Mid-Continent Liberty Festival - MidFest.info - An unorganized non-event for fellowship with kindred spirits seeking a stateless society. Please stay on the topic of Midfest.
Mid-Continent Liberty Festival 9 starts six weeks from today, 2-7 October ‘24
Do you like to trade and barter? For campers, vending at MidFest is FREE! Vendors there accept various forms of payment, including: crypto (ARRR, XMR, etc), silver (90% silver coins, ounces, etc), goldbacks, cash and so on. I’ve never seen plastic and checks accepted, not even for camping. People offer all kinds of products and services in this camp-wide agora with people selling from their campsites.
Midfest is family friendly with liberty kids having a great time together all over the camp. Many of them trade in the agora.
Camp Copperhead is low-cost, especially when you consider all of the amenities. There’s plenty of room for thousands of campers and over 50 RV spots with water plus 30A electric. Of course you can park your RV elsewhere and call it a tent :-) There are no reservations, unless you want one of the four cabins. Just find your spot (campsites have no boundary) and a camp representative will be around for payment. Midfest has no other fees.
The highlight of MidFest for many people are the gatherings around various campfires. Choose the ones you enjoy, or build your own fire as an invitation to others. Note that the campground asks that the fire bans (rare during April) be respected. Bringing your own fire-ring cover to stop embers from drifting away allows less concern.
Acoustic music, singing and other performances at the fires and campsites will generally draw a crowd. There is no performance or speaking schedule. If you have something to say, just show up and talk wherever.
Enjoy the beautiful night sky in this quiet, rural setting. Commune with nature, sunrises, sunsets, yoga. Fishing and free paddling in your own canoe are nearby.
MidFest is a wonderful time to experience what real liberty feels like and meet others of like mind in real life. Most people there are kindred spirits seeking a stateless society who already “get it”. You’ll rub elbows with Freedom Cells, Pirates (ARRR), Rainbow and other tribes and groups. The moral code is the non-aggression principle (linked on the website). Midfest has it’s own dispute resolution process on the website which hasn’t been needed yet with all of the love and liberty setting the tone. Unjust laws are no law at all, so they’re thoroughly disregarded, with enthusiasm. The covid hysteria was actually quite fun to disregard, as most did in the surrounding area.
Are you ready for an incredible experience like the Mid-Continent Liberty Festival? Have you ever immersed yourself in spontaneous order with no advance planning, where the most amazing things can happen, unhindered by organized plans? Does this sound like a great place for your liberty group to gather, conveniently located at the middle of North America, in the beautiful western foothills of the Ozarks? If so, learn more at http://Midfest.info, bastyon://Bastyon.com/Midfest and in Qortal at qortal://WEBSITE/Midfest
You’ll find a Midfest flier to share with liberty lovers and post where they visit. Midfest has no organization. So, promotion is up to everyone who wants to help make the next Midfest even more special.
Will you be celebrating liberty (freedom with morals and responsibility) in the beautiful western foothills of the Ozarks on 2-7 October, or longer? Hope to give you a hug at Midfest.
Please share this message and the website everywhere, today, so people who like to plan can be there.
Peace, love and liberty,
The Midfest founder
NOT in charge :-)
Because the days around the 17th of October this year are the Hunter's Moon gathering @BarterTowne
Читать полностью…I remain committed to voluntaryist dispute resolution and helping others pursue such. Everyone lives in the same statist society, certainly we voluntaryists can live together in one society with an explicit ruleset we abide by.
I'll be hosting gatherings during the days around the full moons at my campground t.me/s/BarterTowne near Canaan, NH for all the Shire Society Voluntaryists to gather and enjoy those benefits going forward. I hope all the SSVs can make it out to visit and enjoy true anarchy together before it gets too cold to camp up here.
K and I dated for a few months after meeting at this spring midfest. We're not dating since a month or so ago. I remain grateful to her and all the midfest folks who come out and shared explicit principles of voluntaryism to guide our interactions and make our lives better together.
I look forward to the agorism and camaraderie of midfest with you guys!
I mean, I don't have one of those big, pretty, round pots like Hok, Lok, and Siew had in the story, but I have a massive wb canner we can use that's big enough to feed everyone... Or just the one I have been bringing
Читать полностью…Just wanna say how much I appreciate MidFest!! Still by far one of my favorite festivals 🫶🏼 such whole, positive energy with lovely people!
Читать полностью…I heard this joke recently....
I have a new business model.
I'm selling Homing Pigeons...
...I've sold this flock 18 times! 🤣
My friend had homing pigeons and racing pigeons, and he had to get rid of them. It wasn’t hie first time either, so it’s not like he didn’t know what he was doing. He posted all about it, from when he built their enclosure until he let them go to someone else. Here’s what I remember:
Hawks were a big problem. He tried to get a permit to kill the hawks, but they wouldn’t give him one.
