to use the new granular telegram permissions system from the latest telegram update. When locking, rose should now use the granular media locks!
- Improve stopping of multi-word filters in some cases where quotes can be implied. Should simplify a common issue people have been having when removing filters.
- Fixed some typos in the help, and improved some strings in fbans.
- Updated translations.
- Rose now speaks Bulgarian 🇧🇬! Big thank you to everyone who contributed.
- Other small bug fixes and improvements.
Enjoy! :)
And as usual; remember to donate, or help translate!
New Rose update!
- Rose now supports topics!
Telegram's latest update added a new way to manage large groups, splitting them into smaller "topic" chats. These can now be used along with Rose.
To make sure that all the features keep working, it is recommended you set Roses "action topic", which allows rose to determine where to send her welcome messages, fedbans, and antiraid notifications. See the help on topics for more info.
- You can now create, rename, close, and delete topics through Rose! See the help on topics for more info.
- Introducing the new /disableadmin
command, which makes sure that disabled commands cant be used by admins as well as users.
- Lots of small bugfixes and improvements.
- Updated translations. Please make sure to update your languages!
And remember to donate to support Rose :)
I've recovered Rose, and she's been working fine for the last hour now. People should be good to use her again. No data has been lost.
The issue was caused by unexpected behaviour from the migration, which resulted in the server running out of storage.
I'll keep investigating how best to proceed with the migration without any more downtime.
Thank you for understanding!
Migration is well on the way, and I think everything is stable enough for the chats to be unlocked.
Data is in the process of being copied to the new server, and its all looks good so far, no nasty surprises.
We'll have to wait a day or two for all the data to be properly replicated to the new server, at which point I'll be able to finish up the last bit of the migration and fully move Rose over; but that shouldn't take too much time.
Thank you for your patience, this has been a new migration process for me to run through so has been quite stressful - very happy to see it all working as planned! 😄 Very comforting to know that in the future, migrations will only need a few minutes of downtime, rather than a couple of hours!
This is a reminder that the server migration will be starting in one hour.
However, I will be trying some fancy new settings, which should hopefully allow us to keep Rose online and operational for the majority of the switchover, rather than the expected 3 hours of downtime. Hooray! :D
On another note:
It is now that time of year where I'm going to need to do some server maintenance for some important infrastructure upgrades - the database is now outgrowing the server. Turns out, 360 million+ users requires a lot of storage!
This also means there will be quite an increase in cost; so if you'd like to show your support and help keep Rose alive, please donate!
My tentative date for this is Wednesday 12th of October, at 7PM GMT.
This will require some downtime, so Rose will be unavailable for a couple of hours.
More details to follow closer to the date!
Tiny Rose update:
Telegram recently announced that usernames can now be linked in a new way - for example, would link to this channel.
Rose is now aware of this, and will consider this format to be an invitelink
lock, same as would be.
This change already works for everyone using the invitelink lock - no need to change anything.
Small Rose update, but BIG docs update!
- Introducing a brand new docs website! has now been updated with a new UI, as well as all the latest up-to-date information about Rose. And to make things even easier to use, it even has brand new search🔎 functionality! Hopefully, this can make it much easier for people to learn how to use Rose.
- Allow for blocklisting inline bots by ID
- Rose now introduces herself when she gets added to a group, linking the help and the docs website.
- Improved the help sections for raids, locks, and more.
- Lots of small bugfixes and improvements
- Updated languages
Enjoy :) And as usual, if you'd like to support Rose, you can use Github Sponsors, crypto, or Tribute!
Small Rose update:
- Updated the /donate
command to list cryptocurrency and Github Sponsors as donation options.
- You can now blocklist specific inline bots; simply add inline:@username
to the blocklist. See the help for more information.
- Added new examples to the CAPTCHA, Warnings, and Rules sections of the help.
- Improved error handling of connections; Rose will now remove unavailable connections from the "recent connections" list.
- Improve the usage of the enable/disable commands.
- Bugfixes and improvements.
- Updated translations.
If you'd like to see Rose speak your language, please contribute on crowdin!
Enjoy! :)
Small Rose update:
- Bugfixes and improvements.
- Updated translations.
- Re-Added Serbian as a language. A big thank you to everyone that contributed to get this back since the last update!
If you'd like to see Rose speak your language, feel free to contribute on crowdin.
Enjoy :)
Small Rose update!
This is just a small update as I'm currently working on other things!
- /id
now shows the topic ID too.
- Note deeplinks use the chat language.
- Fixed some commands showing the user's name instead of the connected chat name.
- Lots of backend improvements and fixes.
- Updated translations.
Note: Punjabi, Khmer, and Serbian languages have all been removed, as they haven't been kept up to date.
If you use these languages and would like to see them returned, please update them on crowdin.
Enjoy! :)
New donation method!
As I've mentioned in this channel, we've recently been struggling with donations - Rose's server costs are currently larger than the amount of incoming donations.
With this in mind, you can now donate crypto to help support Rose!
BTC address: 3Dq6Cucw7mV7yReNpsQtMGvCHvkZRQ9tW2
ETH address: 0xfc044976ab7b64d619e4ad0f2ab3ae079e28ac51
XRP address: rLHzPsX6oXkzU2qL12kHCH8G8cnZv1rBJh
XRP tag: 3180792716
We'll be adding this to the /donate command soon. In the meantime - have a lovely day, and thank you for supporting Rose :)
Big Rose update!
- Connections now keep track of the last 5 connections, making it easier to manage multiple chats through PM.
