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🔥 Stream today 4PM ET / 10 PM CET 🔥
Jolani invites Syrian refugees back to Syria.
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Syria’s new leader Abu Mohammed al Jolani has told the country’s millions of refugees living in other countries that they must return home to help rebuild the country.
The "alternative" media is a collection of shoe-string budget low-IQ dumbfucks giving arm-chair "analysis". It's not journalism, it's punditry and half-baked opinion columns. It has turned millions of people into Q-tards, Z-tards, H-tards, and other retardisms. Low-information, low-value, slop content for lemmings hungry to eat up contrarian disinformation.
"Dey lied about covid so da earf is flat" - average alt-media consoooomer
One of the most evil psychopaths to walk the earth. Close associate of convicted pedophile Scott Ritter.
Common denominator: they both love Russia.
Bashar the Lion literally just bounced out of the country without a fight, had a huge collection of luxury cars, bathed in opulence while his people suffered. Terrible leader. Now people even more pathetic than Assad will run the country further into the ground.
Читать полностью…"Dey fight da Zioniss dey good bois inshallah" - Ryan the Dyslexic Retard 😂😂🐫🐫
Читать полностью…Now that her Syria grift is officially over, will she turn to OnlyFans to make a living?
Читать полностью…If Boas was advocating for the intermarriage between Jews and Gentiles, as he does here, and he married a Catholic woman, then he was not a J tribalist but an assimilationist.
Thus he was an ideological left-liberal who did not care about preserving Jewry. A Jewish student of Boas, Alexander Goldenweiser, said this about Zionism:
"Here for once, the tables are reversed, and the Jew turns into a racial snob. . . . In the “democratic” organization of the new Jewish state, the Arab is outvoted and ruled against his will by the Jewish people with the assistance of foreign British police. . . . Those same Arabs . . . are regarded by the Jews as inferior, as a primitive race."
So you can see a consistency there condemning his fellow Jews in Israel as "racial snobs" for not treating the Arabs as equals.
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Читать полностью…Rat libertarian Daniel McAdams' ties to Russia and Communist Cuba
Читать полностью…Jill Stein on Israel 🇮🇱: "Cut ties with this genocidal expansionist regime"
Jill Stein on Russia 🇷🇺: "We need to do diplomacy"
The KGB ops in alt-media want to deflect hard from Russia's homicidal expansionism in Europe and have you look elsewhere.
Stein is a Jewish anti-Zionist who tows the Dugin line on most foreign policy issues, advocating for a weakened West so that Russia and China can swoop in and establish Eurasian World Dominion.
🔥 Stream today 4PM ET / 10 PM CET 🔥
Turd Worldists in a rage over Assad downfall.
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Un inmigrante ilegal golpea a una mujer en un parque de niños en un parque de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. ¿Qué dicen las feministas?
Читать полностью…Richard Walther Darré, Reich Minister of Food and Agriculture, called Slavs inferior and advocated confiscating their farms.
Rat Tristan Tate claimed the Romanian government had his electricity shut off. Actually is was just a planned general power outage. 😂😂
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Читать полностью…Indian immigrant admits Canada's anti-White policies
Читать полностью…Interrupting Indian gets a lecture about White replacement
Читать полностью…Syria girl will spend the next years crying about Israel taking a hill in Syria. Wonder how much mileage she can get out of that before her simps stop paying her for kook-tier armchair "analysis".😂😂🦍🦍
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First half I look at the hysterical reactions of the Turd Worldist alt-media brigade to the Syria situation; frauds like Dawson & Syrian Girl are seething that their lifes work of defending Assad has gone up in flames; Russian assets like Jill Stein show their true colors; Libertarian Daniel McAdams' ties to Russia exposed; second half some debates with libtards on OME.
As you can see here, Kevin MacDonald removed passages from a source that was describing the influence of two Gentile liberal-leftist philosophers (Jean-Jacques Rosseau and Jean-Paul Sartre) on a Jewish liberal-leftist philosopher named Levy-Strauss.
The only explanation for removing those specific references was that MacDonald doesn't want the reader to think that Gentiles had anything to do with left-liberal philosophy and that it was a purely Jewish endeavor.
Why lie by omission like this to make a case?
