@meme_wrld Memes from the globe.
*Not* crying (credit to u/darkagelord for MC post)
Why is this relatable
Reddit must be terrifying for Australians
You got the whole squad laughing.
it was entertaining while it lasted
Sorry I just got here
Gonna need u to carry me bro
The next one will be better
If that kid could read you would have stop her!
Don't worry guys just 12 more days
Fuck this, I'm done...
Don't worry, Ricardo's here to cheer you up
Wall-E when he meets E.V.E
you cant trick me anymore
Cheep, Shig, Pow, and Shicken.
Le meme competition has arrived
No promo code needed
NSIDB btw sorry for the bad editing
Vaccine vs Anti-Vax research
*Chuckles* I'm in danger
So she's actually a dragon...
For those who didn't get the joke, read the comments
Ah man miss those days...
No no he's actually got a point
All warfare is based on deception.
This is quite literally a shitpost
She’s a total conspiracy theorist and a psychopath
I hope people will get this
Being a chick on here is fun ngl
I spent ages making this so merry crisis and a happy new fear you ungrateful redditors