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Masculine Brahinwash

Pulleys are great

#Fitness #MikeMentzer

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Masculine Brahinwash

Goyslop mimics the real thing, don't fall for the lies. (There is nothing wrong with homemade burgers)

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Masculine Brahinwash

Carnivore diet can be a great tool to fix determine what cause and fix some illnesses but it is by no means the "Ultimate diet" (that's paleo, lmao).

#nutrition #PaulSaladino #CarnivoreMD #AudioInComments 👂

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Masculine Brahinwash

Do whatever you want with the chicken but remove and save the bones, you will be using them to make soup.

Eggs (Basic):
Have plenty protein and part of the required fats (The bare minimum, in my experience, is 50g of fat or 450Kcal) (a regular egg has around 5g of fat, 6g of protein and around 80Kcal in total)

Lentils and Rice (Basic):
This and eggs will be the base of the diet, lentils and rice complement each other and they can be stored indefinitely. Bulk Buy on sale and store forever.
Personally I find the best lentils to rice ratio being 2:1, the way to cook them is to place them in a pot, add enough water (for me is between my second and third phalanx from the bottom up)

Do whatever you like with this, since you have milk mashed potatoes is great.

Remember the bones? make soup. add assorted vegetables if you want.

Iodized Sea salt (Basic):
You need this to live.

If you shit yourself just by thinking of milk I feel sorry for you, you can get lactase pills or something.
With milk and literally zero skill you can make yogurt, just get a starter colony of yogurt from a cup of yogurt. Personally I find plain Danone being optimal for this. heat the milk until lukewarm then add and mix the cup of plain yogurt. Make sure the yogurt is not pasteurized and lists bacterial colonies as ingredients. if you live in a warm place then you can leave it on the counter overnight, if you don't then you can wrap the pot with bedding, a duvet or something like that. A different option is storing the milk in an insulated container like a food thermos or a cooler bag. A liter of milk yields around 800ml of yogurt.
To make Greek yogurt you can either get a cheesecloth or get a "Vegan milk" mesh bag, I find the latter more confortable. It will be plastic though. Just place the yogurt inside and wait for the whey to sweat (Is not whey protein isolate like you get from shakes, it's just whole whey, mostly water), you will end up with great tasting plain greek.

Whatever veggies/fruit you like to eat:
This is involves a lot of processing and sale hunting, where I live you can get "Ugly" produce at the supermarkets for a fraction of the price. Get for cheap, slice and dice and store in the fridge, make soup with it.
Optimal for freezing (Not specific order):
Bell Peppers, Peppers in general
Potatoes, dice, wash then dry before freezing.
Green beans
Corn (they sell frozen corn, get that I guess)
Peas (same as corn)
Berries (blueberries, raspberries, etc)
Sub-optimal for freezing :
Tomatoes (unless paste, becomes mush)
Bananas (Become mush when unfrozen, edible though)
Spring onions/Regular onions: Double bag them or they will stink the rest of the fridge, other than the stank there are no issues.

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Masculine Brahinwash

It sucks, for sure but... do you know what sucks more than starting your fitness trip? Being trapped in a fragile and weak body which won't do as you want.

Start fitness today, enjoy the rest of your life in a healthy body God would be happy to inhabit.

#BalkanGains #Fitness #Mindset
🔗 Her first time in the gym - balkangains">Balkan Gains

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Masculine Brahinwash

"You only need to be consistent with the basics"

Fitness is easy, you only need to be constant and follow through.

The best cardio shape I've ever had was when I commuted to work biking on my single speed. Around 40bpm resting rate.

The time I looked the best was when I just moved weight around and did some pull ups every day after work for like half an hour.

Fitness is easy, 15 minutes a day every other day with a kettlebell is more than enough for most, if not al, people to get in shape and live their best lives.

You can do it too, just be consistent. Stop overcomplicating things. Eat proper and move your body.

