Although the Trellis launch pad has not been launched yet, there is a Turkey telegram group. The name maticlaunhpad was mentioned once in the conversations about how to join the ido, unfortunately, the room was spoken negatively. I want Turkey telegram group to be organized to prevent and document its formation. There is no Turkey Telegram group. I want to continue to research and accumulate this project, which I believe in and trust, in much better places. I want to participate in promising conversations, not negative ones. Because I am following this project very closely with the intense interest exerted for this project.
Читать полностью…First of all, you can provide it with high apy at this stage in order to increase the number of stakers and not to leave the existing ones from the system. Let's not forget that we are in a bear market. In the period when even very good idols do not make high x, reducing apy will not go beyond reducing the number of stakers in the system.
Читать полностью…New APY is still too high for the higher tier. It is not sustainable. Need to go lower for the beneficial in the long term.
Читать полностью…The decision is taken after alot of market research by the experts for the benefit of the community.
Читать полностью…and in regards to the change we would like you to understand that it is beneficial in the long term for the value of the coins you are holding
Читать полностью…Waiting for admin reply. Why aren't I half of my rewards? @MaticLaunchpad_Admin
Читать полностью…Dear MaticLaunchpad Team
Please consider revising the staking APY %. Current system makes the rich richer.
I suggest that the staking APY % is to be based on period rather than amount.
Longer staking period = bigger APY %.
Shorter staking period = smaller APY %.
Adopting the above setup will help to stabilise MCAP and reduce volatility.
Thank you for taking the time and considering the community desires.
Why have the rewards I won been reduced by more than half? Can I be something like this? If there is a change, you cannot apply it to the previous period. I want the rewards in stake back. I have 7 diamond tiers
Читать полностью…Hi @MaticLaunchpad_Admin I applied for KYC since Sunday and still not approved (KYC pending) can you check and tell me if there is an issue? Wallet finishing with 710a. Thanks
Читать полностью…300% is not sustainable, 100% is not sustainable long term. I can imagine you loved UST staking at 20% too, look what happened there
Читать полностью…You are right. If old tire 300% is not available again I along with my 17 partner will All Maticlaunchpad sell total 127500000 and exit this group.
Thank you for listening to the community Samuel. You have retained my trust in the project. 👍🔥🔥
Читать полностью…I can agree with APY being reduced for the longevity of the project but the staking requirement is a nail in the coffin to the existing users.
Читать полностью…In the meantime, it is necessary to increase the efforts for marketing. Despite the interest in launcpads in Turkey, even those who wanted to open a telegram group by asking for admin from here were not answered. It should not be forgotten that it is valuable not only in applications but also in marketing. In this sense, what is planned should be explained to the investors here.
Читать полностью…Yes David, we are still working on it... as there is a string of Top Tier IDOs coming up on our platform soon.
Читать полностью…I am sure you want the value of the MATICPAD you are holding to go up in coming months.
Читать полностью…No project has ever provided 300% for more than a year and survived.. it devalues the MATICPAD value
Читать полностью…Thank you for the advice. This is more realistic.
Читать полностью…What you are doing is unacceptable. My trust in this platform has been shaken.
Читать полностью…If u are looking for how to submit kyc on Matic Launchpad ?
Here is a tutorial video.
These APYs are not acceptable for the sustainability of this project. you should more decrease. APY should be based on lock time not based tier system.
for example
30 days : %5
60 days : %8
90 days %15
180 days: %20
I found a cryptocurrency that pays with tokens for images from microsoft paint😅
Читать полностью…Nice one guys. Thank you for doing the right thing. And thank you for promising higher allocations in the next sale. 👍✔️
Читать полностью…📣 Hello Matic Launchpad Family!
Your feedback is the most valuable to us as Matic Launchpad is a community-driven project. And we heard your voice! We are thrilled to announce that ALL Tiers have been restored to their original requirements. 🤝 So finally, there are no changes when it comes to qualifying for the different tiers. You are back onto your old Tier once again along with your old rewards restored automatically.
The ONLY change you will notice will be the APY percentages. This is a much-needed change considering Matic Launchpad aims to be a long-term project. 🚀 We encourage you to take this as a positive change as we move towards achieving new heights together!
On the positive side, we will be giving a higher allocation than usual to the staked members in the upcoming Trellis Sale scheduled for 25th Feb at 1 PM UTC. ⏰
Thank you for your continued support and trust in Matic Launchpad. Let's achieve new heights together! 🌟
From gold to bronze tier just like that. Poor form by the team. If not rectified you will lose half the user base, which is already small
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