🌹ቦስ ሂውማን ሄር🌹
🌹🌹የ ሴት ልጅ ውበትዎ ጸጉሯ መሆኑን አይርሱ!!🌹
ክቡራን ደንበኞቻችን እንደተለመደው በጥራታቸው እጅግ የታወቁትን ምርጥ ምርጥ የጣሊያን ሂዩማን ሄር በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ ይዘንላችሁ ቀርበናል::
👉18 inch wave, freeze.......7,800br.
👉20 inch wave, freeze.......8,000br.
👉22 inch wave, freeze.......8,300br.
👉24 inch wave, freeze.......8,500br.
👉26 inch wave, freeze.......8,800br.
👉28 inch wave, freeze.......9,000br.
👉30 inch wave, freeze.......9,500br.
🌹ሁሉም ፀጉሮች ሁለት ፒስ ናቸው 210 ግራም ስታንዳርድ🌹
♥100% ንፁሕ ኦሪጅናል
♥የ6 ወር ዋስትና
♥ማንኛውንም አይነት ቀለም መቀበል የሚችል
🌹ለሰርግ 🌹ለልደት 🌹ለምርቃት
🌹ከበቂ አቅርቦት ጋር ይዘንሎት ቀርበናል!!
ወደ ሱቃችን መምጣት ለማትችሉ ደምበኞቻችን ባሉበት ሆነው ይዘዙን ፈጥነን በራሳችን ትራንስፓርት ያሉበት ድረስ እናቀርባለን እንዲሁም ለክፍለሀገር ደንበኞቻችን በ ፖስታ ቤት የምንልክ መሆናችንን ስንገልጽ በታላቅ አክብሮት ነዉ ።
ፈጥነው ይደውሉ ይምጡ ይጠቀሙ
ለአከፋፋዮች እና ለሰርገኞች ታላቅ ቅናሽ ይኖረናል።
🌹አድራሻ - ቦሌ ሸገር ህንፃ ጀርባ 100 ሜትር ገባ ብሎ ከጥሩ ክትፎ ፊት ለፊት
⌚️💢W26+ Smartwatch
ዋጋ:- 2500 ብር
Free Delivery 🚚
❇️ የልብ ምትን ይለካል
❇️ ምን ያህል ካሎሪ እንዳቃጠልን
❇️ የደም ግፊትን ይለካል
❇️ ስፖርት ስንሰራ ይቆጥርልናል
❇️ ብዙ ሰአት ስንተኛ ይቀሰቅሰናል
❇️ ስልካችን ሲጠፋ ለመፈለጊያ ያግዘናል
❇️ የራሱ አላርም አለው
❇️ ከስልክ ጋ በ Bluetooth ተገናኝቶ ስልክ መደወል እንዲሁም ማናገር ይቻላል
❇️ ቴክስት መላክ እንዲሁም መቀበል የሚችሉበት
🔘 Built-in: Mic+Speakers
🔘 Full Touch Screen
🔘 Full Screen 1.75 Inch Display
🔘 Support Bluetooth Calling
🔘 Push Notifications
🔘 Music & Camera Remote Control
🔘 Body temperature Measurement
🔘 Heart Rate Tracker
🔘 Monitor Blood Pressure
🔘 Waterproof Sports Watch
🔘 Charger: Magnetic pin charger
🔘 Charging time upto 2 to 3 hours
🔘 Battery: 280mAh
Price :- 2500 Birr
Free Delivery 🚚
የጀርባ እና የወገብ ችግር ላለቦት ውፍረትዎን መቀነስ ለሚፈልጉ ፤ መፍትሔው በኛ ዘንድ ያገኙታል
👉ሙሉ ከወገብ በላይ ዉፍረት መቀነሻ - 1200 ብር
👉የትከሻ እና የወገብ መደገፊያ - 1300 ብር
👉Spinal-cord መደገፊያ አብሮ የተገጠመለት 1500 ብር
📍Additionally Free delivery
📌አሁኑኑ ይደውሉልን ያሉበት በነፃ እናቀርባለን
Call📲📲 0906 626595
0913 324610
(ክልል ከተሞች ላላችሁ በ ፖስታ ቤት ወይም DHL እንልካለን )
✍Brand New Asus Vivo book
✍Ultra-slim features
✍Processor Core i5
✍8th Generation
✍8GB Ram
✍1000GB HDD Storage
✍15.6 inches screen size
✍Above 8hours battery life
✍With sim card slot
✍With SSD slot
⭕️Price 27500birr⭕️
Call 📞0906626595
Dell Latitude Core i5 6th generation
♦️8GB Ram
♦️1000GB storage
♦️14.1 inch with Full HD screen
♦️Octa-core processor with infinite edge screen
♦️with finger print scanner
♦️10 hours battery life
call☎️ 0913324610
🔵💻Hp core i5 (8th Generation)
/ 8 logical Processor /
🔷Hexa core processor
Model : HP BS Note Book
❇️Touch screen
⭕️👉( HP Notebook Laptop👈👈
Condition: Almost new condition 8th generation
🖥 Screen :15.6 inch (Full HD Screen)
📼 Storage :256GB SSD storage ( Fast) 👈👈
⏳Ram : 4gb DDR4
🩸2GB Intel UHD graphics card
💎 Intel UHD 630 integrated graphics card
