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Il gruppo nasce per condividere le esperienze e i lavori creati su App Inventor, AppyBuilder, Kodular e altre piattaforme simili. Community: @appinventoritaly

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Try this and show me the all code . I will be at laptop tomorrow. Here is night now

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Perché queste liste mi arrivano da un foglio excel

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Starts app, get tag Bob and save it inside a you have a list of payments. Add the new one with the add block, save the new list in the tag Bob . It will replace the old list

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

You want only show the list and add the payments or you have to search inside it

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

some student
it not define name that

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

I want to write a program. For example, I am your student and I have to pay you $100 every month. My name is Bob. When I pay the fee each month, it should be recorded, and to show how many months of tuition fees I have paid, display it. With this method, it only shows the last payment.

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

The get block is right , It would show you a list with 2 items

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Why there is a control about the list name ? Is it update before this control?

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Queste liste da dove arrivano , perché non aggiorni direttamente il valore invece di salvare e poi cercare per modificare ?

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

but dosnt work
how to get value about tag
show last value
not correct it

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

😂 è un caso , in realtà il gruppo è Italia.

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Ma non sei italiano 😅

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Buonasera a tutti 🙌🏽 Sto riscontrando qualche difficoltà nel creare un sistema che mi permetta di aggiungere le liste contenute all'interno della lista "tot_list" che abbiamo sullo stesso INDEX1.
allego un esempio:

tot_list = [["A","5"],

filtra_tot_list = [["A","8"],

Non so se dovrei lavorare con la funzione TinyDB o DIZIONARI.
Grazie in anticipo per il vostro aiuto. Rimango a vostra disposizione in caso di ulteriori informazioni.
(con AI2)

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

3 different list with 2 elements

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

here i use to list but dost work

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Ok quindi immagino non puoi cambiare il metodo in cui si riempiono

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

When I'm at laptop I will show you some block.

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Ok , the easy way is to get the tag and save it in a variable . Then manage the variable and only at the end save inside the tag. Example

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

And a lot of students, not only one .

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

So you need a tag Bob and a list of payments. Right ?

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Here you have the list name ? Right ?

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

okay never mind !contorl after that 😀 what can i do?!

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

And which value you get ?

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Show the block you are using to save in tiny and the block to get the value

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

👍🏻 in this way you will have one list with two elements, you can add more elements in the same list.

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Sì ma non sapevo se sul gruppo preferivate che scrivessi in inglese 😂

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

could u send me any tutrial about that?!!

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Use the gear to add multiple item without create a list inside the main list

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

If you use this you will create a list with a list inside as I said you

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Italy Kodular & Mit App Inventor Community

Key > test1 value > list of values

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