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First half I cover the Vivek/Musk dust up about immigration; both are pushing for more legal immigrants causing a backlash from the MAGA base; Musk has children with a half-Indian woman which could be influencing his stance; we look at clips from India proving it to be the worst shithole on earth; second half some crazy interactions on OME.

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Martinez Politix

Our "greatest ally" strikes again

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Martinez Politix

There is an ideological element to Musk's stance beyond the cheaper labour motive. He has a few kids who are partially Indian and is an immigrant himself who came in on one of those work visas, so he has a soft spot for legal immigrants and doesn't differentiate between immigrants based on their race or culture, only their intelligence (race/culture blind meritocracy). Standard center-right positions.

Either way, it's a weak position. Ethnic and religious diversity has proven to fail time and again. America and all Western countries need to put a blank stopper on most immigration for now and then skew it back towards high-IQ Europeans.

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Martinez Politix

Merry Christmas Europeans! I wish you all a great holiday! 🎄☃️🎅

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Martinez Politix

Dave Russia's Bitch Smith

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Martinez Politix

African "comedian" Black Paddy should be deported from Ireland ASAP.

He exists to torment and harass Irish people and gloat in their demographic demise.

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Martinez Politix

🇨🇦 "Canada is a white supremacist colonial project...this is indigenous land"

Palestine activists are enemies of the West who want White replacement more than anything.

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Martinez Politix

There is virtually no difference between Jewish chosenite attitudes and Nazi German chosenite attitudes.

In fact, Nazism was an imitation of the Judaic concept of being an elect "light unto the nations". They swapped out Jews for Germans/Nordics. Chosen people/Master race. Hitler says many times in MK that a "Germanic element" is the spark of all great civilizations. Delusional bullshit.

Nazis and extremist/fundamentalist Jews both think they're superior hence their intense competition with each other over who's supreme and worthy of global domination.

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Martinez Politix

Former socialist Spanish PM Zapatero's government legalized gay marriage and adoption in 2005.

He was generally pro-Palestinian and criticized Israel a lot. Spanish leftists have always been pro-Arab and they remain so today.

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Martinez Politix

I don't think this upbringing had much to do with his work, but it's noteworthy insofar as the J-trappers always assume a Jewish upbringing is what motivates Jewish liberals, but they don't assume the same thing for Christian liberals.

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Martinez Politix

Kinsey's work was also primarily financed by the Christian Rockefeller family.

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Martinez Politix

Kinsey was raised in a strict Christian religious household.

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Martinez Politix

Benny Johnson, who was tied in with the Tenet Media scandal where he was indirectly receiving Russian money, cares more about a gas pipeline than Ukrainian lives.

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Martinez Politix

Average pro-Hitlerist these days is a brown stinky Arab, Turkish or Iranian Muslim.

We're actually seeing this all over X too. The Hitlertard posting is coming from 60-IQ seething Arabs who use Hitler to troll Israelis.

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Martinez Politix

🇩🇪 German patriots demanding remigration after the Saudi terrorist attack


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Martinez Politix

"But but only Js are the problem"

Irish Catholic Peter Sutherland led the open borders push from inside the UN and other institutions for decades.

"We must undermine the national homogeneity of Europe" - Sutherland

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Martinez Politix

Cenk speaks out against INJUSTICE!

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Martinez Politix

Cenk Uygur explodes!

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Martinez Politix


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Martinez Politix

🔥 Stream today 4PM ET / 10 PM CET 🔥

Final stream before Christmas. Some OMETV & Chat.

📺 Watch:

Superchats / Superchats

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Martinez Politix

Some smelly Squatemalen set a chick on fire in the NY subway. 🦍

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Martinez Politix

Martinez & Connor on The State of Nationalism (Topics: Schizos, NatSocs/NazBols, Libertarians, Israel/Palestine, Russia/Ukraine, J trap & more)

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Martinez Politix

Trump says on Day 1 he will stop the "transgender lunacy" and get them out of women's sports and the military.


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Martinez Politix

This poll is putting AfD chief in the lead coming into the next German election.

This Saudi terror attack will undoubtedly help AfD in the next elections.

I'd wager they win it.

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Martinez Politix

This is what the leadership of the Rockefeller Foundation looks like today.

A true melting pot of different races.

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Martinez Politix

Now on substack, subscribe:

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Martinez Politix

Interesting case here.

Jewish conservative academic Judith Reisman was the leading critic of sexologist Alfred Kinsey, raised Christian, whose books helped spark the sexual revolution in America:

"Kinsey's "atomic bomb" did not instantly redraw the social landscape, but it was a powerful stimulant of the sexual revolution. It paved the way for serious studies of sexuality, with pioneers such as Masters and Johnson admitting that they could not have done their research without Kinsey's precedence."

Kinsey's books and institute have been blamed "for contributing to the liberalization of sexual morality". Kinsey's first book on male sexuality, "was a grenade waiting to explode in puritanical American society" and his second on female sexuality was described by a newspaper at the time as an "atomic bomb designed to destroy what remains of sexual morality in America". Other newspapers had similar opinions:

"Kinsey had dropped a bombshell that "hits every structure of sexual morality."

"Kinsey represents a challenge to all who have maintained a dangerously reserved position on the teaching of sexual relations."

"Sex will have lost its intimate personal character and will become the most casual and common of all the biological activities of the human animal."

LGBT groups credit Kinsey with normalizing homosexuality because his interviewees revealed that homosexual activity was more common than previously known:

"In 2012, Kinsey was inducted into the Legacy Walk in Chicago, an outdoor public display which celebrates LGBT history and people. In June 2019, Kinsey was one of the inaugural fifty American "pioneers, trailblazers, and heroes" inducted on the National LGBTQ Wall of Honor within the Stonewall National Monument (SNM) in New York City's Stonewall Inn. The SNM is the first U.S. national monument dedicated to LGBTQ rights and history, and the wall's unveiling was timed to take place during the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots."

Reisman wrote several books critiquing Kinsey's works and influence: Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People, Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences: The Red Queen and the Grand Scheme, Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America, and one about soft-core porn's corrosive effects, "Soft Porn" Plays Hardball: Its Tragic Effects on Women, Children and the Family.

Her work "ignited an anti-pornography movement that led to President Reagan announcing the launch in May 1985 of what became known as the Meese Commission on Pornography." An obituary described her as Hugh Hefner's "greatest earthly foe."

She supported a prohibition on pornography and attacked early nude mags like Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler, accusing them of publishing child pornography, for which she was sued by Playboy. She also opposed gay marriage.

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Martinez Politix

🇩🇪 The German Christmas market attack could have been prevented with sane immigration policies and enforcement as well as law enforcement doing their jobs by deporting known terror threats.

These Germans' deaths are on the hands of the anti-White political class!

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Martinez Politix

Russian religiosity is a performative larp for the cameras.

Only 12% attend church once a month and their religious practice is mainly adhering to infrequent "festive social rituals".

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Martinez Politix

The Saudi terrorist's motive was punishing Germans for not allowing enough of his Saudi race into Germany.

Diversity is a perilous threat to European lives!

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