"Medicine" is the biggest industry by revenue in the US for a reason.
They make you sick for profit.
Order matters, fat, protein then carbs.
#Nutrition #Hormones #Insulin
You get to decide what kind of man you wanna be, you just have to be that man.
At some you the "Fake" you will become the real one.
Start acting like the man you want to be to become him.
I present to you the Masculine Brainwash Sticker pack so you can shitpost like the refined individual you are.
I always remember an article from 2012 "studies have shown red meat consumption increases risk of death by 13%".
There is no 113% risk of death, only 100%. Everyone of us will die some day.
Association does not mean causation. That bullshit study took a bunch of people who had diseases like diabetes, coronary heart disease, strokes, etc and because they happen to eat meat the "researchers" associated red meat to mortality rate ignoring other factors like socioeconomics, genetics, drugs, etc. It was all numbers on a paper to make beef look bad.
You're your own person.
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." Marcus Aurelius.
#Mindset #DewayneNoel #AudioInComments 👂
Western Veganism is sickness.
#Nutrition #Meat
Remember your greatness, the only person who needs to believe in yourself is you.
Therapy is for the female brain.
A man needs to shut the fuck up, ask some questions then answer them in meditation. You will get your answers if you're not a bitch.
Can you have free will without discipline?
#Mindset #Discipline #JockoWillinks
Enriching your love ones lives enriches yours too.
You're part of the bunch, if the bunch is rotten you probably are too.
"Don't spend your life waiting to live"
You are the owner of your life, the owner gets to decide.
Fake until you make it.
"Peer pressure" can be the best thing ever if your peers are great.
Dumb scammers at it again, I'll never contact you.
Send them the wrath of mumu ogun and thunderstrike their ballsacks.
They're flesh and blood like you and I.
Even great people like Marcus Aurelius had the same urges as you do.
Nothing wrong with standing your ground.
Nothing wrong with respecting yourself.
Nothing wrong with hurting others feelings.
Stay "Toxic", it's good for you and everyone else.
You can always be better.
#Brainwash #JockoWillink
If you already quit processed meals, you MUST salt your meals.
Sodium is one of the most important minerals out there.
Change can be painful at the beginning but worth it most of the time.
Remember, one step at a time.
#Mindset #JoeyDiaz
Your self image and self talk is very important. Change your self perception and your whole being will accommodate your new you.
#Mindset #Manifestation