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Degen Calls on all Chains out there. Moon or dust on 100 chains Owner: @Dave998877

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Multichain Journal

$DZHV killed the fud like i have never seen before with pure arguments, road cleared

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Multichain Journal

🐳 @WhaleBotAlerts

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Multichain Journal

DZHV dev is just a legend, rarely seen a dev with so much knowledge in this space. He just replied to a FUD tweet of this big guy (Openzeppeling dev, appearently huge).

The answer was full of high iq arguments so this guy decided to delete his tweet. Another level

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Multichain Journal

Chains for the next days/weeks for now which i will play and post on:

BLAST (hopefully longer)

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Multichain Journal

This looks interesting on blast

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Multichain Journal

Possible ton coins to buy:

- REDO (But at ATH)
- Buffy (some cat (actually a dog) meme)
- Stonks (utility, sniperbot)
- Tinu (utility, scanner + trending)
- Nova (utility, sniperbot)

Will start to post more about TON again soon

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Multichain Journal

There is some FUD going around about DZHV that its not a new idea and that its not an "improved ERC20 standard"

But here is the dev giving answers to this in his too high iq way.

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Multichain Journal

There is another factor i forgot:


In the end its a game of probability. You ape stuff which you think may send. Some does, some doesnt. It depends on so much factors like the team, the hype, the market conditions and much more.

But if you are doing good in the game you will end up having a good win rate.

The reason why i always hated SOL was it felt like 99% luck. "Aped this, no info, funny name" is the classic sol shil.
I cant stand being 100% dependent on luck.

So luck will always be a part of the game, but the better you are at research, following your strenghts and gut feelings the less you will depend on it and reduce it from 100% to maybe below 50%.

Over and out, enough of these posts for today lol

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Multichain Journal

It was YOU who convinced me to stay. BIG BIG thanks for that.

I really appreciate what the chat group has become, a small group of real good people trying there best. This was what i always wanted.

Dont need 10k followers, dont need paid call stuff. Just some good people to talk about crypto and the stuff we do.

Thx for being here. Now lets fucking print ;))))

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Multichain Journal

This was me on 28.04.2023

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Multichain Journal

Another point on the 100% degen stuff. DO what you do best. Focus on your strenghts and forget about the rest

I dont snipe, because i suck at it and only lost money.
I dont do futures, because i have 0 CA skills.
I dont swing, because i get rekt everytime.
I dont do presales, because i have 0 idea how to research them.
I dont farm airdrops because its too much work and i got like 1$ from it.
I dont find "real early alpha" stuff because i dont have the connections.

But i do shitcoining because this is what i can do quite well.

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Multichain Journal

Damn even though ETH is 3350$ sometimes in my mind its still like 2k$. Crazy how fast it went the last weeks.

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Multichain Journal

So make yourself ready for blast (Tomorrow)

1. Use a invite here and follow the steps (connect twitter and join discord)

2. Then send 0.01 ETH over to BLAST on the airdrop tab

3. This should open the BRIDGE Tab.

HINT: On Rabby wallet you cannot add manual new networks, so better use metamask i guess otherwise your wallet wont be able to connect to BLAST

RPCs are not live yet

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Multichain Journal


New team has been formed. The launch will be on Blast L2.
Everyone that had >1 referral or >1 raid point will get a smaller airdrop. The referral and raid games have ended.
For 1 more point and airdrop spot.. an exclusive access is now opened... convince the Goblin in this chat that YOU ARE THE ONE. And he might let you in...for the final group..

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Multichain Journal

Another lesson for me from last bull:

I was obsessed with 7 figs, just the number. Went from 20k$ to 600k$ in Floki but hey it wasnt 7 figs right? But just think about it, 600k$ is fucking insane money but it felt like nothing. So i roundtripped it.

Dont set fixed goals, take profits and dont be obssesed with numbers. When other people posting their big wins we easily think "Damn i am such a small fish" when in reality we maybe doubled or tripled our portfolio already, just on smaller numbers.

