سلام عليكم..... من اليوم وصاعدا ستكون اعلانات مكاتب الادوية وغيرها في هذه القناة مدفوعة مقابل مبلغ مالي بسيط جدا يخصص جزء منه للحالات الانسانية وجزء لتعب الادمنية لارسال اعلاناتكم على المعرف الاتي: @Qasim_mohammed
Dear colleagues
Saeed gasgous Scientific bureau Announces its need for employees in the below district to work for Ferrer company (BRAND DERMA LINE) according to the regulations of pharmacy Syndicate criteria.
Area: 1 MR for Alkarkh
The qualifications of medical representative should be :
• Bachelor's pharmacists
• +1 years of experience
• Excellent Marketing & Sales Experience
• Experience in derma preferred.
• Deep understanding of the competition and customers for derma.
• track weekly monthly and quarterly performance and sales metrics.
• Excellent time and organizational management skills.
• Excellent written and verbal Arabic and English communication skills.
For whom interested in this opportunity please send your CV to the below Email
Dead Time:
12 / 6 / 2024
Dear colleagues
(( Ajanta pharmaceutical company))
announces for Job vacancy as Medical Representative on :
Amara city
The candidates ((should)) be:
1. Graduated
2. Previous experience is preferred.
3. Have good communication skills.
4. Have Team work spirit.
5. Working under pressure
For those who are interested and have the required criteria .. kindly send your C.V. With recent photo to the following e-mail:
Best regards.
Dear colleagues
Gasgous group scientific bureau is announcing a job vacancy as a part time medical representative for Turkey generic company
according to the Regulations of pharmacy Syndicate criteria
🔹 Ammara
The applicant should have the below criteria :
1- has a minimum experience for 6 months
2- male / female
3- able to work in a part time system
4- self motivated to accomplish his / her tasks and execute his / her duties in a good way
5- has the ability to build a strong base for a company through ( scientific calls, continuous follow up with the customers, good presentation skills through the RTD s , build a strong relationship with the KOL customers, monitor his customers RX rate with high forecast accuracy )
For whom interested in this opportunity please send your CV to the whatsApp
Ph yaseen Almusawi
Dear all ..
Greetings ..
- Afaq SB ( the official distributor of Julphar in Iraq ) announces that we are collecting CVs for anyone whom interested to be in our near plans.
- number of vacancies [ 4 ]
- The Job title is a Medical Information Officer [ MIO]
- Areas of vacancies is in Baghdad (Al rusafa & Al karkh) (Al wathiq - Al karada - Beirut square - south Al Rasafa areas - Al hartheah - south karkh )
- The candidate( male or female )must be a graduated pharmacist with /without experience in the mentioned area.
- For anyone whom interested, please submit your CV to the below email mentioning the area in the subject .
Best wishes for all and please for any further questions, don't hesitate to contact my email anytime
Best Regards.
تحية طيبة ..
مكتب علمي رصين يعلن عن حاجته الى ( مندوب او مندوبة ) اعلام طبي
لاحدى شركاته الرصينة المسجله و المفحوصه على زون :
الحارثيه عدد ١
الكرخ الشمالي عدد ١
لمن يمتلك المؤهلات التالية:
● لديه خبرة لاتقل عن 6 اشهر ضمن المناطق المذكورة ( يفضل ) .
● لديه خلفية علمية و قدرة على المحاورة و الاقناع .
● من ضمن المجموعة الطبية او التخصصات الطبية المشابهة لمندوبي الاعلام الطبي.
يرجى ارسال السيفي على الايميل التالي
Dear colleagues
Saeed gasgous Scientific bureau Announces its need for employees in the below district to work for ( DERMA LINE) for Female only..
according to the regulations of pharmacy Syndicate criteria.
Area: 1 MR for Alrusafa
The qualifications of medical representative should be :
• Female only
• Bachelor's pharmacists or doctor or dentist
• +1 years of experience
• Excellent Marketing & Sales Experience
• Experience in derma preferred.
• Deep understanding of the competition and customers for derma.
• track weekly monthly and quarterly performance and sales metrics.
• Excellent time and organizational management skills.
• Excellent written and verbal Arabic and English communication skills.
