~~ Islam Beyond Language Barriers ~~ Our Vision Is: A world where the light of Allah’s Religion banishes all doubts and falsehood. muslimtranslators1444@gmail.com
...with the exception made for matters that prepare one for the afterlife...
But every time they step down a level, they are pushed down further...
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It is not necessary to be in Gaza to experience the great truths of faith...
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Ibnul-Jawzi, may Allah have mercy on him, said: 'Do you think that the trust [legal assignments and pledge of obedience to Allah] is merely washing the limbs with a measure of water for wudu or standing on a prayer mat to offer two rak’ahs? Far from it!
This is the easiest of responsibilities!
The real responsibility is what the mountains refused to bear!
It is when I see destiny bringing about what the mind cannot comprehend, then compelling the mind to submit to Allah's decree. This is one of the most difficult responsibilities, especially in matters where the mind does not understand the meaning, such as the suffering of children and the slaughtering of animals, while believing firmly that the One who decreed and commanded it is the Most Merciful of the Merciful.
This is where the mind becomes perplexed, and upholding the trust at that point requires full submission without any objection!
So, consider the vast difference between the duties of the body and the duties of the mind!'
The Best Advice Ever Given in the History of Mankind:
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Young man, I will teach you some words. Be mindful of Allah and He will protect you. Be mindful of Allah and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, ask from Allah. If you seek help, seek help from Allah. Know that if the nations allied together to benefit you, they could not benefit you unless Allah has decreed it for you. And if the nations allied together to harm you, they could not harm you unless Allah has decreed it for you. At this the pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.”
Sunan At-Tirmidhy
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Your greatest affliction is not being able to comprehend Allah's purpose behind your affliction.
Sheikh Khaled Abou-Shady
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We search our pockets for the smallest change to give to charity, then we ask Allah to grant us Firdaws (the highest place in Paradise). How small are our offerings and how great are our demands.
Ali Al-Tantawi
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You should know that a person on a slab of wood in the middle of the sea is not more desperately in need of Allah and His Gentle Care than the one who is safe in his house within his family, enjoying his wealth.
Ibn Qudama
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In this eye-opening video, we will see how the Arab disciples of evolutionists (Dr. Adnan Ibrahim as an example) start with an attempt to reconcile the teachings of Islam with the theory of evolution and end up with the realization that many indisputable Ayahs of the Qur'an, including those that emphasize intent and wisdom in Allah’s creation, invalidate the basic components of this theory. These contradictions eventually lead many of their followers to atheism.
The most supportive people of the Jews are those whose existence is tied to theirs. The first hypocrites said to the Jews, "If you are expelled, we will surely leave with you, and we will never obey anyone against you, and if you are fought against, we will surely support you..."
Gems of Al-Tarifi
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"The intoxication of ideas is more dangerous than the intoxication of alcohol."
The truth is that many of those who were convinced about the necessity of understanding reality unconsciously turned to diving into trivialities...
Are atheist scientists guilty of a stolen concept fallacy? They claim a materialistic point of view while relying on concepts from the system of belief in the Creator to practice science.
To perform science, scientists need to trust that their minds are built for truth, that this universe follows order and laws, that basic truths such as causality exist, that results are reproducible, that previous testimony is an acceptable source of information and that non-observable and/or non-physical things can exist through their effects.
In short: the concepts of the system of belief in the Creator!
Our struggle with the west is not only a struggle about Islam...
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If a person does not work on healing their hearts, Allah punishes their hardheartedness...
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This episode is a followup to our previous one on Al-Daheeh where we go through more of his episodes to prove how he spreading atheism indirectly. It should serve as a case study for our Muslim youth to alert them to the ways of the corrupters.
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This video aims to explore the true capabilities of women in Islamic history to reclaim their pivotal roles in the present. Instead of starting with modern issues and looking back for relevant roles, it examines the fundamental roles of women in the early Islamic period, aiming to revive their essence rather than specific tasks. By presenting numerous new examples beyond those in the first six episodes, it demonstrates that women's contributions were not rare but widespread.
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Watch this episode to find out how proponents of pseudoscience sow seeds of doubt about the existence of the Creator among Muslim youth. We focus on Al-Daheeh, a popular Egyptian show, where the host attempts to convince his viewers that our universe and its precise laws could have arisen by chance. He relies on pieced-together fabrications from Western atheists, like the multiverse and cosmic laws that have amazing creation and fine-tuning powers.
The sheer absurdity of his claims will become evident as you watch this episode.
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One of the signs of hypocrisy is showing zeal in matters concerning non-Muslims while being indifferent to the matters of Muslims.
"Have you not seen those who have taken a people with whom Allah is angry as allies? They are neither of you nor of them..." (Qur'an Translated Meaning, 58:14)
Gems of Al-Tarifi
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Whoever says to his brother "Make du'a for me!", he and his brother will be among those who cooperate with one another in showing virtue and taqwa (mindfulness of Allah).
Ibn Tayymiyah
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The world is erupting with rage. All events portend major changes on the horizon. However, some people are still oblivious, distracted, and dogged by their personal concerns. Others remain befuddled and unable to distinguish between foe and friend. Whoever is not awakened by all these warnings now, they will not awaken until they experience those events as a true certitude. The best provision for the individual in preparation for these changes:
1- Solid faith and deep connection with Allah after repenting and asking for forgiveness along with seeking Allah's guidance to grant each servant the perspicacity and guidance in their actions.
2- Sincere and loyal milieu (family, friends,..), which must be strengthened and cherished.
3- Deep discernement about the true enemies and hyporcites.
4- Perseverance, resilience, endurance, and conviction in Allah's reward.
5- Doing our best to suppor this religion and this Ummah, and not adopting a neutral stance.
Sheikh Ahmed El-Sayed
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