MIUI ROM Port Hub - Official Telegram Group - Our Channel: @MIUIRomPorts - Combot stats: http://bit.ly/miuiromport - Supported devices :: #Whyred #Tulip #X00TD #Rosy #GuaCamole #violet #mido #ginkgo #jasmine_sprout #surya_PocoX3NFC #Miatoll
Sar I want it pls send, Device Frame Screenshot
Читать полностью…Could not find ox_whyred requested information!
Читать полностью…Could not find ox_whyred requested information!
Читать полностью…As you all know, all new OEM's requires System Partition larger than 3GB, which is available for whyred. So here is guide how to repartition your device:
>Click on Me<
Thanks to Guzram for these scripts!
@NeFeroN @Whyred_404
Reparation Video
Next update in MIUI14 #LuciferUI #WHYRED #EU #A13
Will come
Mount system before flash
Recovery Flashable...
Dolby Digital Plus for Android 10
#Q #DDP #Dolby #Audio
1- Flash magisk_selinux_manager in Magisk and change SELinux Status to Permissive, Do Not Reboot
2- Flash Audio-Modification-Library in Magisk, Do Not Reboot
3- Flash Audio-Compatibility-Patch in Magisk
> After Skipping the volume test
Press the Volume buttons in this order
And Reboot in MIUI, Do Not Reboot in Other Custom Roms
4- Flash [Q-10]Dolby Digital Plus_v.6.8-[UNiTY][Light]_by_repey6-20191212 in Magisk and Reboot
5- Allow Storage permission to Dolby, then Flash Selinux_Permissive in Magisk and reboot
Could not find ox_whyred requested information!
Читать полностью…List of notes in MIUI ROM Port HUB:
- a12
- abhix_rog_edition_stable_a10
- adblock_disabler_host
- adblock_enabler_host
- all_backups
- arvanasoft_final
- bestfw_whyred
- bestkernel
- bestrom
- besttheme
- bugs
- chrome_fix
- chromefix
- csx_verse_final_a11
- decrypt
- dfe
- dolby
- encryption_dfe
- fastcharging
- fix_bankapps
- gboardmod
- gcam
- gdrivelimit
- globalthemestore
- gphotos
- gphotos_unlimited_recovery
- hellas
- how_to_download
- latestfw_global_whyred
- latestfw_whyred
- magisk
- magisk_25.2
- magiskhide
- magiskmanagerhidefix
- masik_final_a10
- masik_mod_a10
- memory
- microg
- miui_bootanimation
- mmx
- mount_partitions_process
- mtp_fix_recovery
- ofox_whyred
- orangefox
- orangefoxlatest
- pbrp_pitchblack_recovery
- persist
- pulseaudio_whyred
- ram
- recovery_stuck_fix
- regionfix
- regionfix_root
- repainter_mod
- repartition
- repartition_video
- riru
- rockstar_editon_final_a11
- rog
- rog-theme
- safetynetfix
- sim
- stuck_recovery_2
- superryzen_final
- super_wallpapers_installer
- superwallpapers_uninstaller
- theme_reset_fix
- themes
- twrp
- update_system_apps
- usgp
- vanced
- vanced_last
- viper
- wifi_hotspot
- youtube_revanced_stable
You can retrieve these notes by using /get notename
, or #notename
⛵️AbhiX ROG Edition ROM
🚀 Link to All ROMs : Download
(Click on the 1st Result after going to link)
❤️ @MIUIRomPorts @MIUIRomPort
Adblock Enabler Host file..
Open ES File Manager
Navigate to /system/etc and replace
Give permission - rrr
What you mean by rom need to settle for 3-4hrs..?will it be laggy?
Читать полностью…List of notes in MIUI ROM Port HUB:
- a12
- abhix_rog_edition_stable_a10
- adblock_disabler_host
- adblock_enabler_host
- all_backups
- arvanasoft_final
- bestfw_whyred
- bestkernel
- bestrom
- besttheme
- bugs
- chrome_fix
- chromefix
- csx_verse_final_a11
- decrypt
- dfe
- dolby
- encryption_dfe
- fastcharging
- fix_bankapps
- gboardmod
- gcam
- gdrivelimit
- globalthemestore
- gphotos
- gphotos_unlimited_recovery
- hellas
- how_to_download
- latestfw_global_whyred
- latestfw_whyred
- magisk
- magisk_25.2
- magiskhide
- magiskmanagerhidefix
- masik_final_a10
- masik_mod_a10
- memory
- microg
- miui_bootanimation
- mmx
- mount_partitions_process
- mtp_fix_recovery
- ofox_whyred
- orangefox
- orangefoxlatest
- pbrp_pitchblack_recovery
- persist
- pulseaudio_whyred
- ram
- recovery_stuck_fix
- regionfix
- regionfix_root
- repainter_mod
- repartition
- repartition_video
- riru
- rockstar_editon_final_a11
- rog
- rog-theme
- safetynetfix
- sim
- stuck_recovery_2
- superryzen_final
- super_wallpapers_installer
- superwallpapers_uninstaller
- theme_reset_fix
- themes
- twrp
- update_system_apps
- usgp
- vanced
- vanced_last
- viper
- wifi_hotspot
- youtube_revanced_stable
You can retrieve these notes by using /get notename
, or #notename