New Token Found !!
Name: USDC
Symbol: USDC
Decimals: 6
Total Supply: 0
Token Address: 0xBec8fA6b967ce672729320786813Cb83D8f8bd97
Deployer Address: 0x3969095577e902DFCCDbfF04fd16F93F4D6539D8
Deployer Balance: 0.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1 similar contract found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #d3afc05a69957f5c10a1eaae92afeca0
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: zzTesting 345
Symbol: zzTEST
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000
Token Address: 0xe8854C5B0278a08048bd5597f48AAec978E89165
Deployer Address: 0xBBb0bB7EC7d45d1B22e6eC83ad329621fa468375
Deployer Balance: 0.45 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #b29962b6e536ce25f7860bb8ffa7ce76
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: WorldCoin
Symbol: WDC
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000000000
Token Address: 0x93C1f6e4CA6a812Bda7274eA17769751080E3eC6
Deployer Address: 0x6850B2eb42Cc8eBef5a6310A78094165763a9138
Deployer Balance: 0.01 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 42 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #371dab61cb96ce3762a4d74e7bf201a8
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: The Simpsons
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 100000000000
Token Address: 0xbE8797fCD6304296189bDCCAF600d9581c2A5Dcc
Deployer Address: 0x2116FCD7787d2AC7beA0BaE6C85567dE64159b1D
Deployer Balance: 0.26 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 2 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #b1eae62fa75022f4c50f6afc054702b5
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Generational Wealth
Symbol: GEN
Decimals: 8
Total Supply: 420000000000
Token Address: 0xeaa64f37281F1B8F0A2253D48f1C35Cd0FD24903
Deployer Address: 0xDAb4c3042a93a7171964E8d945944f76Af1cFe96
Deployer Balance: 4.02 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 256 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Wallet Limits:
0x33477327 - _maxBuyTxAmount() = 420000000000 (100%)
0xcf4be394 - _maxSellTxAmount() = 420000000000 (100%)
0x78109e54 - _maxWalletToken() = 420000000000 (100%)
(To be sure check the code)
Functions Checksum: #d4a4cf84a5b82b6367dc3a3338d9fb39
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: The Simpsons
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 100000000000
Token Address: 0xbE8797fCD6304296189bDCCAF600d9581c2A5Dcc
Deployer Address: 0x2116FCD7787d2AC7beA0BaE6C85567dE64159b1D
Deployer Balance: 0.26 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 2 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #b1eae62fa75022f4c50f6afc054702b5
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: The Bet
Symbol: BET
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0xd654c2075800fa483f51cec53a5ac75c5ED26cee
Deployer Address: 0x05e634570FD9473BA788afaF2458c747D39c2E3C
Deployer Balance: 9.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1563 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Functions Checksum: #0ef078bcf11ebe79b55ca3f0094058d0
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: BMYC
Symbol: BMYC
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000000000
Token Address: 0x4F3065b38Ec742d63866eF924F0Ed9e3c58765cE
Deployer Address: 0xDd9afb044A0E22599dE31D90b69c663F16D97AbC
Deployer Balance: 2.66 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1871 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Functions Checksum: #9acb261044d9b198cf43557452ac0a75
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: BMYC
Symbol: BMYC
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000000000
Token Address: 0x4F3065b38Ec742d63866eF924F0Ed9e3c58765cE
Deployer Address: 0xDd9afb044A0E22599dE31D90b69c663F16D97AbC
Deployer Balance: 2.66 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1871 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #9acb261044d9b198cf43557452ac0a75
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: ArbMinds
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 230000000000000
Token Address: 0x7C73cB0E908cb2B9B126EeD6B57f37d8E068B8E6
Deployer Address: 0x92327704C6D4f40289E2111a2aC3eC191C46E383
Deployer Balance: 0.01 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #d42a3ca22eaf0ec48271c4700ab98575
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Symbol: PELAND
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 100000000000
Token Address: 0x5FfA031b9b6e165ca53282CbE6bdAd0f15EEcC2C
Deployer Address: 0xe5F1288f690E32459cFa4703186FFa3db59aa918
