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Issues: @mattataDev Creator: @wrxck Source: Official Bot: @mattatabot Development Bot: @matticatebot

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mattata's Channel

New command! /setgrouplang allows group administrators to override user languages and force mattata to respond in the same language for everybody in the group!

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mattata's Channel

We're having some DNS issues with our web properties. Messaging is alive and well, but your bot may have trouble reaching until this is resolved. Working on this, back soon!

Sorry about that.

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mattata's Channel

I'm adding more FAQs to @mattataFAQ, if you or anybody you know needs help with mattata-related tips and tricks, then perhaps send this message to them!

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mattata's Channel

v23.1 alpha is already in development, and I've already made 2 new changes:
• redis:bgsave() is no longer called in the while true loop inside mattata:run() as it seemed to make the bot crash if memory was low
• /user will now display how many messages (that is, the ones mattata has counted) a user has sent in the current chat - this won't be the total amount unless mattata was added before the user and there was no downtime whilst the user spoke, however it's a pretty accurate representation!

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mattata's Channel

It should be working again now!

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mattata's Channel

Also, fixed the AI using Mitsuku endpoint!

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mattata's Channel

(Yes, there's been a rather large terror attack in Manchester)

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mattata's Channel

All done, you can now override this by applying a new language from /setlang!

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mattata's Channel

.....but what if you want to use the English version?

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mattata's Channel

If you @mention a user whilst they're AFK, mattata will tell you!

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mattata's Channel

New command for moderators/administrators! If you can't make your mind up about banning a user, or you don't want to be held responsible for being the person to make the final decision on a user's future in your group, then fear not! This new command, /voteban, opens up a yes/no vote which allows the members of your group to decide the fate of a user. Only moderators/administrators can open vote-bans, but anybody can take part.

The minimum/maximum number of upvotes/downvotes needed to ban the user (or, if downvoting, dismiss the vote-ban) can be changed from the new section of /administration, "Vote-Ban Settings". Thank you to @Marshall_Leroy for the wonderful idea. Please remember to report any bugs using /br <information about bug>.

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mattata's Channel

The first 10 donors through this method will get an advert for the channel of their choice placed right here, so long as it's not NSFW or illegal!

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mattata's Channel

You can now donate to mattata though TELEGRAM! Use /donate to learn more!

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mattata's Channel

Yes. The source is obtainable here: It can be installed on most Linux/Unix machines by running sudo luarocks install telegram-bot-lua and you can donate by going to 😀

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mattata's Channel

#FunFact I was the first developer to release a full update for a Telegram bot API framework that works with the latest update!

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mattata's Channel

Finally, our DNS provider fixed it (took them a while, sorry).

You may still see some residual issues due to caching, but things will get back to normal very soon.

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mattata's Channel

What should the priority be for the next release of mattata (

Improve, enhance and extend existing functionality – 88
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 44%

Natural language support for more aspects of the bot's functionality – 46
👍👍👍👍 23%

New plugins and features – 45
👍👍👍👍 23%

Give more plugins support for inline mode – 19
👍👍 10%

👥 198 people voted so far.

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mattata's Channel

Just going to reboot my server, mattata will be back up in about a minute 😁

Edit: It's back online!

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mattata's Channel

New feature! Starting now, mattata will count the commands you use in your chat, you can view the top 10 commands by sending /commandstats

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mattata's Channel

If you encounter further problems, you can always try using the Cleverbot endpoint (use /setai and select "Cleverbot")

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mattata's Channel

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mattata's Channel

I just wanted to let you all know that I am safe, as are my family, I am still checking up on some of my friends.

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mattata's Channel

That'll be available shortly :)

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mattata's Channel

Deprecated /setlang, languages are now automatically handled. If your a translation exists in your language, it will be automatically set for you!

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mattata's Channel

Added Polish translation, thanks to @GingerPlusPlus! If you're Polish, you can set this as your primary language with /setlang.

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mattata's Channel

Use /donate [amount] to donate a specific amount between 1 and 100. All payments are made in GBP.

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mattata's Channel

Congratulations! You've just received your first payment through Stripe. Your first payout for this payment of £1.00 (minus any fees) will land in your bank account on May 28, 2017. Thanks guys!

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mattata's Channel

You can now donate by bitcoin! 19QHX2Q9gM8eJWjwpXH4WpMoknKUfasNMA

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mattata's Channel

So, are you actually using it now? Where can we donate?

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mattata's Channel

What are you doing? git pull won't execute itself :^)

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