سلام عليكم..... من اليوم وصاعدا ستكون اعلانات مكاتب الادوية وغيرها في هذه القناة مدفوعة مقابل مبلغ مالي بسيط جدا يخصص جزء منه للحالات الانسانية وجزء لتعب الادمنية لارسال اعلاناتكم على المعرف الاتي: @Qasim_mohammed
Dear Colleagues
There is a job vacancy.
Medical Rep.
at Baghdad (4)
Male or female
Sales Rep. at baghdad (15) (pharmacy line )
The candidate should be:
1. Pharmacist or student
2- Previous experience pediatrics
3. Good persuasive and negotiation skills.
4. Strong written and oral communication skills.
5. Ability to handle multiple tasks and work under pressure .
6-The salary is fixed and percentage
For any person who is interested and have these qualifications, can send their C.V attached with a recent photo to the following E-mail address:-
+964 780 343 0844
Dear colleagues,
Apotheker indian drug company is announcing job vacancy for male/female as (medical pharmacy line) in the following region :
AlKarkh ( 5 candidates)
AlRusafa ( 5 candidates)
1-The candidates should be pharmacist.
2-Prefered with previous experience.
Salary will be Discussed during the Interview. Interested Candidates, kindly send your updated C.V to following email : alsarhsy@gmail.com
Dear colleagues :
AL-dhafar scientific bureau
announced for job vacancy medical representative ( male or female ) in :
1-Wasit Governorate (Al-kut)
The candidate should be :
1. Pharmacist
2. Previous experience is preferred
3. Good persuasive and negotiation skills
4. Strong written and oral communication skills
5. Ability to handle multiple tasks and work under pressure
6. Motivated, Hard worker, Initiative
For those who are interested and fit the mentioned criteria
kindly send cv to:
salam98allaa@gmail .com
Dear colleagues :
AL-dhafar scientific bureau
announced for job vacancy medical representative ( male or female ) in :
1-Wasit Governorate (Al-kut)
The candidate should be :
1. Pharmacist
2. Previous experience is preferred
3. Good persuasive and negotiation skills
4. Strong written and oral communication skills
5. Ability to handle multiple tasks and work under pressure
6. Motivated, Hard worker, Initiative
For those who are interested and fit the mentioned criteria
kindly send cv to:
salam98allaa@gmail .com
تحيه طيبه …..
مكتب علمي رصين لعدة شركات
يعلن عن توفر فرصة عمل مندوب تجاري
( استحصال )
🛑 على زون ساحة بيروت ومدينة الصدر والمناطق المجاورة .
الشروط ♦️
🎗️ من سكنة المناطق المجاوره حصراً
🎗️ لدية خبره سابقه
🎗️ لديه وسيلة نقل
🎗️ له القدره على تحمل ضغوط العمل
🎗️براءة ذمه من المكتب السابق
على من تتوفر فيه الشروط اعلاه ارسال السيره الذاتيه على الرقم
🔹07723246280 🔹
التوفيق للجميع
Medical representatives
We are Bilim Pharmaceuticals
We are looking for a candidate to advocate our company to HCPs and build a long-term relationship with our customers, deliver marketing messages and achieve desired target
1- The candidate should be graduated pharmacist
2- Working days: part time/ 6 days a week
3- Build a professional sustainable relationship with our costumers
4- Have good scientific experience and ability to improve
5- Conduct daily targeted visits to HCPs
6- Ability to work at tight deadline and under pressure
To whom finding him/her self-suitable & excited
Please, send your CV to the email address below:
Please note: any application will be sent without mentioning the job applied for in the subject line will not be considered.
تحية طيبة
مكتب علمي رصين وكيل لعدة شركات اوربية يعلن عن فرصة عمل كمندوب او مندوبة اعلام دوائي (مندوب/ة علمي) بدوام جزئي (بارت تايم) على محافظة ميسان
للتقديم يرجى ارسال السيفي مرفق معها صورة حديثة على الرقم الاتي
:07722997585 وتساب
سيتم ارسال مكان المقابلة وموعدها للمرشحين والمرشحات
بالتوفيق للجميع
A well known scientific bureau and a major distributor of European pharmaceutical companies announces a job vacancy as part time medical representative (male or female) in mysan
To apply kindly send your CV with recent picture to the following phone number :
Interview location and time will be send to the selected individuals
Good luck
السلام عليكم
مكتب علمي وكيل لمجموعة شركات رصينة بحاجة الى مندوب تجاري مبيعات +استحصال
زون الرصافه ( كرادة بغداد الجديده امين مشتل بيروت )
شروط العمل
وسيلة نقل
متفرغ للعمل
للتواصل و ارسال السيرة الذاتية متضمنه الخبرة والمكاتب التي كان يعمل فيها سابقاً
على الايميل
او الرقم واتس اب
Dear Colleagues :
A well known pharmaceutical Company announces for Job vacancy as a medical representative in (( Beirut square, Almagrib street and Alsader City and surrounding areas))
The candidates ((should)) be:
1. (Pharmacist only ) according to the instructions of the pharmacists syndicate
2. Previous experience
3. Own a car
4. Has good communications and selling skills
5. Ability to work under pressure
6. Problem solver
For those who are interested and fit with the mentioned criteria Kindly send your CVs to the following email :-
⚡️ فرصة استثنائية – حضور مباراة ⚽ + مؤتمر طبي 🏥 في أوروبا!