Deployer Balance: 0.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #1e548358dd64bd42e5471c6e3277c4e8
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: ArbMinds
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 210
Token Address: 0xEa7CE792c9fD789178Dd06f8E7bD01253910BA4c
Deployer Address: 0x92327704C6D4f40289E2111a2aC3eC191C46E383
Deployer Balance: 0.01 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #ce91ccf268b92d21817d671a8b037053
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: ArbMinds
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 210
Token Address: 0xEa7CE792c9fD789178Dd06f8E7bD01253910BA4c
Deployer Address: 0x92327704C6D4f40289E2111a2aC3eC191C46E383
Deployer Balance: 0.01 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #ce91ccf268b92d21817d671a8b037053
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Soros
Symbol: Magneto
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 5318008
Token Address: 0xca935728fD127E63061BFDdaf95c33f80E864EbD
Deployer Address: 0xD412AcDe6e34f776A4A995800c6DC569eC509346
Deployer Balance: 0.04 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1 similar contract found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #c300a48ba8d5f32aa30e9008c6f5e8ac
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Symbol: LOGAN
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000000000
Token Address: 0xe898B3FD5ca16c4C1b896a5fa2CC2f912BAC0691
Deployer Address: 0xae5AB9c53df2f6E78D1855E3B78D5CB7b470e64C
Deployer Balance: 2.58 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1870 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Functions Checksum: #9acb261044d9b198cf43557452ac0a75
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Testingg
Symbol: Testi
Decimals: 9
Total Supply: 10000000
Token Address: 0xDE62710Fe7e23Bc61EeFde0A96942C623A5edaAc
Deployer Address: 0x0B8C67393E41b0944fFD440824A368B40521254A
Deployer Balance: 0.62 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Wallet Limits:
0x7d1db4a5 - _maxTxAmount() = 200000 (2%)
0x8f9a55c0 - _maxWalletSize() = 200000 (2%)
(To be sure check the code)
Functions Checksum: #7aef0b8eef5edd0f1c98b7ea5b7bb8e0
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Testingg
Symbol: Testi
Decimals: 9
Total Supply: 10000000
Token Address: 0xDE62710Fe7e23Bc61EeFde0A96942C623A5edaAc
Deployer Address: 0x0B8C67393E41b0944fFD440824A368B40521254A
Deployer Balance: 0.62 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Wallet Limits:
0x7d1db4a5 - _maxTxAmount() = 200000 (2%)
0x8f9a55c0 - _maxWalletSize() = 200000 (2%)
(To be sure check the code)
Functions Checksum: #7aef0b8eef5edd0f1c98b7ea5b7bb8e0
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Generational Wealth
Symbol: GEN
Decimals: 8
Total Supply: 420000000000
Token Address: 0xeaa64f37281F1B8F0A2253D48f1C35Cd0FD24903
Deployer Address: 0xDAb4c3042a93a7171964E8d945944f76Af1cFe96
Deployer Balance: 4.02 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 256 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Wallet Limits:
0x33477327 - _maxBuyTxAmount() = 420000000000 (100%)
0xcf4be394 - _maxSellTxAmount() = 420000000000 (100%)
0x78109e54 - _maxWalletToken() = 420000000000 (100%)
(To be sure check the code)
Functions Checksum: #d4a4cf84a5b82b6367dc3a3338d9fb39
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: WorldCoin
Symbol: WDC
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10000000000
Token Address: 0x93C1f6e4CA6a812Bda7274eA17769751080E3eC6
Deployer Address: 0x6850B2eb42Cc8eBef5a6310A78094165763a9138
Deployer Balance: 0.01 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 42 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #371dab61cb96ce3762a4d74e7bf201a8
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: The Simpsons
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 100000000000
Token Address: 0x324020b90707ED838A71f7FeF0A6d1Fb18c047b3
Deployer Address: 0x2116FCD7787d2AC7beA0BaE6C85567dE64159b1D
Deployer Balance: 0.26 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1 similar contract found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #b1eae62fa75022f4c50f6afc054702b5
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: The Simpsons
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 100000000000
Token Address: 0x324020b90707ED838A71f7FeF0A6d1Fb18c047b3
Deployer Address: 0x2116FCD7787d2AC7beA0BaE6C85567dE64159b1D
Deployer Balance: 0.26 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1 similar contract found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #b1eae62fa75022f4c50f6afc054702b5
