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Martinez Perspective

he's on infowars right now wearing a nigger robbery costume

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Martinez Perspective

Anthony Cumia schools Gavin McInnes on the JQ

"It's White liberals.... who just happen to be jewish!" says McInnes.

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Martinez Perspective

"If she's college educated, 90% of the time the woman leaves the man"

"I love that"

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Martinez Perspective

So now that Twitter is under the control of a free speech guy, Bolshevik Democrats want to shut it down or regulate it to their own whims. They don't want Musk to decide what is allowed on his platform, they want to decide. Their only problem with Zuckerberg at Facebook is that he didn't censor right-wingers enough.

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Martinez Perspective

It's usually the low-IQ 4channers who know nothing about economics who make this argument. They dislike something for other reasons then just find a jew involved with it and declare it "jewish". Problem is, as you point out, you can do this with literally any economic school. Even Italian Fascism had some jews involved in its formulation, but somehow they give that one a "not jewish" stamp. This is what happens when lower IQ types hijack a real issue like JQ and make it into a meme worldview.

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Martinez Perspective

Welfare recipients outnumber registered tax payers 2:1 in South Africa.

28.3 million vs 14.1 million [2022]

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Martinez Perspective

Morrissey on “diversity”.

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Martinez Perspective

Cutting rates puts upward pressure on the supply of money.

Expanding the money supply during periods of runaway inflation is how you get hyperinflation.

Elon may be the richest guy on the planet but it's important to keep in mind that he comes from a family of Marxo-futurists with an intergenerational mission to abolish the market price system.

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Martinez Perspective


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Martinez Perspective

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Martinez Perspective

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Martinez Perspective

This one Spanish woman is ruining the whole country/ Esta unica mujer espanola esta arruinando el pais entero👇👇

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Martinez Perspective

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Martinez Perspective

MP tells UK rapper ArrDee about monkey rhymes @martinezpolitics

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Martinez Perspective

Two languages in Canada (English and French) provoked decades of conflict between Quebec separatists and the Anglophone dominated Federal government in Ottawa, yet these globalist nutjobs like Trudeau want to add infinite more languages, ethnic and religious groups to the pot, blending it all together to create the identityless psyborg citizen.

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Martinez Perspective

When the buck strikes back

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Martinez Perspective

But I thought the Keynesians were all super based corporatist gigachads? Meet Paul Krugman.

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Martinez Perspective

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Martinez Perspective

NEW - Elizabeth Warren says Elon Musk should not be able to go into a "dark room" alone and make decisions.


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Martinez Perspective

Show me an economic theory and I'll show you a Jew who supports it.

You can't argue against economics by pointing out which economists are Jews when there are Jews on all sides.

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Martinez Perspective

Active socialists gravitate towards careers in politics because they see it as both a social and financial status upgrade. They failed to make much of themselves in the private economy, so they climb their way up the public sector ladder. They can virtue signal their way into the limelight by promising to be generous with other people's money. Nice gig!

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Martinez Perspective

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Martinez Perspective


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Martinez Perspective

Toll paid

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Martinez Perspective

NEW - Chinese bots swamp Twitter with porn and escorts to hide the news of mass protests in China.


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Martinez Perspective

➡️ Irene Montero se desquicia: acusa al PP de "promover la cultura de la violación" y genera protesta 'popular' y reproche en Batet.

La ministra de Igualdad, Irene Montero, ha acusado este miércoles al PP de "promover la cultura de la violación que pone en cuestión la credibilidad de las víctimas", poniendo como ejemplo las campañas contra la violencia de género que los gobiernos 'populares' han puesto en marcha en algunas CCAA.

Estas declaraciones han provocado las protestas del grupo parlamentario que han detenido la sesión durante casi dos minutos en los que han pedido que Montero se retractase de estas palabras.

Por otro lado, su Ley "sólo si es si" ya ha conseguido que el número de condenados que se han visto beneficiados ascienda al menos a 43, entre revisiones de condena a la baja (38) y sentencias posteriores en aplicación de la norma (5). Un total de 10 personas han sido excarceladas.

Fuente 🇪🇸

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Martinez Perspective

Scholar says "Fascism and Marxism-Leninism" have a common origin.

> "Having combed their literature, Professor Gregor has shown beyond a shadow of doubt the affinities, too long ignored, between fascism and Marxism-Leninism. (It was Don Luigi Sturzo who provided the reductio ad absurdum: Fascism was black communism and communism was red fascism.) Richard Pipes has written that "Bolshevism and fascism were heresies of socialism."

> "Recalling that Mussolini began his political career as a distinguished Italian socialist, Gregor writes: "Fascism’s most direct ideological inspiration came from the collateral influence of Italy’s most radical ‘subversives’ — the Marxists of revolutionary syndicalism." Even Nikolai Bukharin, the leading Soviet ideologist whom Stalin purged, began to have misgivings about the Revolution and began to allude to the fascist features of the emerging system. Gregor writes: By the early 1930s, the ‘convergence’ of fascism and Stalinism struck Marxists and non-Marxists alike. . . . By the mid-1930s, even Trotsky could insist that ‘Stalinism and fascism, in spite of deep difference in social foundations, are symmetrical phenomena’ . . . ."

> "Fascist theoreticians pointed out that the organization of Soviet society, with its inculcation of an ethic of military obedience, self-sacrifice and heroism, totalitarian regulation of public life, party-dominant hierarchical stratification all under the dominance of the inerrant state, corresponded in form to the requirements of Fascist doctrine. Left liberals have frantically denied the "Janus" notion that Marxism-Leninism and fascism have a common origin. With scholarly skill and an enormous amount of reading has Professor Gregor made such denials as dated as the Communist Manifesto."

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Martinez Perspective

Jordan Peterson has spent most of his time on Twitter since getting his account reinstated crying about “anti-semitism”

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Martinez Perspective

Albanian immigrants celebrate their independence Day in London...

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Martinez Perspective

CBC Article about Canada's "Language Diversity" and "how language is changing in Canada" based on latest StatsCan data.

Haitian Creole is "17 times higher than it was in 2016", allegedly due to Haitians "fleeing the anti-immigration policies of the Trump administration in the United States."

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