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Discussion Miku

📣Anichin [ Update ]

⭐️Featured Info⭐️

Base Url Anichin Date
Simple App
Watch Donghua without any ads
No Premium2 Club No Ads2 Club
ℹ️what's new?
-Update BaseUrl

Donghua selalu update mengikuti dari website anichin tersendiri.


💬Discussion Group @modmiku
🌐Release by @zksoqpwjsj

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Discussion Miku

Join W-Coin and get bonuses for each invited friend!🎁

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Discussion Miku

📣Anichin [ Update ]

⭐️Featured Info⭐️

Base Url Anichin Live
Simple App
Watch Donghua without any ads
No Premium2 Club No Ads2 Club
ℹ️what's new?
-Fix Known Issues
-Episode list fix now shows only Episode number without included title

-Fix for Video player now supports landscape mode > find out for yourself

Donghua selalu update mengikuti dari website anichin tersendiri.


💬Discussion Group @modmiku
🌐Release by @zksoqpwjsj

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Discussion Miku

📣ChatOn Ai [ Update ]🔄
version -1.52.470-510

📳Mod Info📳

☄️Premium Unlocked


💬Discussion Group @modmiku
🌐Release by @zksoqpwjsj

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Discussion Miku


⭐️Featured Info⭐️

Base Url Otakudesu
Simple App
Watch Anime without any ads & No Premium
No Premium2 Club No Ads2 Club

Anime selalu update mengikuti dari website Otakudesu tersendiri.


💬Discussion Group @modmiku
🌐Release by @zksoqpwjsj

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Discussion Miku


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Discussion Miku

Soon Samehadaku Base Url

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Discussion Miku

Bosen Mod Terus Sesekali Buat Aplikasi Anime/Manga Anti Fitur Premium Club No Ads Segedek Gaban Club

Website Anime

Otakudesu -nanti Dibuat
Kuronime -nanti Dibuat
Animasu -sedang Dibuat
Samehadaku -sedang Dibuat
Anichin Donghua - Sudah Dibuat
Animexin Donghua - Nanti Dibuat

Cuman Website Ini Yang Ku Ketahui Buat Nonton Anime&Donghua Mungkin Ada Yang Lain

Website Baca Manga

Komikcast - Dulu Ada Apk Sendiri Dari Pihak Mereka Sekarang Udah Ditutup Jadi Sekarang Ku Buat Aplikasi Sendiri
Bacakomik -udah Ada Apk
Komikindo -udah Ada Apk
Crotpedia -sudah Selesai Dibuat Males Di Update Lagi Soalnya Dikit Banget Data Manga nya
Doujindesu - Nanti Dibuat
Shinigami - Udah Ada Apk Dari Pihak Mereka

Cuman Website Ini Yang Ku Ketahui Buat Baca Manga Mungkin Ada Yang Lain


Belum Ada Fitur History&Login Google
Gak Punya Api Jadi Ku Langsung Ambil Dari Website
Gak Ada Ide Sama Sekali Buat Ui/UX

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Discussion Miku

📣FishingHook [UPDATE]🔄
Version: 2.5.6

what's new

📳Mod Feature📳

🔴- Player -🔴
⚡️ Increase coin // Every 1 second will increase 500k coins
⚡️ Increase Mcoin // every 1 second will increase 1k mcoin
⚡️ Unlimited bundleHook
⚡️ Added xp bonus
⚡️ Fish always special flags
Note: Maybe when you return from the game, the coins are not saved. I will fix this in the next update.

🔴- Fish -🔴
⚡️Get fish ID {1...204} // you can turn it on if needed
⚡️ Slot aqua up
Note: ignore if there is full mark

🔴- Fishing Hook -🔴
⚡️Instan Hooking
⚡️Good line // like instant hook but...try
⚡️Power Boost // increase line, power, speed, SDamage
⚡️Long time strike // you will know
Note: fill in the notes yourself:v

🔥ignore this cache🔥

🔖 improve 🔖
⬇️Remove unwanted code
⬇️Improve function hooking
⬇️excessive code separation
⬇️Added anti-tamper


💬Discussion Group @modmiku
🌐Release by @zksoqpwjsj

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Discussion Miku

misalnya muncul gagal mengambil data pake Vpn warp ya atau vpn lainnya

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Discussion Miku

📣Light Novel ID
Version -1.0

Feature Info
☄️Base URL Light Novel ID
☄️Explore it yourself
☄️Simple App


💬Discussion Group @modmiku
🌐Release by @zksoqpwjsj

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Discussion Miku
Meow, lets see who is OG 😼

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Discussion Miku

📣SpeedCN [ Update ]🔄
Version +V4.2.8

📳Mod Info📳

☄️Premium Unlocked
☄️This is VPN for china region


💬Discussion Group @modmiku
🌐Release by @zksoqpwjsj

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Discussion Miku

MiBi TiVi v5-0.27.2-1.16.1

Mod Info
☄️Access all content for Free
☄️Dah gitu aja:P

I'm back to mod your app MiBi TiVi😘

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Discussion Miku

📣Komikcast X Miku [ Beta ]🔄

☄️Base Url Komikcast
☄️Read manga without any ads
☄️Simple App
☄️And More...