📌 هل أنت مدريدي أم برشلوني؟ القرار بيدك!
عيش الأجواء الأسطورية مباشرة من المدرجات وشاهد فريقك المفضل في أقوى مباريات الليغا:
🔹 ريال مدريد 🏆 vs ريال سوسيداد – تجربة البرنابيو الفريدة!
🔹 برشلونة 🔵🔴 vs أتلتيكو مدريد – عيش أجواء الكامب نو النارية!
🎓 رحلتك مو بس كروية – هي علمية أيضاً!
🔹 حضور مؤتمر طبي عالمي في واحدة من أفضل الجامعات الأوروبية، تجربة راح تضيف قيمة حقيقية لمستقبلك الأكاديمي والمهني.
🔹 بعد المؤتمر، تكدر تسافر لأي دولة أوروبية تعجبك، ونساعدك بكل التفاصيل بالصورة القانونية!
💼 خدماتنا المميزة:
✔️ تذكرة لحضور المباراة اللي تختارها (ريال مدريد أو برشلونة).
✔️ دعوة رسمية معتمدة من وزارة الخارجية + موافقة مكتب الهجرة.
✔️ تسجيلك في المؤتمر وضمان حضورك لجميع الورشات العملية.
✔️ تجهيز كامل لملف التأشيرة (دعوة، حجوزات مؤكدة، ضمان صحي).
✔️ جلسة تحضيرية قبل مقابلة السفارة، حتى تكون جاهز 100%!
✔️ استقبال وتوديع من وإلى المطار – راحة تامة من البداية للنهاية.
✔️ مرافقة 24/7 خلال رحلتك لأي استفسار أو مساعدة.
✔️ شهادات معتمدة دوليًا + مواد المؤتمر وكتيبات.
✔️ دخول Lounge VIP بالمطارات لتجربة سفر فاخرة أثناء الترانزيت.
✔️ استرداد كامل المبلغ في حال رفض الفيزا – بدون أي مخاطرة!
✔️ برنامج سياحي أثناء المؤتمر وبعده، حتى تستغل وقتك بأفضل طريقة.
💰 السعر التحطيمي: 1075$ فقط!
(يشمل كل شيء ما عدا الطيران من العراق إلى أوروبا والسكن هناك).
📩 المقاعد محدودة جداً – احجز الآن وعش تجربة العمر!
🔗 [رابط التقديم / التواصل]
للمعلومات اكثر رابط القناة
Dear colleagues,
we are hiring join our team
ALENAYAH SCIENTIFIC BUREAU (Official Distributor of Multiple Companies) Have a part time vacancy as a medical Rep. for: (Baghdad / AL- Karkh).
Candidate should be:
1- Graduated pharmacist
2- Interpersonal skills & able to build and maintain professional relationships.
3- Good communication skills.
4- Have his / her own car.
5- Previous experience and good relationships with doctors and pharmacies (Preferred)
- Deadline: Friday – 21/2/2025
- CV as a (PDF)with recent personal photo.
Salary and incentives will be discussed during the interview, please send your CV to telegram or WhatsApp on the number (07811894760) or send it to the email below:
( a.m.n.88ph@gmail.com )
With best regards …
Dear colleagues,
Apotheker indian drug company is announcing job vacancy for male/female as (medical pharmacy line) in the following region :
AlKarkh ( 5 candidates)
AlRusafa ( 5 candidates)
1-The candidates should be pharmacist.
2-Prefered with previous experience.
Salary will be Discussed during the Interview. Interested Candidates, kindly send your updated C.V to following email : alsarhsy@gmail.com
Dear Colleagues
Well known Scientific Bureau
announces a job vacancy as:
Medical Representative at
1-Baghdad Karkh
2-Baghdad rusafa
The candidate should be:
1. Pharmacist
2. Good persuasive and negotiation skills.
3. Strong written and oral communication skills.
4. Ability to handle multiple tasks and work under pressure .
5. Excellent skills in writing E-mails and Microsoft office.
*For any person who is interested and have these qualifications, can send their C.V attached with a recent photo to the following 07735553999
سوبر فايزر في بغداد والمحافظات الوسطى
شركة فان فارما الهولندية
Part-Time Field Supervisor
VAN PHARMA (Netherlands-based company) announces a job vacancy in the Sales and Marketing Department for a Part-Time Field Supervisor in Baghdad.
