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Telegram-канал medicalreprsentativ - اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)


سلام عليكم..... من اليوم وصاعدا ستكون اعلانات مكاتب الادوية وغيرها في هذه القناة مدفوعة مقابل مبلغ مالي بسيط جدا يخصص جزء منه للحالات الانسانية وجزء لتعب الادمنية لارسال اعلاناتكم على المعرف الاتي: @Qasim_mohammed

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

‏Enana Scientific Bureau, the exclusive agent of the renowned Saudi avalon, is seeking dedicated Medical Representatives to join our team in the following areas:

‏ • Al-Karkh Zone

‏ • Al-Rusafa Zone


‏ • A graduate pharmacist.
‏ • Previous experience in the dermatology line is preferred .

‏What We Offer:

‏ • An opportunity to work with a professional and dynamic team.
‏ • an attractive incentive plan based on performance and sales.
‏ • A chance to grow and advance your skills with Enana Scientific Bureau,

‏How to Apply:

‏If you are ambitious and meet the requirements, please send your CV to:

Telegram :phibrahem

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Dear colleagues,

Apotheker indian drug company is announcing  job vacancy for male/female as (medical rep. part time) in the following region :

1.Karkh ( 5 candidates)
2.Rusafa ( 5 candidates)


1-The candidates should be pharmacist.
2-Prefered with previous experience.

Salary will be Discussed during the Interview. Interested Candidates, kindly send your updated C.V to following email :

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Dear colleagues

A well known Swiss pharmaceutical company (SWISS HEALTHCARE) announces new job vacancies for medical representatives in

-North Rusafa

The applicants must meet the following criteria :

2- Good scientific knowledge
3- Good communications and selling skills.
4-Has previous experiance in the field

For those whose interested, kindly send your C.V

WhatsApp :

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

A well known pharmaceutical company specializing in drugs and OTC
announces a job vacancy as Medical Representatives on baghdad

Harthya zone

🔸Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy (must)
🔸Ability to work under pressure
🔸Good communication skills

For those who are interested to join our team,
please send your updated C.V to the following

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Dear colleagues

Neutec Company announces a Job vacancy as a part time Medical representative to join our team in Mosul

The candidates ((should)) be:
1.Graduated pharmacist.
2.Previous experience is preferred.
3.Motivated and ready to work.
4-has good communication and selling Skills and ability to work under pressure.
Salary and other details will be discussed in the interview.
For those who are interested ,
Kindly send your updated CV to the following whats app

Good luck

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

السلام عليكم
يسر مكتب بوابة آيسن ان يعلن لكم عن توفر فرصة عمل بصفة مندوب علمي على أحدى وكالاته الخاصة بالمواد الطبية التجميلية (Dermocosmatic) على محافظة بغداد

- مندوب علمي على جزء من جانب الرصافة
- مندوب علمي على جزء من جانب الكرخ

الشروط و التفضيلات :
- ان يكون من سكنة محافظة بغداد حصراً
- ان يكون حاصل على شهادة البكالوريوس من احدى جامعات التخصصات الطبية
- ان تكون لديه القدرة على اكتساب مهارات البيع وادارة العملاء
- ان يكون قادر على تحمل الضغوطات وحسب متطلبات العمل
- يفضل من لديه الخبرة في مجال الادوية الجلدية او مواد العناية بالبشرة
- يفضل ان تتوفر لديه وسيلة نقل

سيتم مناقشة التفاصيل الأخرى والمستحقات أثناء المقابلة.
على من يجد في نفسه الكفاءة إرسال السيرة الذاتية CV (مع كافة التفاصيل ذات العلاقة وبشكل واضح) على البريد الإلكتروني أدناه:

ملاحظة: يكتب في حقل العنوان (Subject) العنوان التالي (Scientific Representative Baghdad).

Aisin The Gate scientific bureau is pleased to announce a job opportunity for the position of Scientific Representative for one of its medical dermocosmetic company in Baghdad.