- You can now blocklist stickerpacks! Simply reply to a sticker to blocklist the stickerpack. This will stop people from sending stickers from that pack.
- You can now also allowlist individual stickerpacks; this allows you to /lock sticker
, and then manually decide which stickerpacks users are allowed to use!
- Blocklists now support the {del}
and {nodel}
flags, giving you more fine-grained control over the blocklistdelete settings!
- Allowlists have been improved to support inline bots through more ways.
- Log channels now use the correct message link when used with forums.
- Updated the PayPal donation link.
- Backend improvements and bugfixes.
- Updated translations.
While I have your attention - Rose's maintenance costs are currently twice as much as the incoming donations. If you appreciate using Rose, please consider donating to keep her going!
Rose update!
- Added a brand new captcha mode; the text2
captcha! This second text captcha requires the user to select the individual characters, in order, and then press "complete" to submit their answer.
If you have a look at the screenshot, you can see an example where I've selected the first 4 characters already; 42hj
. The numbers in brackets show the options which have already been pressed.
- Added the /reset
command, which can be used to completely delete all Rose related settings, reverting everything to the defaults.
- Improved the output of /notes
for chats which have lots of notes; the notes will now be paginated, instead of sending multiple messages.
- Random filters and notes now support {admin}
and {user}
fillings properly.
- Lots of internal improvements and bugfixes.
- Updated all languages.
Note: Users of Serbian, Punjabi, and Khmer, please update your translations on crowdin.
Enjoy! And as usual, remember to donate :)
Happy new year everyone! 🥳
Two years ago, I announced that Rose had reached 63 million users.
So it seems only fitting that today, I announce that Rose has grown to over 400 million total users, across over 9 million chats. Thats gives Rose over 50M monthly active users - nearly 10% of telegrams monthly users!
And all of this is done for free. So I'd like to say a big thank you to all the generous donators (both on GitHub and PayPal!), and all the volunteer admins in the support chat. We couldn't do it without you!
Here's to another great year, looking forward to the milestones it brings! 😄
Minor Rose update!
This is a small update to clean up and simplify the action topics feature we introduced recently, taking into account the new default "general" topic.
Welcomes/CAPTCHA/antiraid/fedbans etc now all work fine without an action topic, and will simply default to the general topic if nothing is specified.
- Small bugfixes and improvements.
- Updated translations.
- Rose now supports Filipino🇵🇭! Thank you to everyone who worked hard on translating Rose to make this available.
If you'd like to translate your own language, come join us on crowdin!
Wanted to give everyone some good news. For the last couple of hours, Rose has been running on a brand new server. And no-one even noticed the switch. 😄
That's right - following Wednesday's stressful failed migration, I went down a rabbit hole of reading, learning, and testing out new things, to understand exactly what went wrong. I wanted to be sure I had all the knowledge necessary to avoid the issues I had, such that any future migrations could be done with as little downtime as possible.
Which I would say has been a success. What a relief!
And if you'd like to support Rose, now would be a great time to donate - as you all know, Rose is run by volunteers, and all donations go straight to server fees. And those aren't cheap 😅. Thank you!
Hey everyone! Looks like Rose is currently down. We are aware, and Paul will get into it to get her back as early as possible.
Stay tuned and as soon as Rose is back online we'll let you know.
As always, thank you all for your patience and sorry for the inconveniences!
Migration starting now!
I will aim to keep rose online for the vast majority, but will need to do some small downtimes. Hopefully everything goes smoothly :)
We are planning on going forward with the server upgrade this Wednesday evening (October 12th) at 6pm UTC (or 7PM GMT, UK time).
There will be approximately 3 hours of downtime (depending on various factors) during which Rose will be completely unavailable.
We recommend locking your groups before the upgrade, to avoid spam during the downtime.
Apologies in advance for the inconvenience! And if you have any further questions, please ask in the support chat.
New Rose update!
This is a combination of lots of smaller improvements that people have been requesting for a while now, so it's good to get them ticked off!
- Added a new module named "Clean service", which allows you to control which service messages to delete, with much greater control. Pins, calls, joins, leaves - you choose! Check the /help for more information.
- Blocklists, locks, warns, ban, mute, and kick reasons now all support markdown, buttons, and fillings. This should make it easier to provide buttons and resources as part of your bot integrations!
- FBans now also support markdown (but no fillings/buttons, as these dont make as much sense in this context).
- You can now use the {replytag}
filling in filters for Rose to reply to the user that the filter is replying to. This is very similar to what notes already do!
- Antiflood now comes with a new setting, called /clearflood
. This allows you to set Rose to delete the flood messages that were sent.
- Antiflood strings have been reworked to ban when a user reaches the limit, rather than exceeds. A small, but important distinction! Also, the Nth message no longer gets deleted; only the following messages get deleted (unless you've enabled clearflood
- Lots of improvements to the help; fixed some typos, added new examples, and made some clarifications!
- Lots of bugfixes and improvements.
- Updated translations.
And remember to donate to support Rose :)
Small Rose update!
- New locktypes! emoji
to stop all emoji, emojionly
to stop messages which contain just emoji but no text, and emojicustom
to stop Telegram's recently added custom emoji, which can be spammy, or contain NSFW content.
- The /locktypes
command has been redesigned to show an explanation of each type of lock! Should make it easier for users to understand what each one does now.
- More improvements to url allowlist matching. Hopefully should be even more accurate now.
- Updated translations.
Enjoy! :)