Requirements for eligible candidates:
Pharmacist (with an updated license from the Iraqi Pharmacy Syndicate).
Proven experience in the field with a minimum of 3-4 years.
Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel).
Strong communication skills.
Ability to travel inside and outside Iraq.
High flexibility, with the ability to work and achieve excellent performance and outcomes.
The salary, incentives, and bonuses will be discussed based on experience and achievements.
If you believe you are suitable for this role, please submit your resume as a PDF file to the email address below, mentioning "Field Supervisor" in the subject line:
The submission period for resumes is from January 16th to January 25th.
Job post
A scientific bureau with a multi portfolio companies announcing a job vacancy on sales and marketing department as a (Part-Time Field Supervisor / Baghdad).
Requirements for the eligible candidates:
1-Pharmacist (updated license of Iraqi pharmacy syndicate).
2-Have proven record in field experience with a minimum of 3-4 years.
3-Proficient in Ms office (word, Excel).
4-Strong communication skills.
5-Ability to travel inside and outside Iraq.
6-High flexibility and ability to work and achieve best performances and outcomes.
Salary starts with 3,200,000 IQD in addition to the incentives and bonuses according to the achieved targets.
If you find yourself suitable and up to the task please submit your resume as a PDF file, to the email below, mentioning (Job post-Field Supervisor) in the subject line:
Candidate will accept their resume from 1st of January to the 10th of January.
شركة أوروبية متخصصة بمنتجات الجلد والعناية بالبشرة بحاجة الى مندوب علمي
على محافظة بغداد/الرصافة عدد ٢
محافظة الانبار عدد ١
من خريجي كليات المجموعة الطبية
يمتلك خبرة عالية بفيلد الجلدية والتجميل ولديه علاقات طيبة مع اطباء الجلدية
براتب جدا مجزي
يرجى ارسال ال C.V على الايميل التالي
السلام عليكم
مكتب علمي رصين وكيل لعدة شركات عالمية رصينة يعلن عن حاجته الى مندوب علمي على لاين الاسنان محافظة البصرة على ان يكون طبيب اسنان حصرا
للراغبين بالعمل يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية مصحوبة بصورة شخصية حديثة على معرف التلكرام @Ameer4dil
تستقبل السيفيات خلال 48 ساعة من تاريخ الاعلان
Subject: Job Vacancy: Medical Representatives - Baghdad Province
Dear Colleagues,
A well-known pharmaceutical company through AlRasheed Group is announcing a vacancy for
2 Medical Representatives to cover the Following areas.
(1) مدينة الصدر ، شعب ، اور
We are seeking enthusiastic, hard-working, and dedicated individuals who are eager to build a rewarding career and achieve success through accomplishment and recognition.
1. Applicants must be a pharmacist.
2. Strong communication skills.
3. Good problem-solving ability with well-thought-out solutions.
4. Ability to adapt and improvise tactics for unforeseen work situations.
5. Strong teamwork ethic and effective planning skills.
To apply, please send your CV to:
Best regards,
Dear Colleagues ...
A-known scientific bureau announces Job vacancies as Medical Representatives to join our team for our European companies ...
Area :
- al-kadhmyia zone (الكرخ الشمالي)
Applicant should have the following criteria:
- Previous experience is preferable
- male or female
- Graduated or a Student of medical colleges ...
- Good communication skills
- Ability to work under pressure
For those who are interested , please send your CV to the :
Whatsapp :
Salary start from 800$ according to experience.
Dear colleagues,
SWISS Company one of Al-Dwaa Al-Awol S.B looking for highly qualified medical representatives in :-
• Baghdad Karkh and Rusafa
The candidate should have the following criteria:
3.Experience in the field.(preferred)
4.Good communication skills.
5.Committed to develop and work under pressure.
• Salary will be discussed during the interview.
• For those who are interested, please send your updated C.V with a recent picture to the following:
+964 7713257876
شركة أوروبية متخصصة بمنتجات الجلد والعناية بالبشرة بحاجة الى مندوب علمي
على محافظة بغداد/الكرخ
على محافظة الانبار
من خريجي كليات المجموعة الطبية
يمتلك خبرة عالية بفيلد الجلدية والتجميل ولديه علاقات طيبة مع اطباء الجلدية
براتب جدا مجزي
يرجى ارسال ال C.V على الايميل التالي
Dear colleagues
Due to our expansion Sama Alfayhaa pharmaceutical company is looking for a highly qualified
medical representatives on :
- Al Rusafa
-Al Karkh
The candidate should have the following criteria:
- (Pharmacist) must be
- Experience in the field is preferred.
