~~ Islam Beyond Language Barriers ~~ Our Vision Is: A world where the light of Allah’s Religion banishes all doubts and falsehood. muslimtranslators1444@gmail.com
Laxity and rigidity should be determined based on how far they are from the truth; not how far they are from us!
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When the oppressed turn into oppressors without being aware of it...
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Dear Readers,
We know that you are eagerly awaiting your Eid present from us, and this Al-Adha Eid, we will not disappoint you!
Your gift is a new series by Professor Salah Soltan, based on his captivating and highly relevant book, "Surat Al-Kahf: Methodologies of Reform and Change." The first part will be published on the day of Eid, with subsequent parts released every Saturday.
The series explores the profound question: Does Islam demand that we charge forward with the unwavering strength of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, fearlessly promoting what is right and denouncing what is wrong, in every situation? Can we summon Omar’s unparalleled courage and strength, despite the vast expanse of 14 centuries that separate us? How can we act like Omar when, during the time of his rule, Islam controlled the civilized world, while today Islam finds itself besieged from every angle?
This is an Eid gift like no other, crafted exclusively for you, our esteemed readers.
A reminder to us all 📣📣 myself included, to fast the Day of Arafa tomorrow, Tuesday. Smokers, by Allah do not miss this grand opportunity for a mere smoke! Those who have a celebration or a trip, delay it for your own sake, so Allah may bless you. How can you miss the opportunity of this day regarding which the Prophet said "Fast the Day of Arafah, for indeed I anticipate that Allah will forgive (the sins) of the year after it, and the year before it."?!!!
Supplicate during it amply, as the Prophet Peace and Blessings be upon him said “The best supplication is that on the day of ‘Arafa.” Pray for yourselves and for the weak and needy Muslims, and for Islam, that Allah may increase its honor and defy its enemies.
Donate generously, look out for the poor, feed those who are fasting so you would earn the same reward they do, restore broken relationships and be crafty in your Bir (care and obedience) towards your parents. And during all that remember: “…Indeed, the mercy of Allah is close to those who do good” (Qur’an Translated Meaning 7:56)
Oh how in need we are of Allah’s Mercy in this life; that He may be with us and help us stay firm in the face of the war against our religion and innate nature; that through his Mercy our children stay safe, and we are not afflicted with someone who does not fear Him nor has mercy on us.
And may Allah Almighty have mercy on us in the Akhirah (hereafter), when there is only heaven or hellfire.
May Allah help us all to worship Him
His propensity for learning dignified him, his susceptibility to evil whispers humiliated him, and his ability to repent revived him.
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Once, Alexinus of Elis asked one of the philosophers, a sophistical question, "Have you left off beating your father?" The philosopher's response was simply, "I have not beaten him, and I have not left off." This problematic question is known as a "loaded question" or a "complex question"; it poses an implicit or explicit presupposition that the person being questioned is likely to disagree with, and is phrased in a way that pressures the person being questioned to give a reply that confirms this problematic assumption. This is known in logic as: “The Fallacy of Begging the Question”.......
.... to read the full article please download and open the below word file 👇👇👇
This episode is all about building awareness; joy and happiness are strong emotions that can sometimes blur the real target of our efforts as Muslims. Watch this episode and learn some facts that can help you to re-calibrate your Islamic compass...
A person may unconsciously do or say something that contradicts the teaching of the Qur'an and hence become a hypocrite without even knowing it...!
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If you want to know the value of this mundane life in people's hearts compared to the religion of Allah; you don't need to read theories, articles or academic thesis.
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Miracle of the Coccyx:
Proof of Prophethood & Resurrection
The miraculous knowledge regarding the human coccyx was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) more than 1400 years ago, at a time when there was no prior knowledge about its intricate anatomy or its biological characteristics, Discover its role in Human Resurrection on the Day of Judgment and how the Prophetic Hadith about this role has been affirmed by modern science.
Watch our latest episode 👇👇
Читать полностью…In every case the requests are rejected, because they came after it was too late!
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Many people may think that "hardness of the heart" is a cause of sinning...
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The remembrance of Allah day and night is so great that Allah made it a form of worship for humans...
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The heart was created to get attached; and whoever attaches his heart to someone other than Allah will be let down...
