The arrest of Pavel Durov has raised serious concerns about the future of Telegram. Western intelligence agencies, as part of their investigation, might attempt to seize Telegram’s servers. Although it’s unlikely they could break the app’s encryption, user data and information could be compromised like in WhatsApp. Experts recommend that users back up important data to a local computer immediately. To do this, go to “Settings,” select “Advanced,” and then “Export Data.”
But Should You Urgently Clean Up Telegram?
The risks of hostile intelligence gaining control of the messenger differ for the state and for individuals. For the state, the primary threat lies not just in the interception of sensitive communications between officials, military personnel, or opinion leaders, but in the broader understanding of the nation’s mood and the environment shaping future decisions. This is the core objective of any intelligence operation.
For citizens, while the thought of someone reading their messages is unsettling, the main risk lies in what’s called the “big funnel.” Most people’s conversations might seem trivial now, but within the 1% of today’s students or low-level clerks are the future leaders of the country. Years from now, the information gathered today could be weaponized.
The focus should not be on hastily deleting chats or downloading archives. Instead, it’s essential to always assume that any messenger could eventually be compromised.
Alright, let's dive into *Interstellar* (2014) in full-on brain rot mode:
So, Earth is super mid right now—dust storms everywhere, crops dying, like the whole planet has that negative aura. Enter Matthew McConaughey as Coop, a former pilot and straight-up GOAT farmer who’s living that lowkey life with his fam, but no cap, Earth is dying, and the vibes are way off.
NASA shows up like, “Yo, we found a wormhole near Saturn, and we need you to go all sigma and save humanity.” Coop is like, “Bet,” and leaves his daughter Murph, who’s not vibing with that at all—she’s totally salty. But Coop’s gotta do what Coop’s gotta do, right?
So, they yeet themselves into space, and it’s giving serious vibes—they find a couple of planets, but big yikes, time is all skibidi thanks to black holes and whatnot. They spend like 10 minutes on one planet, and BOOM—20 years have passed back on Earth. Coop is shooketh, his squad is shooketh, and the whole thing is just mad Ohio.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, Murph grows up and realizes her dad left her some big brain messages using gravity or whatever. She’s like, “What the sigma?” but then figures it out because she’s lowkey the smartest person ever. Turns out, Coop’s been communicating through fifth-dimensional stuff inside a black hole (yeah, total fanum tax on physics) with that big rizz science energy.
Finally, Coop pulls off some mad rizzler moves in the black hole and helps Murph save humanity. He pops out in the future, where humans are vibing in space stations, and Coop’s like, “Alright, alright, alright.”
That’s basically *Interstellar* in brain rot terms—a movie with big rizz, serious sigma energy, and tons of mid-to-mad skibidi science vibes.
@Dojima_no_ryuu Made This Manga,Share With Your Weeebooo friends And Mention About The Creator tooo
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