Available Positions:
• Scientific Representative for part of Al-Rusafa District.
• Scientific Representative for part of Al-Karkh District.

Requirements and Preferences:
• Must be a resident of Baghdad.
• Must hold a bachelor’s degree from a medical-related field.
• Must have the ability to acquire sales and client management skills.
• Must be capable of working under pressure as per job requirements.
• Preferably has experience in dermatological drugs or skincare products.
• Preferably owns a means of transportation.

Other details will be discussed during the interview.

If you meet the qualifications, please send your CV (with all relevant and clear details) to the email below:

Note: Please include the following subject line in your email:
Scientific Representative Baghdad.

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

تحية طيبة ، الى الزملاء الاعزاء

مكتب علمي رصين ، يعلن عن توفر فرصة عمل كـمندوب اعلام في مجال الـ Skin Care (ميل) حصرًا على زون

محافظة النجف (Najaf)

شروط التقديم :

١- يجب على المتقدم ان يكون لديه خبرة في العمل
٢- خريج
٣- خبرة في مجال الكوزمتك والتجميل
٤- متفرغ للعمل
٥- يمتلك وسيلة نقل

الوظيفة برواتب و حوافز مجزية ، على من يجد في نفسه المؤهلات المذكورة ، ارسال الــ CV مرفق بصورة حديثة على الرقم ادناه :
07867005588 (واتساب)

الراتب والحوافز تناقش اثناء المقابلة

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

يعلن مكتب Elixir العلمي
(LaCabine) شركة
عن حاجتهِ إلى
-مندوب اعلام دوائي علمي
( medical representative )
على محافظة بغداد الرصافة عدد1
لأحدى وكالات الجلدية و التجميل اللاجراحي العالمية

شروط التقديم :
- ان يكون المتقدم من ضمن ضوابط نقابه الصيادله العراقيه
- ⁠خبرة لا تقل عن سنتين في مجال العمل
- ⁠لديه سيارة
- ⁠متفرغ للعمل
الراتب يحدد عند المقابلة

من يجد في ⁠نفسهِ القدرة والكفاءة
يمكنهُ أرسال ال CV على الإيميل التالي

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

تحية طيبة
مكتب علمي رصين مختص بتجارة مواد التجميل اللاجراحي (فلر وبوتكس) والوكيل الحصري لعدة شركات في العراق عن حاجتها إلى مندوب/ مندوبة على المحافظات الاتيه :-

- بغداد/الكرخ
- البصرة
- الناصرية

يجب ان يكون المتقدم :
1- ان يكون #صيدلاني حصرااااا
2-صاحب خبرة بمجال الجلدية والتجميل ( سنة على الاقل)
3- حسن المظهر و لبق اللسان .
4-ان يمتلك وسيلة نقل .
5.يكون صاحب علاقات مع مراكز التجميل ولديه اطلاع في مجال الديرما

من لديه الخبرة و القدرة الرجاء ارسال ال Cv  مع ذكر الزون
@dr_mustafaibraheem تيليگرام

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Dear colleagues
Noor aldawa scientific bureau is announcing a job vacancy as a Sales manager for our well known pharmaceutical company in the market
according to the Regulations of pharmacy Syndicate criteria.

The qualifications of Sales manager should be
• pharmacists
• +5 years of experience in similar positions
• Excellent Marketing & Sales Experience
• Experience in Iraqi market analysis and needs and ability to develop and implement strategic plans for district.
• Deep understanding of the competition and customers
• Excellent leadership skills.
• track weekly monthly and quarterly performance and sales metrics.
• Excellent time and organizational management skills.
• team management and team leadership
• Ability to transport at any time

For whom interested in this opportunity please send your CV with all relevant documents including your experience certificates to the to the below Email:

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Dear colleagues,

Due to Expansion in Our Team a well Know pharmaceutical company looking for highly qualified medical representatives in :-

Baghdad AlRusafa Zone

The candidate should have the following criteria:

1.Pharmacist only, (male -female)
2.Graduated.(preferred ).
3.Experience in the field.(preferred)
4.Good communication skills.
5.Committed to develop and work under pressure.

