سلام عليكم..... من اليوم وصاعدا ستكون اعلانات مكاتب الادوية وغيرها في هذه القناة مدفوعة مقابل مبلغ مالي بسيط جدا يخصص جزء منه للحالات الانسانية وجزء لتعب الادمنية لارسال اعلاناتكم على المعرف الاتي: @Qasim_mohammed
السلام عليكم
تحية طيبة
مكتب علمي رصين وكيل لعدة شركات بحاجة الى مندوبين اعلام دوائي عدد 4
محافظة البصرة
لمن لديه الرغبة في العمل يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الرقم
ملاحظة مهمة / الراتب يكون بنظام النسبة فقط
تعلن شركة براند معروفه متوفره في 44 دولة في اوربا و 5 دول عربيه عن حاجتها الى مندوبين اعلام دوائي
- في جانب الكرخ
🛑 مندوب علمي ( كرخ جنوبي )
🛑 مندوب علمي ( كرخ وسط )
🛑 مندوب فارمسي لاين ( كرخ شمالي )
- في جانب الرصافه
🛑 مندوب علمي ( رصافه وسط )
بشرط توفر المؤهلات التاليه :
١. شرط ان يكون المندوب علمي صيدلاني.
٢. يفضل الخبرة في الزونات المذكورة اعلاه .
٣. يفضل الخبرة في لاينات الجلدية و النسائية و الكسور و الاطفال .
٤. يفضل وجود وسيلة نقل .
٥. العمل تحت الضغط و لديه معارف جيده في الزون .
٦. يفضل من سكن الزون نفسه .
من لديه المؤهلات اعلاه يرى نفسه مناسب للعمل
يرجى ارسال C.V الخاص به على watsapp
* موعد المقابلة يوم السبت القادم 2024/11/2
تحيه طيبه ..
فرصه عمل
تعلن شركة حليب اطفال في العراق عن حاجتها إلى سوبر فايز ع محافظات
المؤهلات :-
🔺 يفضل ان يكون لديه خبرة في المجال اعلاه
🔺خريج احد الكليات الطبية
🔺يمتلك وسيلة نقل خاصة🚗
🔺 يتمتع باسلوب لبق وله المقدرة على تحمل ضغط العمل
الراتب واوقات العمل تحدد في المقابلة حسب الخبرة
على من يمتلك الشروط السابقة يرجى ارسال السيره الذاتيه على الواتس اب
مع التقدير
Dear colleagues,
A well known Brand Spanish company
(Mesoestetic - Dermal Filler Line)
announces a job vacancy as a
(Medical representative )
1.Najaf zone
to join our team
The applicant should meet the following criteria :
- Should be a Pharmacist
- Have experience at least six months with dermatologists, beauty centers, and other doctors and dentists.
- Has a good communication and selling skills
- Have the ability to work under pressure
For those who are interested kindly send your updated CV to the following E-mail :
Good luck …
مطلوب مندوب او مندوبه اعلام دوائي للعمل في احدى شركات الادويه المختصة في مجال الجلدية والتجميل لاحدى المكاتب العلمية المعروفة في بغداد
- زون الكرخ
- زون الرصافة
الراتب مجزي جدا ويحدد حسب الخبرة في المقابلة
الرجاء ارسال السي في على الواتس اب :
+971 55 505 4685
Due to our expansion plan
Al Rasheed Scientific Bureau announces a job vacancy on one of its well known companies (LYNAE) as a part time medical representative (male or female) in Baghdad governorate / Al Karkh in the following areas:
1- Southern Karkh.
The applicant should meet the following criteria:
•Graduated from medical field (a must)
•Has previous experience in the field areas (preferred)
•Able to work under pressure
•Has good communication & selling skills
•Based near the field areas
For those who are interested and fit the mentioned criteria, kindly send your updated CVs to the following email
Salary and incentives will be discussed in the interview.
-Published date (28th October 2024)
-Deadline date (11th November 2024)
Medical representatives
We are Bilim Pharmaceuticals
We are looking for a candidate to advocate our company to HCPs and build a long-term relationship with our customers, deliver marketing messages and achieve desired target
1- The candidate should be graduated pharmacist
2- Working days: part time/ 6 days a week
3- Build a professional sustainable relationship with our costumers
4- Have good scientific experience and ability to improve
5- Conduct daily targeted visits to HCPs
6- Ability to work at tight deadline and under pressure
To whom finding him/her self-suitable & excited
Please, send your CV to the email address below:
Please note: any application will be sent without mentioning the job applied for in the subject line will not be considered.
