~~ Islam Beyond Language Barriers ~~ Our Vision Is: A world where the light of Allah’s Religion banishes all doubts and falsehood. muslimtranslators1444@gmail.com
🌟"The plotting of the Devil crumbles when faced with the remembrance of the Merciful One"🌟
Part III of Chapter 9 of the book by Professor Salah Soltan, presenting Methodologies for Reform and Change from Surat Al-Kahf, is finally here, and can be downloaded below. (Previous parts can be found in the pinned messages)
Delaying prayer beyond its prescribed time...
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🌟"If one follows his every whim and obeys the Devil, his life becomes chaos. He feels discontented, abundance feels like scarcity to him, his body becomes sick, his nights long, his productivity decreases, and his sins grow and multiply. The companionship of such a person is a plague in this world and the Afterlife."🌟
Part II of Chapter 9 of the book by Professor Salah Soltan, presenting Methodologies for Reform and Change from Surat Al-Kahf, is finally here, and can be downloaded below. (Previous parts can be found in the pinned messages)
🌟Success in managing the temptation of wealth and children stems mainly from using this temptation as a path to enduring good deeds. 🌟
Part 9 of the book by Professor Salah Soltan, presenting Methodologies for Reform and Change from Surat Al-Kahf, id finally here, and can be downloaded below. (Previous parts can be found in the pinned messages)
Ilm is not acquired in a fleeting encounter, but by accompanying and following the scholars.
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🌟"Let's concern ourselves with what Allah mandated us to do and leave to Allah what he guaranteed for us."🌟
Part 8 of the book by Professor Salah Soltan, presenting Methodologies for Reform and Change from Surat Al-Kahf, can be downloaded below. (Previous parts can be found in the pinned messages)
Why didn't our Lord address His Prophet Muhammad by his name, saying "Muhammad," in the Qur'an as He called other prophets? We see Him saying what can be translated as:
• Adam, dwell, you and your spouse, in Jannah.
• Noah, disembark with peace from Us and blessings upon you.
• Abraham, you have indeed fulfilled the vision.
• Moses, I am Allah.
• Jesus, I am taking you back and raising you to Me.
• Zachariah, We give you good tidings of a boy.
• Yahya, hold on the Scripture firmly.
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Excessive exposure leads to desensitization: the mechanisms of normalizing depravity...
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Those who find it too hard to go out to prayer, would usually come if they found a small meal for supper...
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💫💫"These verses build hope in the hearts of the faithful and provide an additional incentive for them to carry out their duties in education and reform with the certainty that their efforts will be rewarded and that the injustice of the disbelievers towards themselves and others will not go unpunished."
Part 6 of the book by Professor Salah Soltan, presenting Methodologies for Reform and Change from Surat Al-Kahf, can be downloaded below. (Previous parts can be found in the pinned messages)
The difference between "pleasure" and "happiness"...
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Atheism and unleashing the constraints of the desires...
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Dear readers,
Tomorrow, Friday, is the day of Ashura. Fasting this day -if Allah accepts it- atones the sins of the year before. Fasting Friday alone is not prohibited if it is Ashura.
- Do not neglect fasting it due to a bad habit like smoking, and then miss the grand blessing of eternal bliss.
- Do not miss fasting it for any excuse like having an exam\ meeting\ special occasion. The prophet, may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him, was the head of a state, the leader of an army, a teacher for the people, facing the enemies' ploys, a provider for his family, a husband, a father and a nurturer. All this did not stop him from fasting these days and benefiting from these seasons.
- Sisters who have an excuse preventing them from fasting it: win the reward of fasting it by encouraging others to do so, as whoever guides (others) to an act of goodness, will have a reward similar to that of its doer.
- Do not neglect fasting it saying: "I fasted Arafa, and that forgives the year before and the year after, so I am still within that two-year period". What guarantees that Allah has accepted your previous fasting? Acceptance of fasting those days is bond by rules that must be met for the sins to be forgiven.
"...He aid, 'Surely Allah only accepts from those who are pious.'", and a from of piety is to glorify those days and seek their reward.
A number of scholars stated that committing major sins prevents the forgiving of sins on the days of Arafa and Ashura, supported by the Hadith:
"The five [daily] prayers, Friday to Friday and Ramadan to Ramadan make atonement for what has happened since the previous one when major sins have been avoided.”
