You're not a victim (maybe the victim the and perpetrator), Your shitty life was the result of your shitty choices.
You're accountable for your current state.
Excuses will only keep you in that dark hole you're in.
You don't eat soybeans, canola oil and high fructose corn syrup expecting to be healthy and fit.
Same thing with your connections, if you mingle with pot head soy boys who live a miserable and depressing life you're prone to live the same miserable life.
Friends are part of your diet, be sure to have a great one.
Even one friend makes a big difference, Imagine three... or 10.
The way you think about and react to stuff shapes your life (Also those are the only things you can control)
Don't ruin your precious life with a dark mindset and poor actions.
#Mindset #Stoicism
Shaping your life starts in your head.
Been considering getting a sledgehammer or an indian club, might as well share some things you can do with them.
Great for shoulder mobility.
Can you do something about it? No? Then, why do you care?.
Use your energy for things you can control. Like not getting tortured by your imagination.
#Mindset #Stoicism #Eizelganger #AudioInComments 👂
If you get cheated on is 100% your fault, You chose that woman, you let yourself lose your edge, you chose to be a loser.
Karma is just cause and effect, shitty choices and decisions cause shitty results.
Take responsibility, you walked the way to the point you are now.
Worrying about things is a waste of energy. Worrying never solved anything.
#MIndset #Stoicism
Make the decision and be disciplined enough to carry it out long term.
#Discipline #Mindset
#Sleep #Discipline #JockoWIllinks
A war is just a bunch of small battles.
Every time you have urges to eat something you're not suposed to remember it's goyslop developed to make you weak and sick.
Читать полностью…You don't continue eating rotten food after the first taste... Why would you do the opposite when it's people?
We're social animals, we're made to be part of a like-minded group working towards the same goal.
Men and women are different, they heal different.
You can't postpone things after you're dead.
#Stoicism #Mindset
You don't have to accept everything that comes your way.
#Mindset #Stoicism
You have infinite ways to respond to things, make sure your responses come from your mind and not from a bodily function.
Читать полностью…All the different environments in the world won't change a shitty mindset.
The only landscape you need to change is the one inside your mind, everything good comes after.
Don't be a slave of your surroundings
#Mindset #Stoicism
Would you drink the shit water?
#MIndset #SelfRespect
You're not your thoughts. If you follow your thoughts you're just following the built-in program; You know who follow their built-in programs? NPCs.
Excuses have big NPC energy. Are you a human or a robot?
The more men lower their standards, the more women degenerate.
Be great and keep your standards, just be sure to be up to standard yourself.
Trust the gut, it's the blessing of our ancestors.
The way to stop procrastination is to stop doing something and start doing NOTHING
Yes you read that correctly
When people procrastinate they usually substitute their desired activity for another non productive activity like scrolling, listening to music, playing vidya etc
(Note: it doesn’t even have to be a negative activity to be procrastination. Sometimes you’ll workout, or read, or go for a walk, when what you really know you need to do is work. Procrastination is about priority vs non priority)
Because of this they never get to feel the full weight of their inaction in the moment because they’re burying it by substituting positive action for time passing action
Whenever you feel there’s something you need to do and you just can’t quite bring yourself to do it STOP EVERYTHING YOU’RE DOING
Sit down and stare at the f*cking wall or stare off into space. no talking, no moving, no activity. Just you and your inner voice.
In a short amount of time you start to feel how much time and life is being wasted, you get sick of hearing your mind tell you what you should be doing.
Eventually you get forced into action
📝 304 replies
Soda raises testosterone
The science has spoken. Drinking Pepsi and Coke raises your testosterone levels and makes you a Chad.
Lmao, original image says you should skip breakfast to save money.
Save money for lunch because we are doing intermittent fasting. 💪