💬Discussion Group @modmiku
🌐Release by @zksoqpwjsj

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Discussion Miku

YouTube Music Pro (Last Play Store)

°gmsCore (com.mgoogle)
°Hide premium label
°Hide Ads
°Remove upgrade button


DON'T FORGET INSTALL MICROG+: /channel/kimochimod/1073

Ikuti saluran channel WhatsApp

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Discussion Miku

untuk masalah jika kamu melihat daftar episode contoh di suatu donghua ada total 500 Episode dan ketika kamu gulir daftar episode kebawah hanya memulai dari Episode 294 dan tidak melihat Episode 1 itu bawaan dari Anichin sendiri kamu bisa bandingkan versi website dengan aplikasi apakah di donghua tersebut hanya mulai dari Episode 294

masalah 2 jika kamu melihat di suatu donghua tidak menampilkan satupun daftar Episode, itu bawaan dari Anichin sendiri biasanya kalau kosong dalam versi aplikasi, di versi website Anichin hanya ada fitur download saja jadi itu tidak termasuk kategori daftar Episode

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Discussion Miku

📣CapCut [ Update ]🔄
ℹ️Version +12.9.0

📳Mod Info📳

☄️ Premium Unlocked
☄️ Full Version
☄️ Fix Export&Login
☄️ Export Template Without Watermark
☄️ Template Premium unlocked
☄️ Displays All Editing Tools
☄️ Unlimited Image To Ai
☄️ Stable Mod
☄️ Enable New Home 2.0
☄️ Anti security notice
☄️ Displays hidden editing tools for template editing
☄️ And More...

⚙️New Featured Mod⚙️
☄️add real premium buy capability > go to premium purchase place buy any premium item > automatically the Capcut app will be premium.
☄️add the ability to enable and disable premium and non-premium status > when you enable premium automatically all access to premium capcut feature will be opened, there is not a single premium feature that cannot be used when you enable this feature > and when you disable the non-premium feature you cannot access all premium capcut feature.

[You can activate this feature in the settings menu> Miku Mod] by activating this feature whether you log in or not it can be used

☄️added the ability to remove restrictions on capturing network request

🥸Note for You
This mod is protect, so if it takes a long time to open the mod, please be patient, it won't take 1 year, it'll only take a few seconds.

🖥Contact Me For Mod @Miku01v

💬Discussion Group @modmiku
🌐Release by @zksoqpwjsj

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Discussion Miku

📣Komikcast [ Update Fix 2 ]

🔍Featured Info🔍
☄️Base Url Komikcast
☄️Simple App
☄️Read Manga without any ads
☄️No Premium2 Club No Ads2 Club

ℹ️Apa yang baru?

⭐️Perbaikan masalah gambar chapter tidak muncul, masalah ini muncul karena gambar yang di muat menggunakan Lazy Loading sehingga galat dalam menampilkan gambar [ 403 ]
⭐️Menambahkan Header Permintaan setiap kali melakukan prev & next chapter untuk menghindari masalah gambar tidak muncul
⭐️Perbaikan masalah Malformed URL

Manga selalu update mengikuti dari website  Komikcast tersendiri.


💬Discussion Group @modmiku
🌐Release by @zksoqpwjsj

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Discussion Miku

-FIX-Loklok MOD 2.15.1

No ads
Unlock 1080p
Testing download


Yosoef Mods🔥

Ikuti saluran KimochiMOD di WhatsApp:

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Discussion Miku

X (Twitter) ver 10.60.0-release.0 (Play Store)

°Hide Ads
°Download / tree dot menu (Long press image/video/gif)
°Enable premium feature
-Remove "premium" bar
-Reader threads
-Enable Undo post
-Edit Post (unlock server side)
-Show 1080p uploaded (Goto seettings>Aksebilitas>Manage data use



Ikuti saluran KimochiMOD di WhatsApp:

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Discussion Miku


Join Coub, watch cool content and earn rewards! Tap my referral link🤘🏼

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Discussion Miku

📣Komikcast [ Update ]

⭐️Featured Info⭐️

Base Url Komikcast
Simple App
Read Manga without any ads
No Premium2 Club No Ads2 Club

ℹ️what's new?
-Fix Known Issues
-Fix On Data Retrieval At Page Scroll Causing App To Crash
-fix the issue when reload chapter back to the initial chapter
-Simple Ui/Ux Update Have No More Idea

Manga selalu update mengikuti dari website Komikcast tersendiri.


💬Discussion Group @modmiku
🌐Release by @zksoqpwjsj

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Discussion Miku

📣Komikcast [ Beta ]
Version -1.0

Feature Info
☄️Base URL Komikcast
☄️Explore it yourself
☄️Simple App


💬Discussion Group @modmiku
🌐Release by @zksoqpwjsj

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Discussion Miku

📣 CrotPedia
Version -1.0

Feature Info
☄️Base URL Crotpedia
☄️Explore it yourself
☄️Simple App

Di beberapa manga diperlukan Login jadi

Gunakan Cookie login di akun anda sendiri melalui website CrotPedia gunakan aplikasi ini untuk mendapatkan cookie,jika sudah mendapatkan cookie salin dan masukkan itu dalam dialog anda akan tau sendiri.

Saya lupa gunakan Dpi 450 agar tampilan waktu baca terlihat bagus,baru sedikit yang saya tambahkan belum sepenuhnya ada dalam versi Apk


💬Discussion Group @modmiku
🌐Release by @zksoqpwjsj

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Discussion Miku

Komikcast Base Url

Yang simpel simpel aja yang penting bisa dipake tanpa iklan, tanpa fitur-fitur premium club utamakan fungsi sesuai selera masing-masing

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Discussion Miku

Crotpedia Base URL

◉baca manga tanpa iklan
◉Menambahkan Menu Pencarian Genre
◉Menambahkan Menu Pencarian Manga
◉Menambahkan Fitur History
◉Gak tau apa selanjutnya

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Discussion Miku

MiBi TiVi v5-0.27.2-1.16.1

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Discussion Miku

📣Komiku Pro Mod Fix🔄

☄️Can Log In To All Accounts Without Having To Be Premium
☄️Fix G-drive Back-up&R
☄️Fix The Problem Not Receiving Favorite List

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Discussion Miku

kenapa nangis njir gak work kah

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