📌 Intersting & Funny GK Tricks📌
1⃣ Writs issued by Courts https://youtu.be/rKOuAcfLVW4
2⃣ Ancient Dynasties https://youtu.be/QzQnobS_U5U
3⃣ All Viceroys in chronology https://youtu.be/InZ0S7ZzMmM
4⃣ States touching Bhutan https://youtu.be/6uoLWuTIgck
5⃣ States touching Myanmar https://youtu.be/5bNJAGIHl9s
6⃣Capsian Sea bordering Countries https://youtu.be/d5exBtD4Puo
7⃣Black Sea bordering Countries
8⃣Countries in Horn of Africa https://youtu.be/oNXsimE29cQ
9⃣12 Schedules of Constitution
🔟 Countries around RED SEA
1⃣ Mekong Ganga Cooperation
2⃣ UN Official Language Trick
📌 Geography Tricks for All📌
1⃣Capsian Sea bordering Countries https://youtu.be/d5exBtD4Puo
2⃣Black Sea bordering Countries
3⃣Countries in Horn of Africa https://youtu.be/oNXsimE29cQ
4⃣ Countries around RED SEA https://youtu.be/kYHmLzsZrg0
5⃣ Countries Surrounding North SEA https://youtu.be/bj_xp_QGk3s
6⃣ Countries bordering Baltic Sea
📌 Geography Tricks for All📌
Common mistakes committed by the candidates in Conventional Papers
(Released by UPSC)
Civil Services year-wise Seats
CSE 2011.....910
CSE 2012....998
CSE 2013....1228
CSE 2014....1364
CSE 2015 .....1164
CSE 2016......1079
CSE 2017......980
CSE 2018......782
CSE 2019......896
CSE 2020......796
CSE 2021......712
CSE 2022.... 1011
Join @civilservicesguidance
Ural Mountains: is range forms part of the conventional boundary between the continents of Europe and Asia @UPSCPRELIMSZONE
Alps are the highest mountain range that lies entirely in Europe. They stretch across eight Alpine countries (from west to east): France, Switzerland, Monaco, Italy, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, and Slovenia. @UPSCPRELIMSZONE
• Mont Blanc (French–Italian border) at 4,808 m is the highest mountain in the Alps @UPSCPRELIMSZONE
Foehn is a hot wind which develops on the leeward side of Alps and aids the ripening of grapes. @UPSCPRELIMSZONE
📌 Geography Tricks for All📌
1⃣Capsian Sea bordering Countries https://youtu.be/d5exBtD4Puo
2⃣Black Sea bordering Countries
3⃣Countries in Horn of Africa https://youtu.be/oNXsimE29cQ
4⃣ Countries around RED SEA https://youtu.be/kYHmLzsZrg0
5⃣ Countries Surrounding North SEA https://youtu.be/bj_xp_QGk3s
6⃣ Countries bordering Baltic Sea
📌 Geography Tricks for All📌
Venture Capital vs angel investor
Both provide money to startup companies,
venture capitalists are professional investors who invest in a broad portfolio of new companies and provide hands-on guidance and leverage their professional networks to help the new firm.
Angel investors, on the other hand, tend to be wealthy individuals who like to invest in new companies more as a hobby or side-project and may not provide the same expert guidance. Angel investors also tend to invest first and are later followed by VCs
📌 Geography Tricks for All📌
1⃣Capsian Sea bordering Countries https://youtu.be/d5exBtD4Puo
2⃣Black Sea bordering Countries
3⃣Countries in Horn of Africa https://youtu.be/oNXsimE29cQ
4⃣ Countries around RED SEA https://youtu.be/kYHmLzsZrg0
5⃣ Countries Surrounding North SEA https://youtu.be/bj_xp_QGk3s
6⃣ Countries bordering Baltic Sea
📌 Geography Tricks for All📌
Ethics/Values in Public Relationships
The importance of articulating ethics and the values that define and underpin the public service, cannot be underscored. This is seen as critical to providing both public officials and the public with a common frame of reference regarding the principles and standards to be applied and in assisting public officials to develop an appreciation of the ethical issues involved in effective and efficient public service delivery.
An example of the importance attached to the above-mentioned ethical principles is found in the “Seven Principles of Public Life” by the Nolan Committee in the United Kingdom. (this can be applied to other public relationship)
Nolan’s Seven Principles of Public Life:
Selflessness – Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.