For whom interested in this opportunity please send your CV to the below Email
Dead time 9/6/2024
تحية طيبة
مكتب علمي رصين وكيل لعدة شركات اجنبية معروفه بالفيلد
يعلن عن حاجته الى مندوب علمي على :
- زون ساحة بيروت
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية مع صورة حديثة على الايميل التالي : akrammohammed911@gmail.com
تمنياتنا للجميع بالموفقية
السلام عليكم
مطلوب مندوب تجاري على زون الكرخ الجنوبي
عنده خبره ممتازه بلزون
حسن السيرة والسلوك
يمتلك وسيلة نقل
باقي التفاصيل بلمقابله تحدد
الي تتوفر بي الشروط يتواصل ويايه ويدلل
تلي او وتساب
We are #hiring
AlThuraya Pharma Group announce a job vacancy in Marketing Department (Medical representative) at SAJA Pharmaceuticals to cover the following areas :
The best candidate who match with this vacancy should have the following qualifications:
1- Registered pharmacist in the Syndicate of Iraqi Pharmacists.
2- Excellent scientific knowledge (mainly pharmacology).
3- English language (B1 and above).
4- Good Microsoft Office skills.
5- Creative in problem solving and marketing activities.
*Salary and incentives will determined according candidate qualifications.
*Application deadline date: 10th June 2024
The interested candidates should submit their updated CVs to the below email as PDF and mention the position in the subject:
Wishing great and fair competition for all candidates and you are welcome to Al Thuraya family.
السلام عليكم
مكتب علمي رصين وكيل لعدة شركات عالمية رصينة يعلن عن حاجته الى مندوب مبيعات على محافظات الجنوب على ان يكون من سكنة البصرة
للراغبين بالعمل يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية مصحوبة بصورة شخصية على الواتساب
تحيه طيبه
مكتب علمي لدعايه الادويه والاجهزة المختبريه ومواد التجميل بحاجه إلى
( مندوبين + مندوبات )
(كرخ + رصافه )
لاين الاجهزه المختبريه
شروط التقديم
1-سكنه بغداد حصراً
2- خريج او طالب ( تقنيات مختبرات طبيه /علوم / هندسه اجهزه طبيه )
راتب ثابت + نسب على المبيعات
للتواصل ارسال cv ع الرقم
+964 780 715 8207
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
مكتب علمي وكيل و موزع لشركات معاجين اسنان براند يعلن عن حاجته لمندوب على محافظة :-
- البصرة
- يجب أن يكون المتقدم طالب طب أسنان او طبيب أسنان متخرج حديثا حصرا .
- علمًا ان نظام الراتب ثابت مع نسبة و حوافز و مكافأة .
- على من يجد في نفسه القدرة العلمية و العملية ارسال C.V إلى معرف التلي :-
اخر يوم لإرسال الطلبات 2024/6/7
تحية طيبة ..
مختبر صناعة اسنان يعلن عن حاجته لمندوبين ضمن طب الاسنان الرقمي ، على محافظة بغداد للراغبين في العمل ارسالة ال CV على الواتس
السلام عليكم
مكتب علمي وكيل عدة شركات اوربية رصينه بحاجة الى مندوب اعلام دوائي على
على ان يكون المتقدم
١- خريج او طالب كلية الصيدلة
٢- لديه خبرة وعلاقات في مجال الاعلام الدوائي
٣- يمتلك وسيلة نقل ومتفرغ للعمل
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على واتساب
باقي التفاصيل تناقش اثناء المقابلة
Dear colleagues
Ekleel Group is announcing a new opportunity to join our organization in the position of "Medical representative" on one of it's companies.
1) Najaf ( 2 medical reps )
2) Karbala (2 medical reps )
Qualifications for medical reps:
1) Pharmacist .
2) Highly motivated
3) Experiance is prefferable but not a must
4) Good communication skills
For those who find themselves eligible and competent to apply please send your most recent updated CVs to the below email address containing a recent photo and multiple contact numbers to reach you for the purpose of setting a scheduled interview:
ملاحظة : في عنوان الايميل اكتب اسم المحافظة المتقدم اليها.
Good luck and all the best for all!