• Salary and Incentives will discussed during the interview.
• For those who are interested, please send your updated C.V with a recent picture to the following:

Good luck.

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

تحية طيبة
تعلن شركة مواد تجميل وعناية بالبشرة عن حاجتها الى  مندوب علمي 
لمحافظة بغداد/الكرخ والرصافة
خريج ومتفرغ للعمل بدوام جزئي
خبرة في مجال العمل داخل المحافظة
لديه علاقات قوية مع الاطباء والصيدليات
قادر على العمل ٦ ايام في الاسبوع
علما ان الراتب مجزي مع وجود حافز ربع سنوي 
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتيه على الايميل التالي

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Dear collagues:
Flamingo Pharma UK LTD, a well-known pharmaceutical company, is seeking a highly motivated and experienced Pharmacists to join our team as :

- Medical sales representative for :

*harthiya& almansur


1. *Product Promotion: Effectively promote medical products to healthcare professionals.
2. *Relationship Building: Develop and maintain strong relationships with key decision-makers.
3. *Sales Growth: Achieve sales targets and expand market share.
4. *Product Knowledge: Stay updated on product features, benefits and market trends.
5. *Sales Reporting: Provide regular sales reports and market feedback.


•registered pharmacist (must)
•previous experience at least 6 months as M.R.
•Strong connections and relationships with customers; physicians, and pharmacists in the field .
•motivated with ability to work under pressure.
•own a car
•stong communication and negotiation skills

For those who are intersted
Please send your CV to the following email:


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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

السلام عليكم

شركة براند متخصصه بمنتجات الجلد والعناية بالبشرة ، تعلن عن توفر فرصة كمندوب  علمي
على بغداد (الرصافة/ الكرخ)
شروط التقديم :

١- يجب على المتقدم ان يكون لديه خبرة في العمل*
٢- خبرة في مجال الجلدية والتجميل*
٣-خريج صيدلة حصرا*

الوظيفة برواتب و حوافز مجزية ، على من يجد في نفسه المؤهلات المذكورة ، ارسال الــ CV مرفق بصورة حديثة على الايميل التالي

الراتب والحوافز تناقش اثناء المقابلة

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

We are hiring ...
Yeni pharmaceutical company is pleased to announce a job vacancy
as a highly qualified medical representative as product specialist (Male or Female) in  :

2.Al muthana

The applicants must
⁃  Graduated Pharmacist only
⁃ Previous experience is preferred
⁃ Highly motivated & able to work under pressure
⁃ Hard & Smart  worker
⁃ Having a time management and Good communication skills

For those  who are interested
kindly send your C.V.  


All details will be discussed during the interview

Best Regards

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Dear All
Swiss company announcing a new job vacancy as
- Medical representative Najaf (Pharmacy Line)
- Medical representative : Basra
- Medical representative : Nasryia
- Medical representative : Mousal
The applicants should have these requirements:
1. Graduated Pharmacists only
3. Very good in communication skills and been able to work under pressure.
4. Flexibility to travel.
Salary and intensives will be discussed during interview.
For those who are interested kindly send their CVs to:
Note: CV without photo will be neglected.
Deadline: 5-Jan-2025
Good luck for all candidates

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

We're hiring:

- Medical Representatives in Baghdad

- Sales Expert in Baghdad

It's a great opportunity!

If you are interested, submit your application before 5th, January, 2025.

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)


Due to our expansion plan
Al Rasheed Scientific Bureau announces a job vacancy on one of its well known companies (LYNAE) as a part time medical representative (male or female) in Baghdad governorate in the following areas:

1- Beirut square.