- Good communication skills.
- Committed to develop and work under pressure.
Salary and incentive scheme will be discussed during the interview, for those who are interested, please send your updated C.V. to the following E.mail
Dear Colleagues
Noor Al-Iraq Scientific Bureau
announces a job vacancy as:
Medical Representative at
"""Al kut """
The candidate should be:
1. Pharmacist
2- Previous experience is preferred.
3. Good persuasive and negotiation skills.
4. Strong written and oral communication skills.
5. Ability to handle multiple tasks and work under pressure .
1*For any person who is interested and have these qualifications, can send their C.V attached with a recent photo to the following E-mail address:-
Or any questions
Al Rasheed Scientific Bureau announces a job vacancy on one of its well known companies (LYNAE) as a part time medical representative (male or female) in Baghdad governorate in the following areas:
1- Harthia.
The applicant should meet the following criteria:
•Graduated pharmacist (a must)
•Has previous experience in the field areas (preferred)
•Able to work under pressure
•Has good communication & selling skills
•Based near the field areas
For those who are interested and fit the mentioned criteria, kindly send your updated CVs to the following email
with mentioning the zone in the subject.
Salary and incentives will be discussed in the interview.
-Published date (14th February 2025)
-Deadline date (25th February 2025)
Dear Colleagues :
A well known pharmaceutical Company announces for Job vacancy as a medical representative in (( Beirut square, Almagrib street and Alsader City and surrounding areas))
The candidates ((should)) be:
1. (Pharmacist only ) according to the instructions of the pharmacists syndicate
2. Previous experience
3. Own a car
4. Has good communications and selling skills
5. Ability to work under pressure
6. Problem solver
For those who are interested and fit with the mentioned criteria Kindly send your CVs to the following email :-
مختبر بحاجة الى محللات عدد(2) حصراً او علوم تمتلك خبرة كافية في العمل المختبري شرط خريج وليس طالب متفرغ للعمل
وشرط ان يكون خبرة في قراءة الستول والادرار وكافه التحاليل
العنوان:المدينة شارع الرضوي
يفضل من منطقه المدينه والمناطق المجاوره
للتواصل على الرقم واتساب فقط
Dear colleagues
Know Company announces a Job vacancy as a part time Medical representative to join our team in 1 1 \ baghdad - alkhark
2 \ anbar
The candidates ((should)) be:
1.awons car is prefer .
2.Previous experience is preferred.
3.Motivated and ready to work.
4-has good communication and selling Skills and ability to work under pressure.
Salary and other details will be discussed in the interview.
For those who are interested ,
Kindly send your updated CV to the following whats app
Good luck
السلام عليكم
يعلن مكتب الابتكار بحاجته الى مهندسي اجهزه طبيه
يرجى ارسال الCV على الرقم التالي على برنامج الwhats app
شركة اوربية رصينة تعلن عن توفر فرصة عمل بصفة :
🔴 تيم ليدر
🔴 مندوب علمي
على محافظة (( الانبار )) وبراتب مجزي
يجب أن يكون لدى المرشح المعايير التالية:
- من المجموعة الطبية (متخرج).
- من سكنة الانبار حصرا.
- يمتلك وسيلة نقل.
للمهتمين ، يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية مع صورة حديثة إلى البريد الإلكتروني التالي :
A reputable European company announces a job opportunity for the following positions:
🔴 Team Leader
🔴 Medical Representative
Location: Al-Anbar Governorate
With an attractive salary.
The candidate must meet the following criteria:
- From the medical field(must be graduated )
- Must be a resident of Al-Anbar only.
- Owns a means of transportation.
For those interested, please send your CV along with a recent photo to the following email address:
تعلن شركة one drop only لمنتجات العناية بالفم و الاسنان
عن حاجتها الى مندوبه لتسويق و بيع منتجات الشركة
كذلك سوبرفايزر للاشراف الميداني و التسويق للمنتجات ضمن محافظة بغداد
يحدد الراتب و ال حوافز حسب الخبرة و الكفاءة
لمن تجد في نفسها الكفاءة و القدرة ارسال ال سي في الى معرف التلكرام الاتي او الى الايميل ادناه
مع تمنياتنا بالتوفيق
Job vacancy
One drop only company for dental and oral care since 70 years in germany
Announcing for #representative and #supervisor at #Baghded governorate
Salary starting from
800-1000 $
The candidate should be:
-graduated better to be pharmacist or dentist
-good communication skills
-highly motivated
•for those who are interested, please send c.v to
Best wishes..