Warm Greetings,
A Well known brand Italian pharmaceutical company announce a job vacancy for
medical rep ( male/ female ) part time on:
( #Alrusafa_Karada_and_alwathiq )
The following criteria should be met:
1-Should be from Medical field( Pharmacist preferred )
2-Had previous experience in the same zone for at least 1 year
3. Owned a car
For those who are motivated, please send your C.V to Email
Fixed salary and incentives will be discussed in the interview.
Best Regards
Dear Colleagues
well known pharmaceutical company announces a job vacancy for a qualified Med. Rep. on the following area : ( Al-Karkh)
1. Northern Karkh (Al-Kadhimiya, Al-Hurriya, Al-Shuala, Al-Atifiyah, Al-Ghazaliyya, and Al-Amiriyya)
The candidate should have the following criteria :
1- Graduated ( Pharmacist preferred)
2- Previous experience is preferred.
3-fluent on English and Arabic .
* The salary & incentives will be discussed
through the interview
Kindly, send your C.V. to the following email or phone
Best Regards..
Dear colleagues,
SWISS Company one of Al-Dwaa Al-Awol S.B looking for highly qualified medical representatives in :-
• Al -Anbar
The candidate should have the following criteria:
1.Pharmacist, Doctor or Dentist (male only)
3.Experience in the field.(preferred)
4.Good communication skills.
5.Committed to develop and work under pressure.
• Salary will be discussed during the interview.
• For those who are interested, please send your updated C.V with a recent picture to the following:
Telegram or whatsapp:
-0771 222 0061
Good luck..
A Well known pharmaceutical company in skin care ( dermacosmetic ) announce job vacancy for
medical rep. ( male / female )part time on:
- smawa
- kut
(Alkarkh zone / alrassafa zone )
The following criteria should be met:
1.should be from Medical field( Pharmacist preferred ).
2.has previous experience at the same zone at least 6 months.
3. Owned a car
For those who are motivated, please send
your c.v to Email
(Mention the area please )
Fixed salary and incentives will be discussed in the interview.
Best Regards
Job Vacancy
well-known company in the medical field for more than 20 years
Announces for new job Vacant in (Dyala & Najaf)
1-(medical representative)
2-(Educatore )only for female
-Full time 8 working hours
-Graduate of one of the medical specialties (veterinary medicine, food sciences, chemical sciences, sciences,.....)
If you are interested, please fill the form
السلام عليكم
مكتب علمي وكيل لمجموعة شركات رصينة بحاجة الى مندوب تجاري مبيع +استحصال
زون الكرخ الجنوبي
شروط العمل
وسيلة نقل
متفرغ للعمل
للتواصل و ارسال السيرة الذاتية متضمنه الخبرة والمكاتب التي كان يعمل فيها سابقاً
على الايميل
او الرقم واتس اب او ڤايبر او تلغرام
We are #hiring.
ILKO pharmaceutical company announce a job vacancy in Marketing Department (one product specialist) to cover the following area : -
⁃ Basrah
The best candidate who match with this vacancy should have the following qualifications:
1- Registered pharmacist in the Syndicate of Iraqi Pharmacists.
2- Excellent scientific knowledge (mainly pharmacology).
3- English language (B1 and above).
4- Good Microsoft Office skills.
5- previous experience and good relationships with doctors and pharmacies ( 1 year and more )
6- Creative in problem solving and marketing activities.
*Salary and incentives will determine according to ILKO’s scale and candidate qualifications.
*Application deadline date: 10-6- 2024
The interested candidates should submit their updated CVs to the below email as PDF and mention the position in the subject:
Email address: -
Wishing great and fair competition for all candidates and you are welcome to Ilko family.
Dear colleagues
Avalon pharma announces for a job vacancy for medical representative in:
-📍Baghdad karkh &Russafa
1 Alanbar
2 Najaf
3 Karbala
4 Nasiriyah
- Pharmacist graduate ( must )
- Previous experience prefer
- Have good communication skills
send your c.v to the following
Telegram phibrahem
Dear Colleagues,Saeed Gasgous Scientific Bureau
announces a job vacancy
Dermatology co.(Pella derma ) for a MR. to cover
1- al rusafa
We are seeking for a talented ,Ready to work the right decisions and take responsibility in the work , highly motivated person to work as this position .