Integrity – Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.
Objectivity – In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.
Accountability – Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
Openness – Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
Honesty – Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
Leadership – Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
✅ Open Market Operation (OMO) means buying and selling of government securities in the open market by the central bank of a country (RBI in India).
•When the central bank wants to infuse liquidity into the monetary system, it will buy government securities in the open market. This way it provides commercial banks with liquidity.
•In contrast, when it sells securities, it curbs liquidity.
• Thus, the central bank indirectly controls the money supply and influences short-term interest rates.
5 ways of getting Indian Citizenship:
Trick : BRAND.
B : Birth
R : Registration
A : Acquisition
N : Naturalization
D : Descent
Decreasing weight order of 8 - core industries :
Mnemonic : " RepESt CoCruNa CeFe ".
1) Rep : Refinery product
2) E : Electricity
3) St : Steel
4) Co : Coal
5) Cru : Crude oil
6) Na : Natural gas
7) Ce : Cement
8) F : Fertilizer
📌 Intersting & Funny GK Tricks📌
1⃣ Writs issued by Courts https://youtu.be/rKOuAcfLVW4
2⃣ Ancient Dynasties https://youtu.be/QzQnobS_U5U
3⃣ All Viceroys in chronology https://youtu.be/InZ0S7ZzMmM
4⃣ States touching Bhutan https://youtu.be/6uoLWuTIgck
5⃣ States touching Myanmar https://youtu.be/5bNJAGIHl9s
6⃣Capsian Sea bordering Countries https://youtu.be/d5exBtD4Puo
7⃣Black Sea bordering Countries
8⃣Countries in Horn of Africa https://youtu.be/oNXsimE29cQ
9⃣12 Schedules of Constitution
🔟 Countries around RED SEA
1⃣ Mekong Ganga Cooperation
2⃣ UN Official Language Trick
UPSC Mains GS Papers
Optional Subject Papers
Socio PubAdm Maths
Eco Geo Geolo Botany
PSIR Zoology Anthro
✅ Increase in Total Vacancies in UPSC CSE 2022 #civilservices
Total Vacancies is 1011.
Good Opportunity for all.
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Venture Capital: Entrepreneurs need investments for their start-up companies.
The investments or the capital that these entrepreneurs receive from wealthy investors is called Venture Capital and the investors are called Venture Capitalists.
Caspian sea bordering countries:
Mnemonic: TARIK(DATE)
A: Azerbaijan
R: Russia
T: Turkmenistan
I: Iran
K: Kazakhstan
2 Types of Open Market Operations by RBI
1. Outright Purchase (PEMO) – this is permanent and involves the outright selling or buying of government securities.
2.Repurchase Agreement (REPO) – this is short-term and are subject to repurchase.
📌 Intersting & Funny GK Tricks📌
1⃣ Writs issued by Courts https://youtu.be/rKOuAcfLVW4
2⃣ Ancient Dynasties https://youtu.be/QzQnobS_U5U
3⃣ All Viceroys in chronology https://youtu.be/InZ0S7ZzMmM
4⃣ States touching Bhutan https://youtu.be/6uoLWuTIgck
5⃣ States touching Myanmar https://youtu.be/5bNJAGIHl9s
6⃣Capsian Sea bordering Countries https://youtu.be/d5exBtD4Puo
7⃣Black Sea bordering Countries
8⃣Countries in Horn of Africa https://youtu.be/oNXsimE29cQ
9⃣12 Schedules of Constitution
🔟 Countries around RED SEA
1⃣ Mekong Ganga Cooperation
2⃣ UN Official Language Trick
West flowing river
"SAMANTA" are west flowing rivers
N- Narmada
Common mistakes committed by the candidates in Conventional Papers
(Released by UPSC)
📌 Geography Tricks for All📌
1⃣Capsian Sea bordering Countries https://youtu.be/d5exBtD4Puo
2⃣Black Sea bordering Countries
3⃣Countries in Horn of Africa https://youtu.be/oNXsimE29cQ
4⃣ Countries around RED SEA https://youtu.be/kYHmLzsZrg0
5⃣ Countries Surrounding North SEA https://youtu.be/bj_xp_QGk3s
6⃣ Countries bordering Baltic Sea
📌 Geography Tricks for All📌