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Masculine Brahinwash

Are you still drinking that shit, a Water Distiller is not that expensive in the long run.

Either you pay with your money now or with your health later... either way you are paying.


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Masculine Brahinwash

'Be renewed in the spirit of your mind'

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Masculine Brahinwash

The most important video of the day. This is all this is about.


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Masculine Brahinwash

your environment and Everything that enters your body and mind is part of diet... even porn.

Your diet shapes you, if you allow porn then it will become a part of you.

A junkie won't quit dope if he lives in a crack house, it's the same with porn.

#Retention #NoPorn

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Masculine Brahinwash

Biologically, we are not that different from rats, you can learn from their behaviour.


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Masculine Brahinwash

You would not drink stale water, Then why would you stale your life? Change, life is not a photo.


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Masculine Brahinwash

Bugs are real though 😏


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Masculine Brahinwash

Do things like your life depends on them, because your life depends on those things.


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Masculine Brahinwash

How can you expect something from everyone else if you are not that yourself?


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Masculine Brahinwash


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Masculine Brahinwash

New esoteric knowledge just entered your body... Time to turn the bed.


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Masculine Brahinwash

Some addictions can be a little tricky to overcome if you do the wrong things.

The most common ways to quit I can think of right now are:
Change environment (environment as in people around you, places you frequent, where you live, etc)
Remove temptations, discipline is easy when you don't have anything that might break your willpower.
Replace addiction with something else, it's easy for you if you have a coping replacement (addicted to nicotine -> quits and starts chewing gum)
Slowly reduce consumption, if you smoke 10 ciggies a day, next week smoke 9 and the next just 8, continue until you can quit for good.
Cold turkey, depending on the vice this can be suboptimal, you can quit sugar cold turkey but things like booze and ciggies may fuck you up if you are a heavy user. Easy to go back to old patterns if you don't change your environment and remove temptations.


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Masculine Brahinwash

Wanna live a great life? Become a great person.

Want to have your dream girlfriend? Become the man your dream girlfriend dreams about.

Dream job? Become the fit for it.

Become and everything will line up to match your level.

#Manifestation #Mindset

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Masculine Brahinwash

Are you squatting enough?

#Fitness #TomPlatz

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Masculine Brahinwash

You are a Giga-Chad, just tap into your Giga-Chad power.


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Masculine Brahinwash

Use cash, cards are for the goyim so they can continue living as slaves.

We all know jews love money, there is merit on the advice of a kike regarding to shekels.

Even budgets work better when you budget in cash.


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Masculine Brahinwash

Today's brainwash

Limiting beliefs are your downfall, you can only achieve what you believe you can accomplish.

#Gravemind #AudioInComments👂

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Masculine Brahinwash

Would you keep gifting to the ungrateful?
What makes you think you will be given more if you are not grateful for the cornucopia of wealth you already have?


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Masculine Brahinwash

Masturbation and porn usage is escapism.

#Retention #NoPorn

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Masculine Brahinwash

Like the Spiderman quote "With great power comes great responsibility" With great responsibility comes great power.

What can be more powerful than being responsible for your own life?


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Masculine Brahinwash

You are OK the way you are, You are a complete being, enough.

You can not fix what is not broken, improving only makes you better.


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Masculine Brahinwash

This happened to me after I chose to stop being depressed (Yes, it's a choice... depression is fake and gay) every little detail is precious to me now.


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Masculine Brahinwash

The discipline you have for the small things is the same you will have for the big things.

Even small things like washing a glass after you drink from it helps.

#Discipline #BobProctor

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Masculine Brahinwash

Just do what Ryan Gosling would.


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Masculine Brahinwash

New esoteric knowledge just entered your body for a second time in a row, time to turn the bed.


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Masculine Brahinwash

There are fucking scammer pests with the channel's name posting in the comments, never click dubious link from these sub-humans.

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Masculine Brahinwash

I often use my best clothes, my best tools, best cutlery, Etc. because If not now then When. I could be dead tomorrow.

Like when you play a videogame and you save the "Special ammunition" but you reach the credits and you ended never using it (I remember doing that the first time I played Metro 2033).

It's time you start asking the best for yourself, everyday.


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Masculine Brahinwash

You are what you do.

Virtuous people do virtuous things.

#Mindset #JordasPeterson

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Masculine Brahinwash

You are capable, don't fall for the scam of self-limiting beliefs.

#Manifestation #TomPlatz

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Masculine Brahinwash


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