When they release doves at funerals and weddings, they’re actually white pigeons. They know their way home, and if a hawk doesn’t get them, the seller gets them back.
Teaching a bird to come back is a process. They start with short distances, then go further and further. He would take them in his car and let them go, and they’d learn to recognize the land and find their way home.
Here’s a post he made that might be useful:
“Just when you think you have everything all figured out, you figure out something new... lol... I have had pigeons on and off since I was in the 5th grade. I thought I had a pretty good handle on keeping them happy. So, here is what I now know. They can be tricked into doing things that you want them to do. I feed my birds all the good stuff but they would only eat parts of what I was putting down and I could not figure out why. I would mix wheat, health grit, corn, pigeon grain and egg pellets all together and put it into their feeding tray but they would pick and choose and usually leave the wheat, pellets and health minerals. They would only eat most of the pigeon grain. So..... I started putting the pigeon grain into the trey and nothing else. They eat it all. I put all the other things in separate bowls and they go after it like crazy, one bowl and then onto the next bowl... It is still the things I want them to eat but it is in it's own bowl and for some reason they seem to like it that way. Picky little bastards I guess... haha... As soon as I can find a store that has rock salt I will be buying a big bag of it. They like rock salt... I put ten drops per gallon of iodine in their water once a week. I give them vitamin drops in their water once a week. I must be doing something right because they are big and strong birds now... I can hardly wait until I can start flying them, but not yet... They need to be "lofted" to our house before I can let them out, but it is getting close...”
Thanks for your prayers!!!
Got axle out of my car. And I'm in full scale production on Jackaplope gear for 2024.
Embordery on hats and printed jerseys. Let me know if you need some.
Do or Die
One man wrecked ball.
Stand by.
Or get out of the way!!!
I haven't even tried to load Session, as my WiFi offshore is about 2 steps below Carrier Pigeons.
Читать полностью…Man, I am at a loss for what is causing the lockout. Some of you can see the group, and some of you can't. Everyone who supplied me with their Session ID I can assure you that you've been added to the group. As to why some of you can't access it: ❓❓❓
Читать полностью…Unfortunately I still can’t access the MidFest group after updating to this latest version and restarting my phone. Anyone else having issues?
Читать полностью…It's a private gathering of people with very similar perspectives to attendees of Midrest. This particular meeting at PAZNIA is about 1 hr east of st. Loius in IL.
Читать полностью…Unfortunately I will not be attending Midfest this fall 😞, the first one in its' history I'll miss due to a conflict with Vonufest (Sept 30 - Oct 7). ~8 hrs of driving between the 2 events.
Читать полностью…Oh dang, why can't y'all do Middest the weekend of the 18th so I can join!!!
Читать полностью…Was out of commission with no possible way of attending. Definitely wish I could have been there! Hopefully can make Octobers!
Читать полностью…Good name. Sorry for your lost. Time to get another? As soon as I buy property, I want to start a pigeon coop.
Читать полностью…Very interesting. I feel like messenger pigeons are a good alternative form of communication. Low tech and old school lol
Читать полностью…Hey all, I was finally able to access the MidFest group chat on Session. As someone else said on the Telegram MidFest group a week or so ago, there is indeed an issue with Session: In order for groups to show up at all, you first need to download and run Session on a desktop (Windows, Mac, or Linux will all work fine). Once you do this, groups will indeed show up on your mobile device. You don't even need to reload the app.
Читать полностью…Lol. I think we should get into the carrier pigeon business again.
Читать полностью…Excellent timing. I have some opportunities before and after that, 3 foot bear carving classes in september, the harvest moon gathering, new moon is at midfest, then the hunter's moon gather at t.me/bartertowne afterwards.
Читать полностью…🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁
MidFest — October 2024
October 2nd-7th, 2024
Camp Copperhead
Spavinaw, Oklahoma
Mark your calendars, folks!
I experience real difficulty with the app on my iPhone. It works fine on m y computer.
Читать полностью…Same! I have IOS2.6.3 version. DC tried helping me get into the group a week ago and I haven’t been able to try it. I haven’t tried on a computer yet, though I don’t have one easily accessible
Читать полностью…For those having problems accessing the MidFest group on Session, try updating your Session app to:
AndroidOS v1.18.5+ for Play Store
(Play Store version NOT recommended for optimal privacy)
AndroidOS v1.18.6+ for F-Droid, APK, Huawei Store
iOS v2.6.3+
Desktop v1.12.5+
Some hours ago the Session devs released a cross-platform update which will resolve any recent issues you might have been experiencing with connecting to Communities, sharing file attachments, or push notifications.
This update, alongside the updates that have released to the community of network operators, will get things back to normal again and keep you connected.