New Token Found !!
Name: FTD
Symbol: FTD
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000000
Token Address: 0x07db7e011a1747Ef5D4dfCdb79b0645A04D66Ae1
Deployer Address: 0x97B67B5373Ec7281Ebd1C62e3174815E664a0b46
Deployer Balance: 0.14 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #1653580ffb99c7407e0adc2a6e39dcf8
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Dolphin
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000000000
Token Address: 0xc2f7ff2f46288BBF317AADda0aB896efAB6612d4
Deployer Address: 0xB27Cbd826F5aFd31cEF0968551a9fAF491D27949
Deployer Balance: 1.30 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1 similar contract found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #d9863f7c28c7b30dcf0694706f1910ea
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Pepeai
Symbol: PEPEAI
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000000000
Token Address: 0x7536571214eC297957b93BD37Cc3e2Da05CA3b44
Deployer Address: 0xe3aEF5a55701CF46915C7006724E8EF78A4ac885
Deployer Balance: 2.93 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 7 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #b401481134f4b2c001f02b1244557a43
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Pepeai
Symbol: PEPEAI
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000000000
Token Address: 0x7536571214eC297957b93BD37Cc3e2Da05CA3b44
Deployer Address: 0xe3aEF5a55701CF46915C7006724E8EF78A4ac885
Deployer Balance: 2.93 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 7 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #b401481134f4b2c001f02b1244557a43
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Sun
Symbol: SUN
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000000000
Token Address: 0x5992b5C0511199c2A41049E57a2122623d9899b4
Deployer Address: 0xCfbF6Cb62bb155d6b1AabAB27BAD2858dEB28FCF
Deployer Balance: 1.50 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #d9863f7c28c7b30dcf0694706f1910ea
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Sun
Symbol: SUN
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000000000
Token Address: 0x5992b5C0511199c2A41049E57a2122623d9899b4
Deployer Address: 0xCfbF6Cb62bb155d6b1AabAB27BAD2858dEB28FCF
Deployer Balance: 1.50 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #d9863f7c28c7b30dcf0694706f1910ea
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: SATO
Symbol: SATO
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000000
Token Address: 0xF43cb96Ac0a01F2cD9feA46Fd9a0e03922E659D0
Deployer Address: 0xc5B6df821db0Be0aD8208d3352CB4c9b8cc426aB
Deployer Balance: 0.01 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #9811f475ec0b981a254925539eec8b3e
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: TARGET on xTEN
Symbol: TGET
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000
Token Address: 0x93fa8CA7a1dd738FDd4ab798BCf3C8F73c933b26
Deployer Address: 0xbfaaED4779f5291bA77CAe18881cED8863ff36b4
Deployer Balance: 1.10 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1 similar contract found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #522395fb13310166b9dc61217510f8d5
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: TARGET on xTEN
Symbol: TGET
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000
Token Address: 0x93fa8CA7a1dd738FDd4ab798BCf3C8F73c933b26
Deployer Address: 0xbfaaED4779f5291bA77CAe18881cED8863ff36b4
Deployer Balance: 1.10 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1 similar contract found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #522395fb13310166b9dc61217510f8d5
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Elon Floki CEO
Symbol: ElonFloki
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0x553FD9d429edc8086e9eB14a35dcc7ecd4f4BaE7
Deployer Address: 0x05da1d02C59b4B499e91169A99D7a68D16b55215
Deployer Balance: 9.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1599 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Functions Checksum: #0ef078bcf11ebe79b55ca3f0094058d0
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Decimals: 4
Total Supply: 21000000000
Token Address: 0x83D17B9213483f94214B826e0c0cBbb056E40A57
Deployer Address: 0xb1A340D18CE2caDEBc8aa9AF176aAc65f56498ad
Deployer Balance: 0.29 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Wallet Limits:
0x88e765ff - maxBuyAmount() = 21000000000 (100%)
0x66d602ae - maxSellAmount() = 21000000000 (100%)
0xaa4bde28 - maxWalletAmount() = 21000000000 (100%)
(To be sure check the code)
Functions Checksum: #1828f1c907d81e1bf7fa92b7a2b59674
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Decimals: 4
Total Supply: 21000000000
Token Address: 0x83D17B9213483f94214B826e0c0cBbb056E40A57
Deployer Address: 0xb1A340D18CE2caDEBc8aa9AF176aAc65f56498ad
Deployer Balance: 0.29 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Wallet Limits:
0x88e765ff - maxBuyAmount() = 21000000000 (100%)
0x66d602ae - maxSellAmount() = 21000000000 (100%)
0xaa4bde28 - maxWalletAmount() = 21000000000 (100%)
(To be sure check the code)
Functions Checksum: #1828f1c907d81e1bf7fa92b7a2b59674
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Wojak Original
Symbol: WJO
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0x826Bb452a0a57062CD89708B1662c37CB5F27446
Deployer Address: 0x00f314d68d8071e546884205Cc0e5Cf9849c2dC7
Deployer Balance: 8.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1598 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Functions Checksum: #0ef078bcf11ebe79b55ca3f0094058d0
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Arb Poppy AI
Decimals: 6
Total Supply: 7777777777777777777
Token Address: 0xa1bE873322f335886131F9F0bD9DEb38Fa3342F4
Deployer Address: 0x24e9De35FB7983B3926F116962ac257453A1af76
Deployer Balance: 0.00 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Wallet Limits:
0x7d1db4a5 - _maxTxAmount() = 7777777777777777777 (100%)
(To be sure check the code)
Functions Checksum: #871286b214275b0d6ccefec33865b3c9
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Crypdolphin
Symbol: CPD
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0xec19C0A64a73573B4568628d7E59a55d08b50F46
Deployer Address: 0x00f9d408D7DC71144Afe02DEEDa79e74d0a50c40