#Kboges #Fitness
🔗Health and Fitness Is SIMPLER Than We Have Been Told - Kboges">K Boges

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Masculine Brahinwash

If you are still resistant to the kettlebell pill then listen to this extract of Joe Rogan's podcast
#Fitness #JoeRogan #AudioInComments 👂

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Masculine Brahinwash

Kettlebell row: Why not? everyone wants and admires a strong, wide back.

Main Muscles worked: Lats, Traps, Real delts.

Starting position is Kettlebell on ground, the leg of the opposite side of the side you are training slighly forward (you can use a bench), the other leg points outward, slightly bent. back parallel to the ground, arm reaching for the weigths.

The movement is akin to starting a lawnmower but slowly and controlled, the weight goes up in a straight line while your elbow stays always parallel to your column. Raise the kettlebell until you notice the full range of motion has been achieved.

Example video here: Link
More information here: StrengthLog (Dumbell row is the same movement)

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Masculine Brahinwash

Kettlebell snatch: Explosive exercises are fun. This one can be dangerous though.

Main muscles used: Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, Mid and Lower Back, Shoulder stabilizer muscles, Most of your core.

The starting position is feet at shoulder width with toes slightly outwards, knees bent and torso forward kettlebell resting between your legs touching the ground. hand grabbing the handle of the weight. your center of gravity should be slightly behind and the kettlebell acting as a counterweight, if you let go of the kettlebell you should not be able to keep your balance.

Extend your legs and hips and drive the kettlebell to the upper position, the weight of the kettlebell should be always be "outside". At shoulder level you should be able to rest the weight on your forearm, that's called a Clean or Rack.

I recommend starting at the upper position and doing the downward motion slowly until you learn the path of the weight.

If this one is too hard, try first Kettlebell cleans then Clean and Press. There is plenty info out there.

More information here: Set For Set

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Masculine Brahinwash

Kettlebell Swings: This one should be the fundamental kettlebell exercise in your repertoire.

Main muscles used: Glutes, Lower back

The start position is feet at shoulder width (can be wider) , soles firmly planted, Torso Inclined forward, knees slightly bent and kettlebell between the legs. While there is a one-handed variation we will discuss 2 hands.

Inhale, brace your core a little and swing the kettlebell, thrust your pelvis while swinging. Kettlebell should reach about chest or shoulder height.

Inhale at the downswing, exhale at the upswing. Breathing is important, you may get dizzy with these exercises.

More information here: StrengthLog

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Masculine Brahinwash

Here in the Channel we seldomly discuss about training and when we do is more advanced stuff.

If you are new to the world of fitness then I highly recommend you start with kettlebells due to 2 things, Cheap (Talking about Vinyl, cast iron is super expensive... you can even use a rock with a handle) and effective.

Today we discuss training with kettlebells, begineers, veterans and everyone in the middle can benefit from today's information. 💪💪💪

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Masculine Brahinwash

Do you look right then turn left while driving? Me neither, that's a recipe for a crash.

You hold the helm of the ship, you are the captain, you set the course.

#Mindset #TitusUnlimited #AudioInComments 👂

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Masculine Brahinwash

Muscle imbalances are pretty normal, doing unilateral exercises and stretches are a good way to fix them.


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Masculine Brahinwash

Pornography removes the most important bits of relationships and turns people into masturbatory objects.


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Masculine Brahinwash

You Can Lead a Horse To Water, But You Can’t Make It Drink. Don't bother, it's evident.

#MIndset #SelfRespect

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Masculine Brahinwash

The things you put on your skin is going to be absorbed, it's part of your diet if you want to see it that way.

The best soap for you has only 3 ingredients: Oil, lye (caustic soda and yes, for toilets) and water and you can make your own following these simple instructions.

I suffered from some pretty bad eczema when before I removed that shit from my life. That crap is poison.

#EndocrineDisruptors #AudioInComments 👂

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Masculine Brahinwash

Never settle for scraps, you are not a dog.

You are the superior being walking this earth. Chose the best for you and your people.

Respect yourself.

#SelfRespect #BalkanGains #Brainwash

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Masculine Brahinwash

What you do with the ingredients is up to you. Muscles don't grow on fumes, the list has great and cheap food alternatives for you to have some nutritional freedom while on a budget.