The candidates (must) have the following criteria:
1- Graduated
2- Have at least 6 months previously experience in derma line .
3-male or female
For those interested and meet the above mentioned criteria, send your C.V. with a recent photo to the following email address:
Wishing you the best.
Medical representatives
#Baghdad (Karkh & Rusafa)
We are Bilim Pharmaceuticals
We are looking for a candidate to advocate our company to HCPs and build a long-term relationship with our customers, deliver marketing messages and achieve desired target
1- From medical background / pharmacist
2- Working days: part time/ 6 days a week
3- Build a professional sustainable relationship with our costumers
4- Have good scientific experience and ability to improve
5- Conduct daily targeted visits to HCPs
6- Ability to work at tight deadline and under pressure
To whom finding him/her self-suitable & excited
Please, send your CV to the email address below:
Please note: any application will be sent without mentioning the job applied for in the subject line will not be considered.
يعلن مكتب جنى العلمي عن توفر فرص عمل في مجال الاعلام الدوائي بالتفاصيل ادناه وحسب قوانين وتعليمات نقابة صيادلة العراق
1. بصرة
2. النجف
3. كربلاء
4. ديالى - بعقوبة
5. ديوانية
6. الانبار (رمادي – فلوجة)
7. السليمانية
فمن لديه الرغبة والكفاءة ارسال سيرتة الذاتية على [business.operations@jenna-iraq.com](mailto:business.operations@jenna-iraq.com)
ارجو كتابة اسم المحافظة في عنوان الايميل وعدم التواصل على مسنجر الفيس بوك, للاستفسار الاتصال على 07722372229.
Dear Collegues..
Company Dermatology annouces a job vacancy as part time
#Supervisor at REGION #(Baghdad zone )
Medical rep (Basra zone)
The applicant Should have the following criteries ..
1-#Gradutaed is a must .
2-previous experience in Derma line (a must).
3-have a good communications skills
4-Own a car (prefer)
5- from Baghdad (must)
Salary and incentives will be discussed during the interview
For those who are intersted in our journey and fit the above criterias
Please send your CV( your #Name and your #zone in subject) to the following Email
تحيه طيبه
مكتب علمي وكيل لعدة شركات ادوية(drugs) بحاجة الى (مندوبات اعلام )دوائي على شركة المانية دوائية على زونات الكرخ والرصافة
-سنتر الرصافة
الشعب-البنوك-حي اور -الصليخ-الاعظمية-المغرب(مندوبة)
-الكرخ الشمالي +الكرخ الجنوبي
الكاظمية -الحرية-الشعلة-العطفية-الغزالية-ابو غريب(مندوبة)
الدورة-المحمودية-حي الجهاد-البياع-السيدية-حي العامل(مندوبة)
شروط التقديم:
1-ان تكون من المجموعة الطبيبة.
2-الخبرة في مجال الاعلام الدوائي(حصراً) لاتقل عن 6 اشهر في المناطق المذكورة.
على الراغبين بالعمل ارسال السيرة الذاتية cv على الرقم 07859991991 واتساب
او على الايميل
Dear All
Job Announcement
We are at Getz Pharma and due to expanding & Launch of new products , announces job vacancy as a part time medical representatives in :
• Al - Rusafa Zone
- Karrada .
The candidate should be:
• Pharmacist ONLY
• Graduated ( newly graduated preferred)
• Has good communication skills
Apply Information
• For those who are interested please send your updated CV with new picture to this email
( ph.moh.haitham@gmail.com )
• Published Date 2,June. 2024
• Deadline Date 9,June. 2024
Good luck all
تتوفر فرصة عمل
مندوب في مختبر اينشتاين للاسنان على (الفلوجة )
المؤهلات :
مظهر مناسب ولباقة بالتحدث ولديه رغبة فعلية بالعمل والالتزام بوقت الفيلد .
طريقة التقديم :
فقط ارسال نسخة من الc.v على الواتساب وسيتم الاتصال لتحديد موعد مقابلة
المعلومات المطلوبة :
نسخة من المستمسكات عند المقابلة فقط
منطقة السكن
التحصيل الدراسي
رقم الهاتف
ويفضل من لديه سيارة للتنقل