I think MacDonald's assertions about Neoconservatism and the Frankfurt School are correct, but he has a much weaker case about Boasnian anthropology and uses this dishonest omission tactic to make it seem more Jewish-motivated than it was. From a wmischling/p-77503876">breakdown of MacDonald's omissions:
"Far from being hostile, Boas took pride in his German heritage and identified as a German far more than as a Jew. He was also exogamous, being married to a Catholic Austrian woman despite MacDonald’s claim to contrary, and on top of the fact that he didn’t express specific concern about antisemitism, he explicitly advocated for the end to Jewish group continuity via assimilation as its only answer. At one point, he actually declined a request to condemn antisemitism"
Boas co-founded the Germanistic Society of America to promote German culture. Not something an avowed Gentile-hater would do. He also advocated for the full assimilation of Jews with Gentiles and thus the dissolution of Jewry as a group:
"Thus it would seem that man being what he is, the Negro problem will not disappear in America until Negro blood has been so much diluted that it will no longer be recognized just as anti-Semitism will not disappear until the last vestige of the Jew as a Jew has disappeared."
That doesn't mean Boas was "good" nor is it a defense of him, it simply means that his leftism was more a product of ideology than ethnicity.
MacDonald falsely identified French anthropologist Claude Levy-Strauss as "strongly identified Jew concerned with anti-Semitism" but the evidence shows he did not identify strongly as Jewish and much more as French.
Here's wmischling/p-77503876">an article refuting MacDonald on Franz Boas and Levy-Strauss and this one refuting him on Marx. Both were indeed ideologues of the left but were motivated primarily by ideology not ethnicity or religion.
Читать полностью…The bison is an even-toed ungulate mammal that lives on the prairies of Canada, Mexico and the United States.
Bison are the largest land animals in North America. An adult male can reach 1.8-2 meters in height and 2.5-3 meters in length. Females are usually smaller: 2.2-3 meters in length and 1.5 meters in height. Bison weighs from 800 to 1150 kg. Calves weigh 14-32 kg at birth.
Discrimination against Poles in Germany.
During the Nazi reign:
"In early 1939, there were no anti-Polish riots in the Ruhr area, although Nazi Germany increased both its invigilation of Polish activists and organizations, and the censorship of Polish press.[28] Polish activists, expecting a German attack, secured the files of Polish organizations.[28] On 15 July 1939, the Gestapo entered the headquarters of the Union of Poles in Germany in Bochum, searched it and interrogated its chief Michał Wesołowski.[33] The Nazis then carried out mass searches of Polish organizations in the region and interrogated Polish activists, however, they did not obtain the desired lists of Polish activists, which had been previously hidden by Poles.[34] Nazi terror and persecutions rapidly intensified. The Nazis limited freedom of assembly, increased censorship and confiscated Polish press for reporting on the persecution and arrests of Poles.[34] In response, many Poles from the region came to Bochum for organizational and information meetings.[34] On 24 August 1939, the Gestapo, under threat of arrest, demanded 30 leading Polish activists to appear at the Gestapo station in Bochum and present lists of members of Polish organizations, but again to no avail.[34] Due to increasing German repressions, many Polish organizations suspended public activity.[35]"
"After the outbreak of the Second World War, all remaining Polish organizations in the Ruhr faced dissolution by the Nazis. On 11 September 1939, 249 leading Polish activists from the Ruhr were arrested and then placed in concentration camps.[35] At least 60 of them were murdered for their activities by Nazi Germany.[36][37] Headquarters of Polish organizations and premises in Bochum were looted and expropriated by Nazi Germany.[12] The Gestapo closed the Polish monastery in Bochum, which was then converted into a transit camp for people deported from German-occupied Lithuania.[17] It was destroyed during air raids in 1943, rebuilt afterwards,[17] and eventually demolished in 2012.[38] Shortly before demolition, the church bells were sent to Poland.[38] Polish men and women from German-occupied Poland were deported by the Germans to slave labour in the region, including to the subcamps of the Buchenwald concentration camp in Bochum,[39] Dortmund,[40][41] Essen,[42] Unna[43] and Witten.[44]"
On German deportations of Poles in occupied Poland
Polish decrees