The applicant should meet the following criteria:
•Graduated pharmacist (a must)
•Has previous experience in the field areas (preferred)
•Able to work under pressure
•Has good communication & selling skills
•Based near the field areas

For those who are interested and fit the mentioned criteria, kindly send your updated CVs to the following email
with mentioning the zone in the subject.

Salary and incentives will be discussed in the interview.

-Published date (25th December 2024)
-Deadline date (3rd January 2025)

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

تحيه طيبه …
يلعن مكتب (( الدكتور مصطفى الهيتي )) وكيل لعدة شركات مفحوصه ومسجله في وزاره الصحه العراقيه عن حاجته الى مندوبين اعلام دوائي وحسب توجياهات نقابة الصيادلة للمناطق التاليه:-

🛑 الرصافه


"شروط التقديم"

1- شرط الخبره لاتقل عن سنة
2-من سكنه المركز
3-خريج صيدلاني
4-متفرغ للعمل
5-يمتلك علاقات وسمعه طيبه بالفيلد
6- يمتلك وسيلة نقل

اخر موعد للمقابلات 2025/1/5

على من يجد في نفسه الكفائة والقدرة والرغبة بالعمل ارسال الCV مرفق بصورة حديثة على المعرف التالي


متمنين التوفيق للجميع.

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

تحيه طيبه
مكتب علمي رصين وكيل لعدة شركات اوربيه يعلن عن حاجته الـى مندوب او مندوبة اعلام دوائي على زون :

الرمادي ramadi

و براتب مجزي و حوافز تناقش اثناء المقابله

الشروط :
1- ان يكون المتقدم ذو خبرة جيده بالعمل كمندوب اعلام دوائي على الزون المطلوب العمل فيه
2- معرفة بالزون المتقدم اليه
3- يمتلك وسيلة نقل
و حسب تعليمات نقابة الصيادلة
على من يجد في نفسه القدرة على العمل وفق الشروط اعلاه ارسال سيرته الذاتية على الرقم التالي

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Novalie Pharma is announcing two new vacancies in Baghdad and Basra.
Position: #Marketing #Supervisor
Deadline to apply: 29-12-2024
Requirements and skills
1. Candidates should have a bachelor's degree in #Pharmacy.
2. Must know English and Arabic in both (Speaking & Writing).
3. Experience in pharmaceutical areas should be no less than 1 year as a supervisor or 2 years as a team leader.
3. Should have his/ her own car.
4. has excellent leadership and communication skills
To Apply:
Interested candidates can submit their CVs to
Note* Please indicate the position title and Location in the Subject line of the email.\

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Vitamin’s Scientific Bureau ( distributor of many leading pharmaceutical companies in BASRA market ) seeking a professional MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVE

The Candidates should have the following criteria:

- Graduate from medical field
- ⁠previous experience for at least 6 months in Basra field
- ⁠Have good medical knowledge
- ⁠have a car ( preferred )

For those interested , please send me your updated CV to this phone number on what’s up ! :
Wish you Best of luck

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Dear Colleagues,
Dermatology co.(filler & mesotheraby ) announce a job vacancy for a MR to cover

1- al karkh
2- al rusafa

We are seeking for a talented ,Ready to work the right decisions and take responsibility in the work , highly motivated person to work as this position .
The candidates (must) have the following criteria:
1- Graduated from the pharmacy college only
2- Have at least one years previously experience.
For those interested and meet the above mentioned criteria, send your C.V. with a recent photo to the following email address:

( )
Wishing you the best.

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Novalie Pharma is announcing two new vacancies in Baghdad and Basra.
Position: #Marketing #Supervisor
Deadline to apply: 29-12-2024
Requirements and skills
1. Candidates should have a bachelor's degree in #Pharmacy.
2. Must know English and Arabic in both (Speaking & Writing).
3. Experience in pharmaceutical areas should be no less than 1 year as a supervisor or 2 years as a team leader.
3. Should have his/ her own car.
4. has excellent leadership and communication skills
To Apply:
Interested candidates can submit their CVs to
Note* Please indicate the position title and Location in the Subject line of the email.