♦️ Touch screen with Full HD resolution
🔋:10 hours battery life
💵Price :26,500birr
☎ 0906626595
‼️ Almost New Dell Intel core i3
500GB Hard disk
above 6 hours battery life
15.6 inch with FHD resolution
with light in keyboard
with Excellent Performance
2.4GHZ processor speed
Call☎️ 0913 324610
0906 626595
የሰውነት ቅርፅ 0906626595
-ጥናቶች እንደሚያሳዩት የሰውነት ቅርፅ ለውጥ ለማምጣት 80% ሚና የሚጫወተው አመጋገባችን ሲሆን ስፖርት ያለው ድርሻ 20% ብቻ ነው
ከአሜሪካ 🇺🇸 ቀጥታ ያስመጣናቸውን ኦርጅናል ፕሮቲን ፓውደሮች እኛጋር ይውሰዱ
Price :- 2300 Birr
🔴 Microsoft Surface Book 2 DETACHABLE TOUCH SCREEN
✔️CORE i5 processor 8th generation
♦️Storage : 256GB SSD!!!
♦️Ram : 8gb
♦️status: Brand new
♦️Inch : 13.3" 4K ULTRA
💵 price👉 55000BIRR
ቀድመው ይደውሉ 👇
☎ 0906626595
☎️ 0913324610
New Dell Latitude Core i5 6th generation
♦️8GB Ram
♦️1000GB storage
♦️14.1 inch with Full HD screen
♦️Octa-core processor with infinite edge screen
♦️with finger print scanner
♦️10 hours battery life
call☎️ 0906626595/0913324610
Almost New Dell Latitude Core i7 8th generation
♦️256GB SSD storage(more faster than Hard disk)
♦️13.3 inch with Full HD screen
♦️Octa-core processor with infinite edge screen
♦️with finger print scanner
♦️10 hours battery life
call☎️ 0906 626595
0913 324610
✍8th generation Middle-spec Gaming Ultra-slim Acer precision Laptop with black edition
✍ 2K screen resolution
Acer Mid-spec Gaming Model with latest Processor
❇️Octa-Core processor
❇️ High Quality processor Intel Core i7 8th generation
❇️2K IPS micro-edge Corning
Gorilla, with Eyes detect
❇️256GB PCIe NVMe SSD(faster than Hard disk)
❇️Edge to edge screen with IPS display
❇️2GB Nvidia MX150 graphics card (same as GTX 960)
❇️DTS speakers
❇️15.6 " inch screen with 2k resolution
❇️Ultra-slim Dark-Black color
Call☎️ 0906626595/0913324610
✅ መኪና እያሽከረከሩ ስልክ ለመደወል ሚሴጅ ለመላክ fb Chat ለማድረግ የሚያመች ተሻሽሎ የመጣ የ2020 model ስማርት ሰዓት
✅ Detail specification
Smart Watch Series 6
🚩New 2020 Model
🚩Model: W34+
➡️ የልብ ምትን ይለካል
➡️ ምን ያህል ካሎሪ እንዳቃጠልን
➡ የደም ግፊትን ይለካል
➡️ ስፖርት ስንሰራ ይቆጥርልናል
➡️ ብዙ ሰአት ስንተኛ ይቀሰቅሰናል
➡ ስልካችን ሲጠፋ ለመፈለጊያ ያግዘናል
➡️ ከስልክ ጋ በ Bluetooth ተገናኝቶ ስልክ መደወል እንዲሁም ማናገር ይቻላል
➡️ facebook,Telegram chat,ቴክስት መላክ እንዲሁም መቀበል የሚችሉበት
✔️Size: 44mm
✔️ Battery Capacity: 380mAh
✔️ Built-in: Mic+Speakers
✔️ Full Touch Screen
✔️ Full Screen 1.75 Inch Display
Support Bluetooth Calling
Push Notifications
🌀 Music & Camera Remote Control 🌀 Facebook,Telegram chat
🌀 Body temperature Measurement
🌀 Heart Rate Tracker
🌀 Monitor Blood Pressure
🌀 Waterproof Sports Watch
🌀 Magnetic pin charger
🌀 Charging time upto 2 to 3 hours
በፍጥነት ይዘዙን ባሉበት ቦታ ያለምንም ተጨማሪ ክፍያ እናደርሳለን
(Free delivery)🏍
Price 2200br
