Informações referente à Metrologia, Instrumentação e Qualidade em todas as áreas do conhecimento. Information related to the Metrology, Instrumentation and Quality in all areas of knowledge.
Water Clock - Water Clock was actually an earlier tool than that in Egypt, Rome, Greece, China, and Europe. Water Clocks measured elapsed time using a set amount of water dripping through a funnel to constitute a unit of time passed. (APIMETROLOGY).
Читать полностью…Environmental Metrology (Narrated)
Читать полностью… Metrology for Environment
Читать полностью… Establishing an Environmental Metrology Laboratory — Phase I
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Читать полностью… One statistical analysis must not rule them all - Any single analysis hides an iceberg of uncertainty. Multi-team analysis can reveal it."
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Читать полностью…Calibration error invalidates scientific articles published for 40 years. " The same chemical state of carbon gives rise to two peaks in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy"
Grzegorz Greczynski, Lars Hultman, Nature Scientific Reports, Vol.: 11, Article number: 11195, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-90780-9
In calibration, do the measurements of the standard and the instrument under calibration always behave like a normal probability distribution? No. The normal distribution is one of the most common and frequently used probability distributions in statistics, but it is NOT the only one. In many cases, the normal distribution is a reasonable approximation for the behavior of the measurements, but in other cases, other distributions may be more appropriate. The probability distribution depends on the context in which the measurements are being made and be VERY CAREFUL in carrying out the calibration with few repetitions of the measurements.
Читать полностью…Environmental Meteorology
(Bachelor of Science)
Читать полностью… Environmental Metrology Measurement Assistant (EMMA)
Читать полностью… Environmental Sciences & Biomedical Metrology
Читать полностью…Five things that ensure the reliability of measurements.
Читать полностью… Historical and sociological studies have shown that precision measurement and metrology play an important social and scientific role. This paper contrasts the dynamics of four metrological configurations. The first concerns an instrument for routine car repair. It displays the network of institutions, conventions and procedures allowing for the conservation of legal metrological precision. Such resources are not yet available during the genesis of an instrument. Very often in scientific laboratories, instruments and their metrology are elaborated simultaneously. The three other case studies analyze this construction by looking at ordinary metrological operations: the collective elaboration of standards; the translation of scientific instruments in metrological laboratories; and the intercomparison of instruments. It appears that the diversity and heterogeneity of resources associated with metrological networks result in different ways of articulating the natural and conventional character of precision measurement.
Читать полностью…(chatGPT) What are the 10top bibliographic references in the area of metrology?
As an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time information on the latest bibliographic references. However, I can provide you with some of the most cited references in the field of metrology based on their impact factor and number of citations. Here are ten of them:
"Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement" by JCGM 100:2008
"International Vocabulary of Metrology – Basic and General Concepts and Associated Terms (VIM)" by JCGM 200:2012
"ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories" by ISO
"Measurement Systems and Sensors" by Waldemar Nawrocki
"Metrology and Measurement" by V. V. Novikov and S. Y. Yurish
"Traceable Temperatures: An Introduction to Temperature Measurement and Calibration" by John Nicholas
"The International System of Units (SI)" by BIPM
"The Fundamentals of Metrology" by NCSLI
"Handbook of Measurement Science" by Peter Sydenham and Richard Thorn
"Metrology in Industry: The Key for Quality" by Michèle Leduc
Please note that this list is not exhaustive and there may be other important references in the field of metrology.
Читать полностью…Horst Czichos, Tetsuya Saito, Leslie Smith. Handbook of Metrology and Testing. Publisher : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
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