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: The Bet
Symbol: BET
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0xd654c2075800fa483f51cec53a5ac75c5ED26cee
Deployer Address: 0x05e634570FD9473BA788afaF2458c747D39c2E3C
Deployer Balance: 9.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1563 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #0ef078bcf11ebe79b55ca3f0094058d0
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Punk is PEPE
Symbol: $PENK
Decimals: 9
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0x748C868F2e8320cD2dbaE255325143465f46A2F9
Deployer Address: 0x8639200755F0913EDED1d9FAbDCd7C3F56409527
Deployer Balance: 1.10 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 5 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Wallet Limits:
0x33477327 - _maxBuyTxAmount() = 1000000000 (100%)
0xcf4be394 - _maxSellTxAmount() = 1000000000 (100%)
0x78109e54 - _maxWalletToken() = 1000000000 (100%)
(To be sure check the code)
Functions Checksum: #9622d529f66ab6ee025ab412532e6fe0
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Symbol: PELAND
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 100000000000
Token Address: 0x5FfA031b9b6e165ca53282CbE6bdAd0f15EEcC2C
Deployer Address: 0xe5F1288f690E32459cFa4703186FFa3db59aa918
Deployer Balance: 0.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #1e548358dd64bd42e5471c6e3277c4e8
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Punk is PEPE
Symbol: $PENK
Decimals: 9
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0x748C868F2e8320cD2dbaE255325143465f46A2F9
Deployer Address: 0x8639200755F0913EDED1d9FAbDCd7C3F56409527
Deployer Balance: 1.10 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 5 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Wallet Limits:
0x33477327 - _maxBuyTxAmount() = 1000000000 (100%)
0xcf4be394 - _maxSellTxAmount() = 1000000000 (100%)
0x78109e54 - _maxWalletToken() = 1000000000 (100%)
(To be sure check the code)
Functions Checksum: #9622d529f66ab6ee025ab412532e6fe0
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: ArbMinds
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 230000000000000
Token Address: 0x7C73cB0E908cb2B9B126EeD6B57f37d8E068B8E6
Deployer Address: 0x92327704C6D4f40289E2111a2aC3eC191C46E383
Deployer Balance: 0.01 ETH
Contract uniqueness: Unique contract 💎🚀
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Functions Checksum: #d42a3ca22eaf0ec48271c4700ab98575
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Soros
Symbol: Magneto
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 5318008
Token Address: 0xca935728fD127E63061BFDdaf95c33f80E864EbD
Deployer Address: 0xD412AcDe6e34f776A4A995800c6DC569eC509346
Deployer Balance: 0.04 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1 similar contract found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Functions Checksum: #c300a48ba8d5f32aa30e9008c6f5e8ac
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Name: Weedcoin
Symbol: WEED
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 420000000
Token Address: 0x39fbF34fe0bf6E1802AAB871D06C1624d79C43A6
Deployer Address: 0x3eD8e45010D25f8C26fF43a7Ac4B69729649eAce
Deployer Balance: 0.13 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1 similar contract found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Wallet Limits:
0xbbde77c1 - maxWalletBalance() = 4200000 (1%)
(To be sure check the code)
Functions Checksum: #0d7da63e2f1e64cfdb4a29a61114c505
Identified Functions: see comments
New Token Found !!
Name: Weedcoin
Symbol: WEED
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 420000000
Token Address: 0x39fbF34fe0bf6E1802AAB871D06C1624d79C43A6
Deployer Address: 0x3eD8e45010D25f8C26fF43a7Ac4B69729649eAce
Deployer Balance: 0.13 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1 similar contract found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 No exchange yet
Wallet Limits:
0xbbde77c1 - maxWalletBalance() = 4200000 (1%)
(To be sure check the code)
Functions Checksum: #0d7da63e2f1e64cfdb4a29a61114c505
Identified Functions: see comments
Token Update
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1000000000
Token Address: 0xaBe29B165ebF7b419B7A99d24685E5Dd5588Ca19
Deployer Address: 0x8cfEb2255565A2bFecAb40673954E5F59fa9232D
Deployer Balance: 5.03 ETH
Contract uniqueness: 1562 similar contracts found ❗️
Potential TG: None Found
Honeypot? UNKNOWN ❓
📎 Arbiscan 📈 Chart 💰 Sushiswap 📈 Dexscreener
Functions Checksum: #0ef078bcf11ebe79b55ca3f0094058d0
Identified Functions: see comments