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Our consolation with regard to what is happening today in Gaza:
1. The faith of its people, their steadfastness, and their conviction in Allah’s reward: 'So they did not weaken in the face of what afflicted them in the cause of Allah, nor did they submit or humble themselves.'
2. That Allah will extinguish the fire of the aggressors: 'Whenever they kindle a fire for war, Allah extinguishes it.'
3. The ganging up of our enemies. Even though this may appear as a bad thing, it is a source of goodness: 'And when the believers saw the Ahzab (i.e., the masses gathering against them), they said, 'This is what Allah and His Messenger had promised, and Allah and His Messenger spoke the truth,' and it increased them only in faith and acceptance.'
4. That our pain is matched by their pain: 'If you suffer pain, they too suffer the same pain.'
5. The gates of Paradise are opening: 'And among you will be those who are made martyrs.'
6. Life is a cycle, one day for you, another for your enemy: 'And so We alternate the days among the people.'
7. The intensification of evil by the aggressors is a herald of their impending punishment and disgrace in this world: 'Those who transgressed in the land and increased corruption. So your Lord poured upon them a scourge of punishment. Indeed, your Lord is ever watchful.'
8. The ultimate outcome is guaranteed to be in our favor. It is mentioned in the authentic Hadith of the Prophet ﷺ that they will hide behind trees and rocks.
What is happening now is a round in our battle, with the final outcomes already determined, even if it takes time.
May Allah grant relief and justice to the people of Gaza.
Ahmad Assayed
Allah told us about the demise of the Jews from Palestine...
The impact of remembrance (dhikr) on the heart isn't triggered solely by moving the tongue...
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Allah may want to place us in charge of ourselves during times of turmoil...
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🌟"It shouldn't escape us in formulating this methodology that the original purpose for knowledge is to use it for good work and that knowledge is the basis of civilization and progress in all material and humanitarian sciences."🌟
Part IV of Chapter 9 of the book by Professor Salah Soltan, presenting Methodologies for Reform and Change from Surat Al-Kahf, is finally here, and can be downloaded below. (Previous parts can be found in the pinned messages)
If you want to know how much Allah has blessed you...
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The concept of "pride in deviance" among the self-defeated...
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Sharia is not just limited to the penal laws...
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The people of Gaza are dying to revive honor…
While others sell out honor to live in humiliation. They know the value of life but know nothing about the value of dignity…
Abdul Aziz Al- Terefi
Eternity is surely the most beautiful thing about Paradise and the most horrible thing about Hellfire...
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I have to know that there is no value for a human being far from Allah...
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To those who tolerate insults to our Prophet, Peace and Blessings of Allah upon him, in the hope that their tolerance will encourage non-Muslims to accept Islam.
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Attempting to connect every ritual to its expected benefit weakens the motivation to do it.
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