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Reform and change have been a duty for every Muslim since the Qur'an descended on Mohammad (peace & blessings of Allah upon him):
[Arise and Warn. Al-Muddather 2]
The call to reform and change preceded the call to prayer by ten years, the call to Zakat and fasting by fifteen years, and the call to Hajj by eighteen years.
To read the whole chapter please download the pdf file below 👇
The wise believer should make the most of Eid gatherings by engaging in the most virtuous speech that draws hearts together.
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Allah has entrusted you with the responsibility of caring for and safeguarding your children. He will hold you accountable for this. So, is it befitting for you to take them, on this Eid Holiday, to destinations where they will be exposed to immoral sights, where corrupt influences will be imprinted upon their souls?
Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Sakkran
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In Islam "trial" is identified as a decline in adhering to religion regardless of worldly possessions.
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The Fallacy of Begging the Question: Why does Allah need us to worship Him?
Читать полностью…Pebbles glorified Allah in the palm of the Prophet's hands...
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Who exactly is masterminding the churning battle aimed at our families and children?? How can we save our families from this gruesome alliance that is led by none other than Satan himself. Watch this episode to find out more...
One could never willingly ingest a poison unless he is sedated first... This is what it takes to introduce a poison into your system, and then a series of shots must follow to make you still unaware of what's taking hold of your body and mind. But how do they sedate you and what kind of anesthetic do they use?? Watch this episode to find out...
About contentment...
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Whatever any group does in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah is true, and whatever contradicts the Qur'an and the Sunnah is false.
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Just see what some parents do when their child is just a few minutes late for school...! Do schools rank higher in the people's hearts than Salah??
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A new religion is on the rise, and it seeks to rule over all other religions... Watch our newest episodes to find out more:
We previously posted about the hero of gender ideology, John Money, who forged the results of an experiment of his done on a child (boy). John Money claimed that he successfully turned the boy into a female while in reality he destroyed the boy’s life, insomuch as he caused the boy and his twin brother's suicide.
No doubt that some people will ask “Is it really true that ‘science’ failed to expose the lie of gender ideology thereafter and the dangers of changing the creation of Allah?”
We showed in the previous episode, “Surrendering to Satan”, how this lie became associated with the “scientific community”, and how it gained patrons who defend it and corrupt the truth for it, because they benefit and live off of it.
Some recent news to you: a couple of days ago, the American Fox News posted an article titled “Republicans demand answers from NIH director after 2 involved in transgender youth study died by suicide.”
Basically, the story goes that a study was conducted on a number of transgender people, most of whom were youth in accord with the West’s definition (i.e. they were below 18 years old). They were subjects of surgeries wherein parts of their bodies were severed and thrown in the garbage, whereupon they were given hormones under the pretext of “fixing their gender identity” because they were “born in the wrong bodies”; as propagated by the proponents of gender ideology.
A summary of the study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, [supposedly] “one of the most prominent scientific journals in the world.”
The researchers claimed that within two years after these surgeries and subsequent hormone therapy, the results were positive; that is, the participants' physical appearance began to look more in tune with their desired gender, their psyches improved, they became happier with their lives, and their depression and angst diminished.
In response to this, a group of Republicans signed a petition in order to question the National Institutes of Health director. In summary: how can such a study be deemed successful albeit two of its transgender participants tragically committed suicide while eleven others confessed that they have suicidal thoughts? How can you not terminate such a study immediately when the initial results appeared?
The Republicans accused the researchers of serving an agenda and benefiting from urging the youths to undergo gender reassignment; that they don’t care about the well-being of the youths or their interests.
Therefore, don’t be surprised that lies founded on pseudoscience continue to be propagated, for there are new minions of John Money who foment the flames of false and corrupt ‘science’ at the cost of people's religion, lives, health, honor, and even hereafter, so they may serve their own interests.
O Allah! take vengeance upon those who desire to introduce these degeneracies into our societies.
O youth of Islam, don’t be lazy in your duty; Mankind, that you have been sent to save, is floundering greatly.
Eyad Qunaibi (English):
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Watch out for the insidious traps set by Satan to drag you deeper and deeper into the quicksand of your mistakes and lies even when you have already realized that they are mistakes and lies
The conundrum ensuing the unnatural split that took place between the concepts of "sex" and "gender" from the vantage point of a real life story that ended in total disaster. Follow our first episode in a series addressing the dark truth about 'Gender' 👇👇