0906 626595 / 0913 324610
✍Power Gaming Ultra-slim Dell precision Laptop with black edition
✍Touch screen with 4K screen resolution
Dell Powerful Gaming Model with latest Processor
❇️Octa-Core processor
❇️ High Quality processor Intel Core i7
❇️4K IPS micro-edge Corning
Gorilla, with Eyes detect
❇️512GB PCIe NVMe SSD(faster than Hard disk)
❇️Touch screen with pen support
❇️2GB Nvidia Quadro K1100M graphics card (same as GTX 1050)
❇️Harmen karden speakers
❇️15.6 " inch screen with 4k resolution
❇️Ultra-slim Dark-Black color
Call☎️ 0906 626595
0913 324610
⌚️💢W26+ Smartwatch
ዋጋ:- 2500 ብር
Free Delivery 🚚
❇️ የልብ ምትን ይለካል
❇️ ምን ያህል ካሎሪ እንዳቃጠልን
❇️ የደም ግፊትን ይለካል
❇️ ስፖርት ስንሰራ ይቆጥርልናል
❇️ ብዙ ሰአት ስንተኛ ይቀሰቅሰናል
❇️ ስልካችን ሲጠፋ ለመፈለጊያ ያግዘናል
❇️ የራሱ አላርም አለው
❇️ ከስልክ ጋ በ Bluetooth ተገናኝቶ ስልክ መደወል እንዲሁም ማናገር ይቻላል
❇️ ቴክስት መላክ እንዲሁም መቀበል የሚችሉበት
🔘 Built-in: Mic+Speakers
🔘 Full Touch Screen
🔘 Full Screen 1.75 Inch Display
🔘 Support Bluetooth Calling
🔘 Push Notifications
🔘 Music & Camera Remote Control
🔘 Body temperature Measurement
🔘 Heart Rate Tracker
🔘 Monitor Blood Pressure
🔘 Waterproof Sports Watch
🔘 Charger: Magnetic pin charger
🔘 Charging time upto 2 to 3 hours
🔘 Battery: 280mAh
Price :- 2500 Birr
Free Delivery 🚚
We are an online shopping platform in Ethiopia with a selection of original made in Turkey shoes & tracksuits.
❇️Excellent Condition ACER 7th Geneneration AMD Quad-Core Processor
♦️Screen size 15.6 inch screen with Full HD resolution
♦️IPS display
♦️AMD Radeon 2GB GDDR5 dedicated Graphics card
♦️8GB DDR4 Memory
♦️256GB SSD(faster than Hard disk)
♦️Stereo Speakers
♦️Wi-Fi (Dual-Band)
♦️Bluetooth 4.0 & Gigabit Ethernet
♦️Excellent Battery Life
Contact @marketpromotions
📞 0913324610
Brand New Lenovo thinkpad core i5
❇️ 8GB Ram
❇️500GB Hard disk
❇️13.3 inch screen with ultra-slim
❇️Full HD screen with keyboard light
❇️Excellent Battery(10 hours)
Call 0906626595
8th Generation HP pavilion 13.3 inch with full HD screen in resolution
✍8th generation
✍ core i5 ultra-slim features
✍excellent duration of battery
✍1TB SSHD (Supper Fast)
✍8gb DDR4 RAM
✍2GB Intel Iris/graphics card
🩸price.......34500 birr
Call☎️ 0906626595
የሰውነት ቅርፅ 0906626595
-ጥናቶች እንደሚያሳዩት የሰውነት ቅርፅ ለውጥ ለማምጣት 80% ሚና የሚጫወተው አመጋገባችን ሲሆን ስፖርት ያለው ድርሻ 20% ብቻ ነው
ከአሜሪካ 🇺🇸 ቀጥታ ያስመጣናቸውን ኦርጅናል ፕሮቲን ፓውደሮች እኛጋር ይውሰዱ
Price :- 2300 Birr
🔴Boss ሂውማን ሄር🔴 Italian 🔴0906626595 🔴
♥️♥️ፀጉርዎ #ውበትዎ መሆኑን አይርሱ♥️♥️
ክቡራን ደንበኞቻችን እንደተለመደው በጥራታቸው እጅግ የታወቁትን ምርጥ ምርጥ #የብራዚልና #የጣሊያን ሂዩማን ሄር በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ ይዘንላችሁ ቀርበናል::
♦️🔥6 Month warranty 💥💯
22 inch wave, freeze, straight.......8,500br.
