~~ Islam Beyond Language Barriers ~~ Our Vision Is: A world where the light of Allah’s Religion banishes all doubts and falsehood. muslimtranslators1444@gmail.com
This video aims to explore the true capabilities of women in Islamic history to reclaim their pivotal roles in the present. Instead of starting with modern issues and looking back for relevant roles, it examines the fundamental roles of women in the early Islamic period, aiming to revive their essence rather than specific tasks. By presenting numerous new examples beyond those in the first six episodes, it demonstrates that women's contributions were not rare but widespread.
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Watch this episode to find out how proponents of pseudoscience sow seeds of doubt about the existence of the Creator among Muslim youth. We focus on Al-Daheeh, a popular Egyptian show, where the host attempts to convince his viewers that our universe and its precise laws could have arisen by chance. He relies on pieced-together fabrications from Western atheists, like the multiverse and cosmic laws that have amazing creation and fine-tuning powers.
The sheer absurdity of his claims will become evident as you watch this episode.
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One of the signs of hypocrisy is showing zeal in matters concerning non-Muslims while being indifferent to the matters of Muslims.
"Have you not seen those who have taken a people with whom Allah is angry as allies? They are neither of you nor of them..." (Qur'an Translated Meaning, 58:14)
Gems of Al-Tarifi
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Whoever says to his brother "Make du'a for me!", he and his brother will be among those who cooperate with one another in showing virtue and taqwa (mindfulness of Allah).
Ibn Tayymiyah
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The world is erupting with rage. All events portend major changes on the horizon. However, some people are still oblivious, distracted, and dogged by their personal concerns. Others remain befuddled and unable to distinguish between foe and friend. Whoever is not awakened by all these warnings now, they will not awaken until they experience those events as a true certitude. The best provision for the individual in preparation for these changes:
1- Solid faith and deep connection with Allah after repenting and asking for forgiveness along with seeking Allah's guidance to grant each servant the perspicacity and guidance in their actions.
2- Sincere and loyal milieu (family, friends,..), which must be strengthened and cherished.
3- Deep discernement about the true enemies and hyporcites.
4- Perseverance, resilience, endurance, and conviction in Allah's reward.
5- Doing our best to suppor this religion and this Ummah, and not adopting a neutral stance.
Sheikh Ahmed El-Sayed
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In this episode, we explore the primary challenges facing Muslim women today, focusing on five key areas: cultural and intellectual, social, psychological, steadfastness, and Da'wah and reform. We will also present effective strategies to address each of these challenges and empower Muslim women to overcome them and actively contribute to their Ummah.
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"And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good."
If you are not among those who strive in the cause of Allah, then be among those who do good seeking to please Allah, for that is among the means of guidance and assistance.
The more sincerity and truthfulness increase, the more you will see with the help of Allah’s light. So how about when both virtues converge: striving and doing good! That's a realm of glorification and prostration!
Dr. Layla Hamdan
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To whoever missed out on the last couple of days of Dhul-Hijja and was lax in your acts of worship:
You haven't missed the train... There's still a chance... Tomorrow is the best day, so let us all do our best.
Do you realize what we are about to witness tomorrow?! It's the day of Arafa, about which the Prophet ﷺ said: "Fast the Day of Arafa, for indeed I anticipate that Allah will forgive (the sins) of the year after it, and the year before it."... One day of fasting, and the Most compassionate, Most generous expiates the sins of two years!
The prophet ﷺ also said: "The best of Dua' (supplication) is that on the day of Arafa..." Authenticated by Al-Albani.
Do you have a wish that you hope from Allah to be fulfilled, and worries that you wish to be alleviated? This is the Time!
Do you feel distant from Allah and you hope to draw nearer to Him once again and feel the ease and tranquility of being with Him? This is the time!
Did your heart become hardened and tainted with diseases of the heart, and you earnestly hope from Allah to soften and purify it? This is the time!
Would you like Allah's pleasure to be bestowed upon you and that He never becomes displeased with you ever again? Do you wish to be saved from the Hellfire? This is the time!
"There is no day on which Allah sets free more slaves from Hell than He does on the Day of 'Arafa." [Muslim]
No wonder Allah has made the day right after Arafa a day of celebration (Eid)... So Muslims can celebrate Allah's mercy, forgiveness, and generosity.