One of the major sins that a lot of us are not aware of are those of the heart, like thinking ill of Allah, especially with the increase in temptations, atrocities and painful events in the Ummah and in ourselves, coupled with our a lack of understanding that this worldly life is one of trials, not of reward! So some start thinking ill of their Lord, and hate some of what Allah has decreed or instated.
Dear blessed reader, we are all in need of Allah's Mercy, thus do not miss this grand reward and these stations that Allah has placed as a mercy for us so that we cleanse our hearts and souls from their sins.
May Allah help us fast the day of Ashura, and accept from us all!
I truly long to see Allah...
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Innovation in worldly sciences is a desirable indicator of creativity, whereas in Islamic teachings, it's a sign of deviation and decline...
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The Qur'an; history, future events and other religions...
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Mentioning Allah as compared to mentioning your glories and forefathers...
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Milestones of the prophetic approach to reform, worship and education.
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To our scholars who have been tested with imprisonment...
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When you taste the pleasure of being close to Allah and then you regress...
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Yet, Allah only addresses our beloved Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah upon him, saying what can be translated as:
• Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good news, and a warner.
• Messenger, let not those who hasten into disbelief grieve you.
He addressed him by his attributes, saying what can be translated as:
• You enveloped in your mantle, stand up and warn!
• You wrapped in a cloak, arise [to pray] the night, except for a little!
Whenever his name was mentioned, He associates it, exalted be He, with the attributes of prophethood:
• Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
• Thus Muhammad is no more than a messenger before whom messengers have passed on. Then will it be that if he dies or gets killed you will turn on your heels?
Then come the Ayahs in which our Lord describes the status of our Prophet, clarifying how He acclaims...
• The purity of his mind in: "Your companion has not gone astray, nor has he been deluded."
• The purity of his sight in: "The sight did not swerve, nor did it transgress."
• The purity of his truthfulness in: "Nor does he speak from out of whim."
• The purity of his teacher in: "It is not but a revelation sent down to him, taught to him by [an angel] of mighty power."
• The purity of his heart in: "Did We not expand your chest?"
• The purity of his virtuousness in: "And We lifted from you your burden."
• The purity of his remembrance in: "And We have raised high for you your remembrance."
• The purity of his forbearance in: "And very truly, you are of a great moral character."
The scholar Ar-Razi said in his interpretation book, "Mafateeh Al-Ghayb" that Allah granted our Prophet two of His very Own attributes:compassion and mercy (Ra'uuf Raheem).
No prophet before him received these attributes as you see them in His saying what can be translated as: "Very truly, there has come to you a messenger from among yourselves, concerned over your suffering, anxious over you; towards the believers he is compassionate, bestowing mercy.” (Qur’an Translated Meaning – At-Tawbah 128)
Allah, bestow blessings upon the perfect Prophet, the seal of Prophets, Muhammad, the best of all mankind.
The pious scholars of the Ummah are the inheritors of 14 centuries of knowledge, and the best candidates to lead it to its glory...
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🌟A strong will, rational management, and dynamic movement towards goals are needed to move this Ummah from its current sluggishness towards a leadership position in this world and the next. 🌟
Part 7 of the book by Professor Salah Soltan, presenting Methodologies for Reform and Change from Surat Al-Kahf, can be downloaded below. (Previous parts can be found in the pinned messages)
To those who say: How can I not love a disbeliever who is kind to me?
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"If others wear it for show, remember that you are wearing it for Allah."
Eyad Qunaibi
"And We have determined the moon in phases until it returned like an old palm-branch."
Qur’an Translated Meaning:
Ya-Seen 39
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"This Surah calls upon Muslims to elevate their actions and intentions from good to better and best."
Dear MT subscribers, Please find Part V of the book by Professor Salah Soltan presenting Methodologies for Reform and Change from Surat Al-Kahf. To read it, simply download Part IV below. (Previous parts can be found in the pinned messages)
Moderation in Islam...
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"The general approach of the Qur'an and Sunnah is to move away from theory and abstraction to useful knowledge and application."
Dear MT subscribers, we present to you Part IV of the book by Professor Salah Soltan presenting Methodologies for Reform and Change from Surat Al-Kahf. To read it, simply download Part IV below. (Previous parts can be found in the pinned messages)
"It is important to note that perspectives may vary when it comes to assessing the accuracy of descriptions, the depth of analysis, and the suitable solutions for each crisis or problem"
Dear MT subscribers, we present to you Part III of the book by Professor Salah Soltan presenting Methodologies for Reform and Change from Surat Al-Kahf. To read it, simply download Part III below. (Previous parts can be found in the pinned messages)