Dear colleagues,
SWISS Company one of Al-Dwaa Al-Awol S.B looking for highly qualified medical representatives in :-
• Baghdad / Maghrib st. zone (1)
The candidate should have the following criteria:
1.Pharmacist, (male only)
3.Experience in the field.(preferred)
4.Good communication skills.
5.Committed to develop and work under pressure.
• Salary will be discussed during the interview.
• For those who are interested, please send your updated C.V with a recent picture to the following:
Telegram or whatsapp
+964 782 537 1372
Good luck..
شركة براند تبحث عن التالي :
Multinational pharmaceutical company is looking for a sales manager/team leader to handle a private market portfolio who will be responsible for sales activities & team hiring to cover all Iraq ( Full time)
Pharmacist with 3-5 years experince in private market recognized with achievements.
Team management skills.
Conduct business with compliance & ethics.
Please send you CV to :
All the best ✅
نشر الكتاب حسب طلب صاحب امتياز الصيدلية
Alwateen S B. Announce a job vacancy to work as medical representative for the following governorates;
Requirements :
_ pharmacist
_ pervious experince at least 6 months
_ motivated with ability to work under pressure
_ covering his area with periphries
_ own a car
*for those who are intersted kindly send your resume. with recent photo to :
السلام عليكم
مطلوب مستحصلين أو مندوبين زون الرصافة يمتلكون الخبرة والالتزام بالعمل على من يجد نفسه ارسال الCV على الرقم التالي
+964 783 861 0167
تحية طيبة ،
شركة فرنسية براند مختصة، تعلن عن توفر فرصة عمل كسوبر فايزر اعلام في مجال الـ Skin Care (ميل) حصرًا على
محافظة بغداد (الكرخ والرصافة)
شروط التقديم :
١- يجب على المتقدم ان يكون لديه خبرة في العمل
٢- خريج من كلية الصيدلة*
٣- خبرة في مجال الكوزمتك والتجميل
٤- متفرغ للعمل *
٥- يمتلك وسيلة نقل *
الوظيفة برواتب و حوافز مجزية ، على من يجد في نفسه المؤهلات المذكورة ، ارسال الــ CV مرفق بصورة حديثة على الايميل التالي
الراتب والحوافز تناقش اثناء المقابلة
Job Announcement
Medical Representative – Baghdad - Anbar - Karbala - Babil - Basra - Kut
Starting salaries: 1000$-1200$
According to the qualification & previous experience
A Pharmaceutical company established in Switzerland 🇨🇭
specialized in the field of manufacturing and distribution of a broad range of pharmaceutical and OTC medications as well as wide range of food supplements.
Our philosophy that people in need of pharmaceuticals should have access to them all over the world.
We are currently looking for a candidate willing to work with us as a Medical Representative
• Working days: Part time/6 days a week
• Graduated pharmacist (Is a Must).
• Previous experience in pharmaceutical company at least 1 year (Preferred).
• Having skills in Microsoft office (Excel, PowerPoint).
• Have good scientific experience and ability to improve.
• High level of communication, commitment & ability to work at tight deadline & under pressure.
If you are interested, please send your C.V. to the Email address below and mention in the subject the vacant position your are applying for:
Job vacancy
Blue nature compay for skin care
And baby supplies
Announce for a vacancy as:
in Baghdad & Other districts
Salary starting from
700 to 1000 $
The candidate should be:
Female (must)
EXperienced (preferred)
Good communication skills
Highly motivated
for those who are interested
,please send c.v to
Or telegram link
Best wishes..
تعلن شركة Blue Nature لمنتجات العناية بالبشرة و مستلزمات الأطفال المختلفة
عن حاجتها الى سوبرفايزر من الاناث للاشراف الميداني و تسويق المنتجات
بالاضافة الى
مندوبه لتسويق و بيع منتجات الشركة في بغداد و بعض المحافظات
يحدد الراتب حسب الخبرة و الكفاءة و يتراوح من ٧٠٠ الى ١٠٠٠ دولار
بلاضافة الى نسبة من المبيعات شهرية و سنويه
لمن تجد في نفسها الكفاءة و القدرة ارسال ال سي في الى معرف التلكرام الاتي او الى الايميل ادناه
مع تمنياتنا بالتوفيق
تحية طيبه ..