In Ramadan, we can't know for sure when Laylatul Qadr [night of decree] is. Yet this is not the case with the day of Arafa.
If you found it difficult to strive on the five odd nights in the last ten days of Ramadan, then is it difficult for you to strive on this day [i.e Arafa]?
It's time to roll up your sleeves!
Think well of Allah's mercy and His vast forgiveness, and let not the devil ruin this for you by shaming you and telling you that you are very distant from Allah and that you are unworthy of Allah's mercy... "Allah forgives all the sins of those who repent to Him." [Qur'an translated meaning 39:53]
O' Allah! Grant us the success to do good deeds and accept them from us.
The believer always prepares to meet Allah, repenting, seeking forgiveness, and asking his Lord for a good ending every day!
The believer yearns for his Lord, and at the same time, longs for sacrificing himself for his religion and for championing the word of Allah. He asks Allah for a long life in obedience, support, and victory!
The believer is a passing stranger! A body struggling on this earth, and a soul soaring in the heavens!
Dr. Layla Hamdan
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We search our pockets for the smallest change to give to charity, then we ask Allah to grant us Firdaws (the highest place in Paradise). How small are our offerings and how great are our demands.
Ali Al-Tantawi
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You should know that a person on a slab of wood in the middle of the sea is not more desperately in need of Allah and His Gentle Care than the one who is safe in his house within his family, enjoying his wealth.
Ibn Qudama
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In this eye-opening video, we will see how the Arab disciples of evolutionists (Dr. Adnan Ibrahim as an example) start with an attempt to reconcile the teachings of Islam with the theory of evolution and end up with the realization that many indisputable Ayahs of the Qur'an, including those that emphasize intent and wisdom in Allah’s creation, invalidate the basic components of this theory. These contradictions eventually lead many of their followers to atheism.
The most supportive people of the Jews are those whose existence is tied to theirs. The first hypocrites said to the Jews, "If you are expelled, we will surely leave with you, and we will never obey anyone against you, and if you are fought against, we will surely support you..."
Gems of Al-Tarifi
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There is no doubt that today’s ongoing battle in Gaza is a major battle between Islam and disbelief, justice and injustice, the oppressed and the oppressors. It is a matter of faith, allegiance, and disavowal. It marks a pivotal moment in the modern history of the Ummah and will have lasting implications.
Therefore, it is incumbent upon every Muslim to fully embrace this cause, participate in every way they can, spread awareness among those around them, and sincerely pray to Allah for victory and protection of His faithful servants.
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Do you feel the pain of loss?! Did the estrangement intensify? Did assistance and support become scarce?
The journey feels lonely and the details and paths overwhelm you!
But what if it leads to an elevated status, where the early predecessors accompany you!
And by Allah, it is better than anything in this mundane world!
So beware of hesitation, procrastination, and having ill thoughts of the Glorious Allah!
Dr. Layla Hamdan
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Train yourselves to remember Allah, with your tongue and heart, in moments of safety and adversity! So it may assist you in remaining steadfast in moments of distress and trial.
For they are essential reserves for times of hardship and difficulty, when hearts reach the throats, there your tongue and heart will either support you or betray you!
Dr. Layla Hamdan
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To attain a clear vision without distortion, to extract firm concepts without distortion, and acquire wisdom and insight that can help you understand reality, anticipate the future and comprehend the past!
Read the biography of the Prophet ﷺ and the biographies of the companions and the successors, and you will simply build a vast reservoir of knowledge that remains unshaken no matter how storms rage, and an innate disposition that remains untainted!
Dr. Layla Hamdan
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Here... in the graves!
Ranks vanish...
Insignias fade away...
Crowns disappear...
Realities emerge...
The road titled, “When those who were followed dissociate themselves from those who followed them,” begins.
The regret titled, "Indeed, we were obedient to our leaders and great ones, but they led us astray from the path,” starts.
No kingdom is of use, and no position intercedes!
People then oscillate between the glad tiding of, "You reassured soul, Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him]" and the lamentation of, "Oh, I wish I had sent ahead [some good] for my life!"
Dr. Ayman Khalil Al-Balwy
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