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Job Vacancy Announcement

((Product Manager ))

Greeting ...
A well known pharmaceutical company is announcing a vacant position as Product Manager

1-Male or Female
2-Previous experience as a medical representative
3- Previous experience as marketing associate
4-Part time / 6 days a week
5-Flexibility in traveling internally and externally
6-Fluent in English

For those who are interested , please send your updated C.V to the following E-mail:

إعلان عن وظيفة شاغرة

((برودكت منجر))

تحية طيبة...
تعلن شركة أدوية رصينة عن توفر وظيفة شاغرة ( برودكت منجر ).

1- ذكور و اناث
2- خبرة سابقة كمندوب علمي.
3- خبرة سابقة في التسويق .
4- دوام جزئي / 6 أيام في الأسبوع.
5- المرونة في السفر داخليًا وخارجيًا.
6- الطلاقة في اللغة الإنجليزية.

لمن يرغب بالتقديم، يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية المحدثة إلى البريد الإلكتروني التالي:

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

🅰 multinational ( One of Ekleel group companies)  looking for a professional medical representative to cover the following :


- Beirut Sqr. & Surrounding areas
ساحة بيروت و المناطق المجاورة
- Najaf النجف
- Diala ديالى
- Amara العمارة
- Samawa السماوة

The applicants should be:
1 -pharmacist
2- Experience is preffered ( But not a must)
3- Experience in cardiology or endocrinology line is prefferable
4- Very good communication skills .
5- A good pharmaceutical experience and medical background.
6- To be able to set up objectives towards increasing market opportunities.

Waiting for excellent candidates.
Please send your CV with recent photo to the following  on Gmail:
With mention of your governorate on subject

يرجى ذكر المنطقة التي تقدم عليها في عنوان الايميل

Best regards and good wishes for all !

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

يعلن مكتب ازدهار العراق بحاجة إلى مندوبين علمين في الكرخ و الرصافة للصيادلة حصرآ
للتواصل ارسال cv على ايميل

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)


Due to our expansion plan
Al Rasheed Scientific Bureau announces a job vacancy on one of its well known companies (LYNAE) as a part time medical representative (male or female) in Baghdad governorate in the following areas:

1- Beirut square.

The applicant should meet the following criteria:
•Graduated pharmacist (a must)
•Has previous experience in the field areas (preferred)
•Able to work under pressure
•Has good communication & selling skills
•Based near the field areas

For those who are interested and fit the mentioned criteria, kindly send your updated CVs to the following email
with mentioning the zone in the subject.

Salary and incentives will be discussed in the interview.

-Published date (25th December 2024)
-Deadline date (3rd January 2025)

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Job Vacancies at Kawkab Pharmaceuticals Co.

Position: Medical Representative

Location: Basra

1. graduated from the college of Pharmacy
2. minimum two years of related experience of the applied field.
3. Own a car (preferred).
4. Have knowledge of the pharmaceutical market.
5. Ability to work under pressure.
6. Candidate must be a good communicator and negotiator.
7. Problem solver.
8. Has the ability and interest to learn and develop.
9. has basic knowledge of Computer Skills like (Word, Outlook, and Excel).
10. Builds and maintains positive working relationships with medical staff.
11. Can fluently speak Arabic
Please send your CV to the below email

Note* please indicate the Position Title and Location in the Subject line of the email.

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اعلانات شركات الادويه لطلب المندوبين(صيادلة حصرا)

Dear Colleagues
Spanish pharmaceutical company (LDP) to ((Bearut scientific bureau)) would like to announce a job vacancy as medical representative on Diyala

1. Graduated pharmacist.
2. Effective interpersonal and team working skills.
3. Good persuasive and negotiation skills.
4. Strong written and oral communication skills.
5. Ability to handle multiple tasks and work under stress.
6. Excellent skills in writing E-mails and Microsoft office.
Suitable applicants can send their C.V attached with a recent photo to the following E-mail

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