مكتب علمي رصين وكيل لعده شركات اوربية و امريكية
:معروفة و رائده في الاسواق العراقيه
في حاجة الى مندوبات اناث حصراً
نتيجة التوسع الحاصل و اضافه شركات جديده
على زون
1. ان تكون خريجة كلية الصيدلة
2. خبره سابقة في الزون لا تقل عن 6اشهر
3.يفضل ان يكون لديها وسيلة نقل
4. اللباقه في الكلام و التعامل
دوام جزئي
الراتب مجزي يحدد عند المقابله
بيئه جيده للتطوير و التعليم
الرجاء ارسال السيره الذاتيه مع صوره على الواتس اب للرقم المرفق ادناه
مع كل الود
Dear colleagues
Yeni Pharma announces for a job vacancy for medical representative in:
- kirkuk
- Pharmacist graduate ( must )
- Previous experience prefer
- Have good communication skills
- must have own car
please if you're a student don't send your c.v..
The last date of the job offer is 5/11/2024
Scientific bureau with multiple international pharmaceutical companies
Looking for Medical Representatives in Baghdad (Alkarkh)
Northern karkh
Western karkh
1-bachelor degree of pharmacy college
2-experience not less than 6-months
Is preferable.
3-have good selling and communication skills.
4-can work under stress and perform multiple tasks.
Suitable applicants can send their resumes with recent photo on the following account
Dear colleagues :
Versalya Pharma would like to announce a new vacant position as med. rep. to join our team in :-
- Beirut square
The candidates should be:-
- Pharmacist.
- Previous experience is preferred but not a must.
- male only
- new graduated is preferred
For those who are interested, kindly send your CV to the following E-Mail
Salary and Incentives will discussed during the interview.
Dear Colleages,
Pioneer pharmaceutical company would like to announce a new vacant Part-Time positions in the capacity of Medical Representative at:-
- Al Harthiya Zone (Baghdad).
1. Bachelor degree of Pharmacy(is a must).
2. Experience preferable as a Medical Representative.
3. Effective interpersonal and team building skills.
4. Good persuasive and negotiation skills.
5.Strong written and oral communication skills.
6.Ability to handle multiple tasks and work under stress.
7.Excellent in English language.
8.Excellent skills in writing E-mails and microsoft office.
Suitable applicants can send their resumes attached with a recent photo to the following email address:-
Team Leader
We are Bilim Pharmaceuticals
We are looking for a candidate to advocate our company to HCPs and build a long-term relationship with our customers, deliver marketing messages and achieve desired target
1-The candidate should be graduated pharmacist
2- Working days: part time/ 6 days a week
3- Build a professional sustainable relationship with our costumers
4- Have good scientific experience and ability to improve
5- Conduct daily targeted visits to HCPs
6- Ability to work at tight deadline and under pressure
To whom finding him/her self-suitable & excited
Please, send your CV to the email address below:
Please note: any application will be sent without mentioning the job applied for in the subject line will not be considered.
Dear Colleagues
Noor Al-Iraq Scientific Bureau
announces a job vacancy as:
Medical Representative at
The candidate should be:
1. Pharmacist (male only)
2- Previous experience is preferred.
3. Good persuasive and negotiation skills.
4. Strong written and oral communication skills.
5. Ability to handle multiple tasks and work under pressure .
1*For any person who is interested and have these qualifications, can send their C.V attached with a recent photo to the following E-mail address:-
🚨 Job Vacancy at Nutralic 🚨
🏆 Due to our expansion we announce new Vacancies for Nutralic Poland Co. 🍀, a leader in pharmaceutical innovation and supplementation !
Only these Vacancies Left :
1️⃣ Medical Representative : NORTH AL-KARKH
2️⃣ Pharmacy Line : SOUTH AL-KARKH ( only 1 person needed )
🎓 So Are you a pharmacy graduate ready to make your mark in the world of supplements? If yes , check the below Requirement and Apply to be part of Nutralic’s success story!
🎓 Graduated Pharmacist
🏎 Preferably owns a car
🏠 Preferably Living near his Zone
What We Offer:
💸 Competitive salary with Monthly incentives for performance based achievements .
🤝 Continuous professional growth in a dynamic, supportive environment .
🏅 If you’re looking to excel in a fast-paced environment and be part of a well-established brand, we want to hear from you!
Apply now and be part of Nutralic’s success story!