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Masculine Brahinwash

I need to get swole but the global jewry fucked with the economy and now I can't afford enough food for growing 💪, a thread.

Lately I've been bitching about the prices of food so I remember pretty often how blessed I am since I can afford it but it was not always like this (The afford part, I've been blessed since conception and so are you)

Remember: supplements and comfort foods are evil.

This is the basic list:
* Chicken (with bones, can be whole breasts, legs, Etc. make sure it has bones. Does not have to be chicken, turkey is better but not necessarily cheaper)
* Eggs (Best food to have, it is also very cheap)
* Random meat on sale (Discounted meat is great, use as you want, it might be tainted/vaxxed), you can get bones from the butcher pretty cheap.
* Lentils
* Rice
* Potatoes (Always good to have, can store for months if done properly)
* Onions
* Iodized Sea salt
* Milk (Pasteurized is ok, we're poorer now... remember)
* Whatever veggies you like to eat. Seasonal fruits.

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Masculine Brahinwash

The time you give up is the time a new loser is born.

It's never too late to start, even if your muscles have atrophied for being idle for decades.

There is no shame in starting with 5kg/11lbs or 40kg/88lbs. In the gym is you and the barbell, the only competition is you yourself.

As long as you are not dead you can start again.

#BalkanGains #MIndset #Fitness
🔗Skinny girl tries to bench press the bar - balkangains">Balkan Gains

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Masculine Brahinwash

There are lots and lots of resources on Kettlebell training, It's quick and effective (a killing 15 minutes HIIT kettlebell session every other day will yield great results)

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Masculine Brahinwash

Kettlebell halo: Mobility is great.

Main Muscles involved: Shoulder stabilizers, Upper core.

Start by grabbing the kettlebell upside down like a granny would grab the steering wheel of a car, close to your chest. Then move the weight behind your head in a continuous motion.

Looks hard but it's not.

Example source: The Bioneer
More information: BarBend

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Masculine Brahinwash

Kettlebell clean: basically mid way snatches.

Main muscles used: Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, Mid and Lower Back, Core muscles.

it's basically the same as a snatch but you don't fully extend the arm at the top. The weight is "racked" at shoulder level.

After this you can fully extend the arm and it turns into "Clean and Press".

Example source: Caveman Training
More information here: The Progrm

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Masculine Brahinwash

Goblet Squat: Squats are always good.

Main muscles used: Quads, Glutes, Adductors

The start position is feet at shoulder width with toes slightly pointing outward, soles firmly planted in a standing position, Kettlebell against your chest and the grab position is just like a granny grabs the steering wheel of a car.

Inhale, brace your core and start the downwards movement, the deeper you go the better it is. the "no knees over toes" rule myth is bullshit.

Exhale on your way up.

More information here: StrengthLog

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Masculine Brahinwash

First: Depending on your level of fitness you should start with the right weight.

The average man should be able to handle kettlebells between 16-24kg / 35-52lbs, don't feel ashamed if you need to start with a lower weight. The key is working out with a weight that feels challenging but it's not unwieldy.

You can get fairly cheap adjustable dumbells/kettlebells combos like the one in the picture, I personally prefer the big chunk of iron.

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Masculine Brahinwash

Remember when we did not carry a pocket jew with us 24/7? I do, good days.

Don't waste your life chasing an illusion, Savor every moment as we only have now.

You can never be alone while enjoying your own company, the best company there is.

#Mindset #Stoicism #SuccessChasers #AudioInComments 👂

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Masculine Brahinwash

Caving to peer pressure is the death of self respect, Your self respect.

#SelfRespect #Stoicism

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Masculine Brahinwash

Why do this to yourself? Sex is not a big deal, don't cave in to peer pressure.

Respect yourself (and your wife or wife-to-be).


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Masculine Brahinwash

You are the most important person walking this earth right now. Why would the most important person carry himself as a bum?


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Masculine Brahinwash

Be your best friend, the kind that says you are a fat slob on your face.


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