's one app which has implemented a new way to login. Might help
I'm able to login in that app tho
That's why I'm back to using Materixiv
Only if had a login portal like shaft.
Yes that's the problem
That's what I was told
OhhI had the same error in Pixshaft
Sad that it's not getting any updates
You are facing problems ?
Iam waiting for new update of materixix
I use Pixshaft nowadays too
I seem to have never seen this feature
Oh pixshaft on google play cant change to English
Divide the R18 picture into several levels?
For details, need to decompile the official app
I got logged out automatically
You never logged out of the app did you?
Shaft had the same issue
So one cannot verifying
But it's not like any captcha appears in materixiv
Apparently that's an error for CAPTCHA
I can't login anymore, error 400.
I actually stopped using Pixshaft and back to using Materixiv
Your materixiv is still working?
I love Materixiv tho
If the official app can do it, you can only use the official one
Their label function has always been messy
Like weekly or monthly
On pixez and pixshaft dont have