Renato Guttuso
Bevitrice in giallo, 1946
Renato Guttuso
Giulio Turcato con il gatto Molotov (Giulio Turcato with Molotov the Cat), 1946
Ken Kiff
Person cutting an image, 1965–71
Sigmar Polke
Alpenveilchen (Cyclamen), 1967
Mark Rothko
Untitled (Purple, White, and Red), 1953
Mark Rothko
Cats, 1933-34
Watercolor on cardboard
Jenny Brosinski
So I guess I gotta stay now, 2023
Renato Guttuso
Fucilazione di patrioti (Patriots Shooting), 1945
Renato Guttuso
La nuvola rossa (The Red Cloud), 1966
Renato Guttuso
Tre operai e una prostituta, 1979
Gerhard Richter
Sommertag (Summer Day), 1999
Paul Klee
Landscape with Yellow Birds, 1923
Ираклий Гамрекели
Портрет Тициана Табидзе
Jenny Brosinski
Isn’t it lovely all alone?, 2023