MIUI ROM Port Hub - Official Telegram Group - Our Channel: @MIUIRomPorts - Combot stats: http://bit.ly/miuiromport - Supported devices :: #Whyred #Tulip #X00TD #Rosy #GuaCamole #violet #mido #ginkgo #jasmine_sprout #surya_PocoX3NFC #Miatoll
Finally Switch to F3 Device thanks Whyred For this Long Journey... 😊
Читать полностью…Deagal is not a good kernel it's consuming battery even in standby and charges very slow moreover I can't change kernel as the device boots but get stuck at boot animation
Читать полностью…Also safety net is passed .ok but what about selinux on this rom .Is it enforced ?
Читать полностью…deagle , but after i try change fontUbuntu its work
Читать полностью…Bhai mint ka koi kernel do SD card nhi chal rha
Читать полностью…But in my use not facing any bug sir , how can people's find the bug of micro SD
Читать полностью…Bro changing kernel boots the device but get stuck at boot animation.
Читать полностью…deagle have sd card issue in Android 11
better to use different kernel