MIUI ROM Port Hub - Official Telegram Group - Our Channel: @MIUIRomPorts - Combot stats: http://bit.ly/miuiromport - Supported devices :: #Whyred #Tulip #X00TD #Rosy #GuaCamole #violet #mido #ginkgo #jasmine_sprout #surya_PocoX3NFC #Miatoll
Kyanya sama aja kya miui 12/13 yang lain dah bang
Читать полностью…A10 updates are officially closed from Eu side .
Now A11 only 😉
Anyone knows any fix ?? Slow speed even with vpn
Читать полностью…Koi Xiaomi base miui ki whyred ke liye Android 11 ya 11+ rom aanewali hai
Читать полностью…Mocarafee kalo gk salah. Cari aja di setiap grup Whyred
Читать полностью…Anyone facing permission issue on this ROM? If I didn't update the security app, I can't set any permissions of all apps. If I update the security app to the latest, I can set permissions of all apps but there is no "allow modify system settings" option
Читать полностью…First flash riru :-> do #riru
Credits : @kdrag0n
List of notes in MIUI ROM Port HUB:
- a12
- abhix_rog_edition_stable_a10
- adblock_disabler_host
- adblock_enabler_host
- all_backups
- arvanasoft_final
- bestfw_whyred
- bestkernel
- bestrom
- besttheme
- bugs
- chrome_fix
- chromefix
- csx_verse_final_a11
- decrypt
- dfe
- dolby
- encryption_dfe
- fastcharging
- fix_bankapps
- gboardmod
- gcam
- gdrivelimit
- globalthemestore
- gphotos
- gphotos_unlimited_recovery
- hellas
- how_to_download
- latestfw_global_whyred
- latestfw_whyred
- magisk
- magisk_25.2
- magiskhide
- magiskmanagerhidefix
- masik_final_a10
- masik_mod_a10
- memory
- microg
- miui_bootanimation
- mmx
- mount_partitions_process
- mtp_fix_recovery
- ofox_whyred
- orangefox
- orangefoxlatest
- pbrp_pitchblack_recovery
- persist
- pulseaudio_whyred
- ram
- recovery_stuck_fix
- regionfix
- regionfix_root
- repainter_mod
- repartition
- repartition_video
- riru
- rockstar_editon_final_a11
- rog
- rog-theme
- safetynetfix
- sim
- stuck_recovery_2
- superryzen_final
- super_wallpapers_installer
- superwallpapers_uninstaller
- theme_reset_fix
- themes
- twrp
- update_system_apps
- usgp
- vanced
- vanced_last
- viper
- wifi_hotspot
- youtube_revanced_stable
You can retrieve these notes by using /get notename
, or #notename
Updated: 04/07/2023
▪️ Download
▪️ ScreenShots
By: 𝙄𝙢𝙧𝙖𝙣 𝙍𝙤𝙭
• Added Android 11 MIUI Cam All Features working
• Unlocked ARVANASOFT Features • Tweaks for better RAM and battery
• SuperRyzen V10 Kernel added
• Everyone Know About ArvanaSoft
• SafetyNet Not Passed Flash this module here
• Removed Xiaomi Parts
• Need to settle the Rom
• Daily Usage Rom
• @arvanasoft
• @alpha269
❤️Follow For all Updates :@MiuiRomPorts
❤️Join For discussion :@MiuiRomPort
Kernel KSU yg support apa dong ya? Ente masih make ROM nya? Kernel apa yg support KSU di ROM ini yg bisa pake bluetooth? Padahal San Kernel Velvet KSU di ROM OOS normal bluetooth nya
Читать полностью…Dolby Digital Plus for Android 10
#Q #DDP #Dolby #Audio
1- Flash magisk_selinux_manager in Magisk and change SELinux Status to Permissive, Do Not Reboot
2- Flash Audio-Modification-Library in Magisk, Do Not Reboot
3- Flash Audio-Compatibility-Patch in Magisk
After Skipping the volume test
Okay good luck. Minta source nya aja mending, terus compile sendiri
Читать полностью…Maaf hanya penggunaan pribadi, kernel orang soalnya menghargai hak cipta. Kalo mau resmi, minta ke dev kernelnya aja
Читать полностью…Mount system before flash
Recovery Flashable...
Udah punya solusi, Kalina KSU OC, hasil unpack repack sendiri
Читать полностью…Kernelnya gak support itu, ane juga pake san kernel yang ksu bluetooth gabisa aktif
Читать полностью…