📱👇Send Your Professional Resume WhatsApp ONLY for the Number Below
لطفاً كتابة برسالة نوع التقديم (مثلاً) :
1️⃣ علمي / شمال الكرخ
2️⃣ فارماسي لاين / جنوب الكرخ
Dear colleagues
A Bluepharm scientific bureau announce for job vacancy as (medical representatives) in :-
🛑 Northern Karkh
The applicant should meet the following criteria :-
- Pharmacist (Preferably a graduate of 23 or 24)
- Previous experience is preferred
- Has a good communication and Scientific Information
-Has the ability to work under stressful conditions
For those who are interested and fit the mentioned criteria
kindly send your C.V to the following Email :-
Best Regards ...
السلام عليكم
شركة براند متخصصه بمنتجات الجلد والعناية بالبشرة ، تعلن عن توفر فرصة كمندوب علمي
على بغداد (الرصافة)
شروط التقديم :
١- يجب على المتقدم ان يكون لديه خبرة في العمل
٢- متخرج من كلية الصيدلة*
٣- خبرة في مجال الجلدية والتجميل
الوظيفة برواتب و حوافز مجزية ، على من يجد في نفسه المؤهلات المذكورة ، ارسال الــ CV مرفق بصورة حديثة على الايميل التالي
الراتب والحوافز تناقش اثناء المقابلة
Dear colleagues,
Apotheker indian drug company is announcing job vacancy for male/female as (medical rep. part time) in the following region :
1.Karkh ( 5 candidates)
2.Rusafa ( 5 candidates)
1-The candidates should be pharmacist.
2-Prefered with previous experience.
Salary will be Discussed during the Interview. Interested Candidates, kindly send your updated C.V to following email : alsarhsy@gmail.com
مطلوب للتوظيف ؛ •
في قسم المبيعات
مندوب مبيعات في جميع مناطق الرصافة / بغداد
( شركة ادوية مسجلة ومفحوصة في IMOH )
الشروط :
١:مؤهل جامعي في مجال ذي صلة
٢:السن لايزيد عن 35
٣:حسن المظهر
٤:خبرة لا تقل عن سنة واحدة
٥:يفضل من سكنة الرصافة
٦:لديه وسيلة نقل خاصة
٧:يجيد اللغة الانكليزية
٨:يجيد استخدام برنامج Excel
٩:متفرغ للعمل وغير مرتبط بعمل ثاني
المميزات :
- راتب تنافسي
- مزايا اخرى تحدد بناءً على الأداء .
- بيئة عمل ديناميكية وداعمة .
- فرص للتطوير المهني .
للمنافسة ارسال ال CV على whatsApp
+964 770 189 9470
اخر موعد للتقديم : 1/11/2024
تحية طيبة
مكتب علمي رصين بحاجه الى مندوب/ة علمي
على زون محافظة واسط
وعلى حسب شروط النقابة
على من يجد نفسه قادر الرجاء ارسال ال CV
على الرقم07802332396 WhatsApp
ملاحضه/ تهمل جميع السير الذاتيه الغير مطابقه للشروط
Job Announcement
Supervisor – Baghdad- Middle
Starting salaries: 1800$-2200$
According to the qualification & previous experience
A Pharmaceutical company established in Switzerland 🇨🇭
specialized in the field of manufacturing and distribution of a broad range of pharmaceutical and OTC medications.
Our philosophy that people in need of pharmaceuticals should have access to them all over the world.
We are looking for a candidate willing to work as a supervisor
• Working days: Part time/6 days a week
• Graduated pharmacist (Is a Must).
• Male or female
• Previous experience in pharmaceutical company at least 3 years.
• Having skills in Microsoft office (Excel, PowerPoint).
• Have good scientific experience and ability to improve.
• High level of communication, commitment & ability to work at tight deadline & under pressure.
• Daily follow-up to the potential targeted costumers
• Daily support & follow up to the entire team members
If you are interested, please send your C.V. to the Email address below and mention in the subject the vacant position you are applying for:
Job Vacancies
Position: Medical R.
Location: Basra
1. graduated from the college of Pharmacy ( a must )
2. minimum 6 month of related experience of the applied field.
3. Own a car (preferred).
4. Have knowledge of the pharmaceutical market.
5. Ability to work under pressure.
6. Candidate must be a good communicator and negotiator.
7. Problem solver.
8. Has the ability and interest to learn and develop.
9. Builds and maintains positive working relationships with medical staff.
Please send your CV to the below telegram
Deadline: 29/10/2024