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Martinez Perspective

There are hookers in every Euro country. Imagine using that as a talking point to justify bombing Whites. I've heard it more than a few times from 4chan spergs though and certain Jew York muttmen lusting for White blood.

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Martinez Perspective

Moscow says around 100,000 IT specialists left Russia this year

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Martinez Perspective

Dingbat Joel Davis says:
- "if your theory of politics leads you to the conclusion that Hitler was a commie you're a retard"

Also Dingbat Davis:
- "National Socialism & National Bolshevism are non-superficially indistinguishable"
- "National Bolshevism... is Russian fascism"
- "the main characteristics of fascist regimes...are also characteristic of communist governments"
- "the idea that fascism & Communism are diametrically opposed [is disinfo]"
- "fascism & communism are immensely similar in practice"
- "communist regimes in practice took the fascist state form"
- "communism became an identifiable variant of fascism"

So Dipshit Davis' own "theory of politics" has led him to the conclusion that fascists are communists & vice versa. Careful though he'll call you a retard if you agree with him.

He wants to piss in your face & tell you it's raining.

Congratulations to this neckbeard on the biggest self-own of the year.

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Martinez Perspective

GPS debunks flat earth. These ppl claim space doesn't even exist so how'd they get satellites out there for GPS.

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Martinez Perspective

If your ostensibly right wing movement can't be distinguished from a crowd of Bernie Sanders supporters when the discussion rolls around to economics, you have a problem.

Change my mind.

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Martinez Perspective

🇧🇪 The Belgian government plans to remove the mention of sex from Belgian identity cards.

Even Belgian journalists can't believe it and have fun of it.

"Le gouvernement, qui n’a toujours pas bouclé un accord sur le nucléaire avec Engie et qui n'a toujours pas trouvé sa réforme fiscale, a quand même trouvé un accord. Il s’agit de supprimer la mention du genre sur nos cartes d’identité..."

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Martinez Perspective

So even the people in Spergman's comments are admitting that I am right about Falangists being communists.

"They believe in the labour theory of value just like the Marxists"

 "They believe the capitalist steals the surplus value"

... But they "don't consider themselves Marxists".

Not considering yourself something while agreeing with virtually everything that group believes is a distinction without a difference. Where do you think they got those ideas from? It's like saying you believe almost everything Muslims believe "but don't consider yourself a Muslim". Trickery.

They admit I am right and condemn me for being right. These people are complete schizos. Totally dishonest.

Follow @martinezpolitics

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Martinez Perspective

They truly hate White people. This questioning of lack of negro players on teams has genocidal undertones. Evidently they'd only be satisfied when there are no White faces at all and only nigger faces.

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Martinez Perspective

The people you speak of are only tactically/selectively pro-White when it can be leveraged to advance the interests of Eurasia or undermine "the American empire". Their pro-Whiteness ends where Russia and China's foreign policy begins. Their consideration for White lives is conditional on who currently governs them and if that government is aligned with Eurasia/BRICS or not. If it is not aligned with Eurasia, White lives are forfeit. Their third worldist fantasy football geopolitics eclipses any concern for European lives. But this metric would forfeit their own lives as citizens of countries with leftist governments not aligned with their sugar daddy Eurasian powers. We'll see what they say when their own country gets invaded.

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Martinez Perspective

Good points but even if Putin's army was "100% White" I'd still have the same position. Why would I support his slaughter of Whites even if his foot soldiers dealing out death were all White? White on White crime gets a pass? Our first principle must be that Whites waging war against other Whites is not a good thing. It's a tragedy and crime. If we are to highlight the individual crimes of migrants against Europeans why does this Red Army ransacking a Euro country get a pass? Putin is doing major damage to Europe and explicitly denying the existence and identity of a Euro ethnic group while affirming a multi-ethnic identity of the "Russians" he rules over with an iron fist. If these policies are not anti-White than I don't know what is.

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Martinez Perspective

A pair of invasive thieves have caused anger after appearing to climb into a fountain and take coins thrown in by those donating to charity 😡

Obviously the police were else where, happen arresting a child for using the wrong pronoun...

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Martinez Perspective

Africans in Europe, 2020.

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Martinez Perspective

"Primo de Rivera appreciated the Marxist analysis and critique of the economy"... But he's not a Marxist?

Don't piss in my face and tell me it's raining.

Not only did he appreciate it but he fashioned his whole econ program on that model: command and control central planning. His affirmation of "private property" was disingenuous at best. A trick to inspire confidence in what amounts to the same thing as the Soviet model.

They admit I'm right but condemn me for noticing it. The celebration parallax at work!

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Martinez Perspective

Spergman James A going back to this lousy argument.

"Martinez calls Jose Antonio a Marxist, when the historical reality is that Jose Antonio was executed by Communists for being a Fascist."

That's like saying Trotsky isn't a Marxist because he was executed by fellow Marxist Stalin. Communists kill communists all the time. Fascists also kill other fascists. Heard of the Night of the Long Knives?

Communists killed Jose Antonio because he was a Christian who fought against them. They didn't kill him for his economic views which were identical to theirs. Economic views are what make a communist and little else. You can be a christian and a communist like Hugo Chavez. Trying to blur the lines on that is the true dishonesty.

The argument is that Bolshevism and Fascism are virtually the same so it's a distinction without a difference. Fascism copied Bolshevism not the reverse.. Plenty of self-identified fascists state this proudly I've quoted them profusely. The cognitive dissonance is wearing you down big guy.

