Likewise, affixing "national" in front of Bolshevism does not change the fact that it's Bolshevism. As we're seeing over and over again, "third position" is just a clever rebranding campaign for economic labour Marxists with a national or religious identity.
Читать полностью…Red-brown alliance goy.
"dedicated to the idea of extreme-left/far-right convergence"
"encourage anti-System coalitions that transcend ideological and religious boundaries"
Aka "Third Position" communists aligning themselves with Muslims to attack Whitey.
Follow @martinezpolitics
Police looking for Moroccan migrant who destroyed nativity scene in Calahorra because it’s against his religion
Locals tell us the hammer-wielding #Moroccan just started destroying everything because he was angered by the nativity scene.
Candian Centrist Resist Red Pills on Demographic Change @martinezpolitics
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Читать полностью…Remember that women keep these "guy friends" around as beta orbiters to feed their egos. If you play along you're a simp.
Читать полностью…Good way to ruin the floor and apartments below but ay yo lemme go viro real quikk,,, RIP the fish that they probably ate in another dare.
Читать полностью…John Maynard Keynes was a disgusting pederast.
"Keynes was characterized by his male sweetheart, LyttonStrachey, as “A liberal and a sodomite, an atheist and a statistician.” His particular depravity was the sexual abuse of little boys. In communications to his homosexual friends, Keynes advised that they go to Tunis, “where bed and boy were also not expensive.” As a sodomistic pedophiliac, he ranged throughout the Mediterranean area in search of boys for himself and his fellow socialists. Taking full advantage of the bitter poverty and abysmal ignorance in North Africa, the Middle East, and Italy, he purchased the bodies of children prostituted for English shillings[See Lytton Strachey, A Critical Biography, Michael Holyroyd, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, two volumes]."
Racism in 2022
There's a few main drives animating modern "Third Positionism":
- Communist economics (seizing the means of production/mass redistributionism)
- "Multipolarity" geopolitics (Dugin/Fourth Political Theory)
- Third Worldism (ties in with Duginism / supporting states like Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, China, Russia, and anything "anti-Western" oriented)
- Anti-Zionism (simping for Muslims/Arabs opposed to the Israeli state)
- Anti-Colonialism/Post-Colonialism (condemning our European colonial past to curry favor with "anti-Zionist" darkies)
- Red-Brown alliance (finding common cause with anti-Western Marxists, tankies, etc. who share a desire to exterminate Western civilization)
They mix all of this trash together into a pretty toxic brew of anti-Westernism and find themselves aligned with all kinds of undesirables who hate White people and seek our demise. An unapologetically pro-Western, pro-White stance is the antidote to all this gay nonsense.
Btw I've been criticizing "Third Positionism" for years so I don't know why some are so surprised I'm restating the same position I've had for a long time.
These are all from early-mid 2021 almost two years ago:
You can find articles on my website heavily criticizing these people going back 3-4 years. Nothing new.
Mexican tries to live stream his intimidation of a White kid. He ends up getting a beating for his troubles.
Читать полностью…Davis: "I'm third position on econ"
Also Davis: "National Socialism and National Bolshevism are indistinguishable"
Affixing "third" in front of your position that you admit is indistinguishable from Bolshevism does not change the fact that it's Bolshevism big guy.
Nice try though.
"Third Position adherents actively seek to recruit from the left."
That's because they're recruiting from their own side: the Left.
Follow @martinezpolitics
Fucked up. So the state can just rob you and refuse to give your stuff back. Just another revenue source of the state.
"On December 2, a cash-sniffing dog with the Dallas Police Department alerted on a suitcase that had been checked in at Love Field for a domestic flight to Chicago. Officers subsequently searched the bag and found over $100,000 in cash inside. According to local press reports, the officers took the cash for themselves without charging its owner, a 25-year-old woman, with any crime or criminal wrongdoing"
"This process is called civil asset forfeiture, and in practice it often works very similar to highway robbery. Authorities can take literally whatever they want from you — cash, vehicles, your home, your Playstation 5 — and they can keep it, without ever convicting or even charging you with a crime. All they have to do is say they suspect you committed a crime. And here’s the kicker: if you want your stuff back, you have to go to court and affirmatively prove your innocence."
"And over time, across all 50 states and the federal government, those small sums add up: between 2000 and 2019, according to IJ’s calculations, authorities seized roughly $69 billion from people, most of whom were not even charged with a crime."
Bank of Canada - government owned. Most central banks are. The few that aren't are basically just being sub-contracted the same duties as a government-owned one and are granted a monopoly on money creation by government itself. Distinction without a difference.
Читать полностью…These shitskins mix Catholicism with Communism and then shield themselves from criticism by calling you a "racist liberal" for not agreeing with brown neo-Bolshevism varnished religious appeals to Semitic dieties. Their ideology melds nicely with Duginism because it's a form of global Critical Race Theory where they scapegoat Western Whites for why their societies are so crap and demand global reparations and power transfers to prop up their lazy brown cholo asses in taco land. No surprise these gang-banging cholos cling to Catholic Bolshevik E Michael Jones as their ideological godfather.
Читать полностью…I've merely revised my stance on Hitler having previously believed he had a mixed economy due to his anti-communist rhetoric and purges of Strasserists, but after doing more in-depth reading on the subject it's pretty evident that his econ was so tightly regulated and controlled that you can hardly call any of it free market. So it's clear to me now that his "anti-Communism" was disingenuous and you can only sustain it by redefining Communism as something other than what it is: command & control planned econ. I can't ignore the evidence. That's called being intellectually honest. Don't shoot the messenger.
Читать полностью…"Third Position" is a fancy way of saying "I'm a communist but Christian" or "I'm a communist but racist".
That's it.
It's economic Marxism-Leninism varnished with a religious or national identity.
Change my mind.
Dummy @martinezpolitics
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