Its your game. Its your money. Its your life. Dont follow others, dont try to be them. Its totally okay to have a 4 or 5 fig portfolio and building your way updwards slowly. Its totally great to cash out some 5k or some hundreds here and then (this is what i do)

Remember: You are still here, 90%+ of the people in the bear havent even made it this far and lost money only probably. You are still here and will make it. LFG!

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Multichain Journal

BTC outperforming all my shitters

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Multichain Journal

Can someone let me unmute in the DZHV chat pls? Raided too hard i guess

Safeguard Portal: /channel/dizzyhavoc_portal

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Multichain Journal

BTC PRICE: 12000$

I told you

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Multichain Journal


Team is same team that did Crabada on last bullrun
Super Sushi Samurai is an innovative on-chain idle game set in the immersive world of Mizu-Edo. Powered by the Blast Network, this game uniquely combines social strategy elements with idle gaming mechanics.

To register use this : sSs_QZXSPHXR

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Multichain Journal

Here you will find most infos.

I use the TG Wallet, but there are some mobile ones too like tonkeeper they all work well

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Multichain Journal

😝 Next month, channel owners on Telegram can start receiving financial rewards from their work.

Broadcast channels on Telegram generate 1 trillion views monthly. Currently, only 10% of these views are monetized with Telegram Ads — a promotion tool designed with privacy in mind.

In March, the Telegram Ad Platform will officially open to all advertisers in nearly a hundred new countries. Channel owners in these countries will start receiving 50% of any revenue that Telegram makes from displaying ads in their channels.

To ensure ad payments and withdrawals are fast and secure, we will exclusively use the TON blockchain. Similar to our approach with Telegram usernames on Fragment, we will sell ads and share revenue with channel owners in Toncoin. This will create a virtuous circle, in which content creators will be able to either cash out their Toncoins — or reinvest them in promoting and upgrading their channels 🤑

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Multichain Journal

Some more blast invites if you like

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Multichain Journal

Here is a small recap what helped me the most recovering my portfolio:

- Analyzing my strenghts and weaknesses very honestly

I found out (in my heart i knew it already) i am very good at utility plays and suck at memes. Still i tried to make money in the meme seasons. But memes were always so random for me so i followed others into random memes because they said they will run.

Guess what, they didnt most of the times.

So the main problem i found out are 4 points:

1. Not following my strenghts and aping to much other shit

2. Actually the main part: Not being in control of my emotions. Fomoing, revenge trading, doing mistakes while my mind was not clear.

3. Overtrading hard

4. Bad portfolio management. Aping wayyy too much on random plays. Try to set limits like 1-5% of your port, only more if REAL good. I used to put like 15% into stuff because of random call channel.....

Since then i am working on these points and ofc cannot master them, but getting better. I am still having weak days where i do mistakes, but they become fewer.

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Multichain Journal

Don't be like me. Did all the mistakes i warned you about the last days. I fomoed, bought tops and revenge traded to lose it nearly all.

Will delete this call channel, hope i will be back to printing some day. Was a nice journey!

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Multichain Journal

BTW if you like join my chatgroup:
Chat: /channel/MultichainChat_Portal

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Multichain Journal

Finally people noticed the price difference and BSC and AVAX versions of DZHV are catching up.

Pool on AVAX empty again, so we need to wait for another magic potion of the dev.

One of the first coins i am always looking forward to the dev removing the liq (and add it again)

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Multichain Journal

Personally i will bridge more than usual because its very hyped.

On the last chains i was too late and always said to myself "I have time to bridge" only to miss the ride and saw my money stuck on the bridge when i needed it.

So this time i want to be early

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Multichain Journal

REordering my TG channels and groups(= deleting 99% of them that i collected the last weeks)

Who is a caller you really like to follow? Need some new small channels

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Multichain Journal

So it seems this strange GOBLIN stuff i send some days ago is actually a blast play. BLAST is going live tomorrow and has all the hype, early coins could be winners. Hope these refs pay out for once.

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Multichain Journal

I am also holding 0 altcoins, never do futures (anymore lol), only 100% degenportfolio.

Stupid? Maybe, but thats what i can do best and where i print the most.

Find your strenghts and play the market your way.

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