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Martinez Perspective

"Martinez be dumb dumb for calling us communists... Now let us explain how we're communists" 👇👇👇

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Martinez Perspective

Always rich to hear pro-Kremlinites use prostitution as an attack against Ukraine.

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Martinez Perspective

This is also the reason that these types fetishize about Putin's Russia and Xi's China. They see them as much closer to their preferred communist model of economics and government. Both states moved away from the pure socialism of the Soviet and Mao eras towards a mixed econ crony capitalist system, but they see that as close enough to what they want. This is where the businessmen are at the politicians' beck and call. They scratch the politicians' backs and theirs are scratched. Putin gives big state contracts to his favoured oligarchs like the Rotenberg bros who then clandestinely buy him mansions and yachts and stash money away for him. This is how the politician gets rich without doing actual business. He uses his supreme state power to extort and control business interests. He just gets close to the big interests and forces them to hand over tribute money in exchange for favours like restricting or eliminating their competition, lucrative state contracts, and other things.

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Martinez Perspective

Moscow's friendly mayor continues to forbid rallies (that aren't organized by the government) because, uh, COVID. 🙃 [source: Krasnaya Vesna]

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Martinez Perspective

The only issue I could see with that is that if the values of the parents are leftist then it won't really change much if they're home schooled or not. But leftists almost never home school anyway so... It certainly makes sense for cultural right-wingers to home school their kids today when Leftists control all the educational institutions. At the very least find some kind of private charter school that you know isn't teaching CRT and queer gender theory.

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Martinez Perspective

Being raised by government employees (or the internet) is one of the main causes for the breakdown in the vertical, intergenerational transmission of culture.

Instead of inheriting the cultural values of their parents, children are thrust into public schools and encouraged to imprint upon each other. As a result, they internalize whatever transient, horizontally transmitted aesthetics pass for the pop culture of the era.

If you feel like you don't know your own children, it might be because you outsourced the job of raising them to people you don't know.

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Martinez Perspective

SUB the new channel: /channel/martinezpolitics

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Martinez Perspective

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Martinez Perspective

So this brown cunt just hates White men without any reason. This is a direct by-product of Marxist academia. They're being radicalized to hate White men. Upon graduation they go out in the world on a search and destroy mission of White men. They bring this type of politics into their workplace to bully Whites out of their jobs. This is nothing short of racial Marxist warfare against Whites.

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Martinez Perspective

It really is a skewed metric some WNs were using to size up this Ukraine vs Russia thing. They were asking themselves, "which country is more White?" "Which country has more Jews?" "Which country is more anti gay?" Very autist metrics you get from 60-IQ 4channers. If u were to use that last metric alone they would sign off on the invasion/destruction of virtually every European country West of Russia. Ukraine wins the first metric and the second is even. But those are not the metrics I use. Ukraine is a White country with a valid identity. The rest is irrelevant. They should have their own state as should Baltics peoples who are distinct from Russia. Negating their sovereignty on any of those metrics would likewise negate the sovereignty of all of Europe.

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Martinez Perspective

Not only are their economic views Socialist but their stance on supporting Russia could be seen as anti-white because they think killing Ukrainians "is fighting Globohomo" even though Putin is a multi-racial globalist himself, and a lot of "Russia's" army looks mongrel and non-white to me, so they're effectively supporting a mongrel/Chechen invasion of Europe. And you also get faggots like Kumar Woods siding with pakis and Palestinians over "Anglo imperialism" or some other bullshit phrase.

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Martinez Perspective

The great irony here is that about a year ago all of these spergs were chirping at me because I said Hitler had a mixed economy. They said I was wrong and that he had a command economy and was a "ReAl SoCiAliSt". Now that I'm conceding that they were right and I was wrong they're now condemning me for having the same position as them! Again, this is a bizarre iteration of the celebration parallax at play. If you celebrate the similarities between Fascism and Bolshevism you're a good guy, but if you highlight them as a critique they attack you. Who are the dishonest ones here?

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Martinez Perspective

Hard to believe camwhores and a shoddy internet course can afford this kind of lifestyle. Obviously he's got other investments but seems like he's got unlimited cash. Look at all the thots riding their coat tails.

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Martinez Perspective

Saying "communists killed a guy for being a fascist so they're opposites" is like saying a Sunni Muslim killing a Shiite Muslim proves they're a different religion. Very similar ideologies often produce some of the most intense rivalries. Mussolini almost went to war with Hitler over Austria's independence. The small differences that they have on ancillary issues often provoke violent confrontations between ideological kin. Similar dynamic between commies & fascists and the numerous variants thereof.

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Martinez Perspective

Self-identified fascists admitting they:

> "are close to Marxist-Leninists"
> "agree more with communists than capitalists"
> "Authoritarian Left, close to Stalin on a political quadrant"
> "economically on the left"
> "want to seize production"
> reject White Nationalism as "racial idolatry"
> economics of fascism is the same as Lenin's USSR
> have mixed race members in their group
> "don't care about race"
> National Bolshevism is the same as Fascism


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Martinez Perspective

Here's the pseud again: "National Bolshevism seems like Russian fascism to me"

So if Bolshevism is the same thing as Fascism as he says himself over and over again then where do these fucktards get off denying that they're communists?

It's all word games and sophistry. 

"I'm a Bolshevik just don't call me that because I prefer this other label that we made up to disguise the fact that we're communists"

Congratulations dipshit you completely undermined your own self-labeling deception with your own words.

They want to shoot the messenger for noticing.

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