24 inch wave, freeze, straight.......8,800br.💥
26 inch wave, freeze, straight.......9,000br.
28 inch wave, freeze, straight.......9,300br.
30 inch wave, freeze, straight.......9,600br.💥
♥️100% ንፁሕ #ኦሪጅናል HUMAN HAIR
♥️የ6 ወር ዋስትና ♥️የማይነቃቀል
♥️ማንኛውንም አይነት ቀለም መቀበል የሚችል
🔴ወደ ሱቃችን መምጣት ለማትችሉ ደምበኞቻችን ባሉበት ሆነው ይዘዙን ፈጥነን በራሳችን ትራንስፓርት ያሉበት ድረስ እናቀርባለን 🔴0913324610🔴0906626595🔴ፈጥነው #ይደውሉ #ይምጡ ይጠቀሙ 🔴
🔴አድራሻ - ቦሌ ሸገር ህንፃ ጀርባ 100 ሜትር ገባ ብሎ 🔴
Free delivery 🏍🏍🏍
Call ☎️ 0906 626595
New HP Elite-Book core i7
Professional Laptops
✔️500GB HDD
✔️6hours battery life
✔️13.3 inch with ultra-slim features
✔️2.6 ghz processor speed
Call☎️ 0906 626595
0913 324610
🔴Boss ሂውማን ሄር🔴 Italian 🔴0906626595 🔴
♥️♥️ፀጉርዎ #ውበትዎ መሆኑን አይርሱ♥️♥️
ክቡራን ደንበኞቻችን እንደተለመደው በጥራታቸው እጅግ የታወቁትን ምርጥ ምርጥ #የብራዚልና #የጣሊያን ሂዩማን ሄር በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ ይዘንላችሁ ቀርበናል::
♦️🔥6 Month warranty 💥💯
22 inch wave, freeze, straight.......8,500br.
24 inch wave, freeze, straight.......8,800br.💥
26 inch wave, freeze, straight.......9,000br.
28 inch wave, freeze, straight.......9,300br.
30 inch wave, freeze, straight.......9,600br.💥
♥️100% ንፁሕ #ኦሪጅናል HUMAN HAIR
♥️የ6 ወር ዋስትና ♥️የማይነቃቀል
♥️ማንኛውንም አይነት ቀለም መቀበል የሚችል
🔴ወደ ሱቃችን መምጣት ለማትችሉ ደምበኞቻችን ባሉበት ሆነው ይዘዙን ፈጥነን በራሳችን ትራንስፓርት ያሉበት ድረስ እናቀርባለን 🔴0913324610🔴0906626595🔴ፈጥነው #ይደውሉ #ይምጡ ይጠቀሙ 🔴
🔴አድራሻ - ቦሌ ሸገር ህንፃ ጀርባ 100 ሜትር ገባ ብሎ 🔴
Free delivery 🏍🏍🏍
0906626595/ 0913324610
Excellent condition Toshiba Core i5 4th generation
♦️8GB Ram
♦️500GB HDD storage
♦️2GB Nvidia graphics card for design purpose
♦️15.6 inch with Full HD screen
♦️Clear screen with infinite edge screen
finger print scanner
5 hours battery life
#ኦሪጂናል ሞባይል ስልኮች በዋስትና
.Mo1core 2020/16/1gb....5,300ብር
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•A11 2020/32 GB/2gb... 8,600ብር
•M11 2020/32 GB/3gb ...8,799ብር
•A12 2020/64/4Gb........10,500ብር
•A21s 2020 /64 GB/ 4GB 10,500ብር
•A31 2020 /128 GB/ 4GB 12,500ብር
•A31 2020 /128 GB/ 6GB 12,800ብር
•A51 2020 /256 GB/ 8GB 17,000ብር
•A71 2020 /128 GB/ 8GB 21,500 ብር
📌M31 2020 /128 GB/ 6GB 13,500
Note 8................16000
S10+ single.....23,500
S10+ dual sim....25,500
Note.10..3200 origional
Note10+...36500 origional
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IPhone 6s 16gb 6500
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Call:0913 324610
0906 626595