Deployer Balance: 6.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1597 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Functions Checksum: #0ef078bcf11ebe79b55ca3f0094058d0
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Symbol: XMB
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0xEa4D3B4B7Fd46d870Ba4D9A993c5f45EbAF8e1D6
Deployer Address: 0x43Da206ceE514Fa67f6f916255DFF840480f54D9
Deployer Balance: 9.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1601 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #0ef078bcf11ebe79b55ca3f0094058d0
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Dolphin
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000000000
Token Address: 0xc2f7ff2f46288BBF317AADda0aB896efAB6612d4
Deployer Address: 0xB27Cbd826F5aFd31cEF0968551a9fAF491D27949
Deployer Balance: 1.30 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1 similar contract found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #d9863f7c28c7b30dcf0694706f1910ea
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Milady
Symbol: LADY
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 333333333
Token Address: 0xAC070B482A0c36877b106db5c6E90cf4d43c2F00
Deployer Address: 0x2a4DB0190F955b7489b64403E9B2E582c91bF74C
Deployer Balance: 0.15 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 154 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #95274ee8adefdd5f91424d76d497e72c
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Milady
Symbol: LADY
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 333333333
Token Address: 0xAC070B482A0c36877b106db5c6E90cf4d43c2F00
Deployer Address: 0x2a4DB0190F955b7489b64403E9B2E582c91bF74C
Deployer Balance: 0.15 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 154 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #95274ee8adefdd5f91424d76d497e72c
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Kala Land
Symbol: Kala
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0x12DdEDB2aBd345Ed4dAF1DFC03330ccEf543FeEA
Deployer Address: 0x51f6606301C411eD8AB984b834139190972d522c
Deployer Balance: 9.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1600 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Functions Checksum: #0ef078bcf11ebe79b55ca3f0094058d0
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Kala Land
Symbol: Kala
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0x12DdEDB2aBd345Ed4dAF1DFC03330ccEf543FeEA
Deployer Address: 0x51f6606301C411eD8AB984b834139190972d522c
Deployer Balance: 9.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1600 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #0ef078bcf11ebe79b55ca3f0094058d0
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: SATO
Symbol: SATO
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000000
Token Address: 0xF43cb96Ac0a01F2cD9feA46Fd9a0e03922E659D0
Deployer Address: 0xc5B6df821db0Be0aD8208d3352CB4c9b8cc426aB
Deployer Balance: 0.01 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #9811f475ec0b981a254925539eec8b3e
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: ARROW on xTEN
Symbol: AROW
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 166000
Token Address: 0xE706E8027aAa8898A3968BC334899d4798814681
Deployer Address: 0xbfaaED4779f5291bA77CAe18881cED8863ff36b4
Deployer Balance: 1.10 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #522395fb13310166b9dc61217510f8d5
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: ARROW on xTEN
Symbol: AROW
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 166000
Token Address: 0xE706E8027aAa8898A3968BC334899d4798814681
Deployer Address: 0xbfaaED4779f5291bA77CAe18881cED8863ff36b4
Deployer Balance: 1.10 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #522395fb13310166b9dc61217510f8d5
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Elon Floki CEO
Symbol: ElonFloki
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0x553FD9d429edc8086e9eB14a35dcc7ecd4f4BaE7
Deployer Address: 0x05da1d02C59b4B499e91169A99D7a68D16b55215
Deployer Balance: 9.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1599 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #0ef078bcf11ebe79b55ca3f0094058d0
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Pepega
Symbol: PEPEGA
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 100000000000
Token Address: 0x7dBdE96140375BCfE207477b467910c48949f53d
Deployer Address: 0xD5421217E6Cef695B97d3a0c1e20A99a9192FB45
Deployer Balance: 5.10 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 66 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #6da00c1a0048407d7eb45584734ddaab
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Pepega
Symbol: PEPEGA
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 100000000000
Token Address: 0x7dBdE96140375BCfE207477b467910c48949f53d
Deployer Address: 0xD5421217E6Cef695B97d3a0c1e20A99a9192FB45
Deployer Balance: 5.10 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 66 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #6da00c1a0048407d7eb45584734ddaab
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Wojak Original
Symbol: WJO
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0x826Bb452a0a57062CD89708B1662c37CB5F27446
Deployer Address: 0x00f314d68d8071e546884205Cc0e5Cf9849c2dC7
Deployer Balance: 8.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1598 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #0ef078bcf11ebe79b55ca3f0094058d0
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Arb Poppy AI
Decimals: 6
Total Supply: 7777777777777777777
Token Address: 0xa1bE873322f335886131F9F0bD9DEb38Fa3342F4
Deployer Address: 0x24e9De35FB7983B3926F116962ac257453A1af76
Deployer Balance: 0.00 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Wallet Limits:
0x7d1db4a5 - _maxTxAmount() = 7777777777777777777 (100%)
(To be sure check the code)
Functions Checksum: #871286b214275b0d6ccefec33865b3c9
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Crypdolphin
Symbol: CPD
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0xec19C0A64a73573B4568628d7E59a55d08b50F46
Deployer Address: 0x00f9d408D7DC71144Afe02DEEDa79e74d0a50c40
Deployer Balance: 6.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1597 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #0ef078bcf11ebe79b55ca3f0094058d0
Identified Functions: see comments