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MEGALOTHYMIA Revenge. The sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell. It elevates men to be eloquent, insightful, and sharper than their natural state would allow.

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

There are not many good prayers for Baldr on the internet. Many assume he is a sun god, which is something I respectfully disagree with. If you wish to pray to the god of the bale fire on tonight's full moon, you can use some variant of this template prayer I have made.

Son of Odin,
Frigg’s proudest boast,
Wisest Oss, and most eloquent,
Who's fair white face is famed,
Hear now this prayer!
You, Oh bright one, who dwelt in Breiðablik,
Are pure in every way, unstained by shame,
None may question your judgement,
Though now you, brave prince, from the curved crest,
Of calves’ kin’s skull, sip the water of the victory women,
In the hall of the barrow’s warder.
Pyre god! Höðr’s unintended victim!
Slain by a slender dart, Baldr’s bane, a young sprout
Felled you, oh bleeding god,
And caused all the world to weep!
Your wyrd, Oh famous and fair Oss, thus fixed,
You shall be by your youngest brother avenged,
And Vali’s foe shall join you, in gloomy Hel’s hall,
Until, Odin’s brave son, the prophecy of the Volva is fulfilled,
then you and your blind brother, to Asgard shall return!
May you soon be borne from Hel, oh brightest prince,
As swiftly as the sun of houses, reaches up to the moon’s way!
Accept now, oh Shining god of the wind’s brother,
The windless wave of the bull’s spear,
And relieve us of our need,
….(state needs and ask for help before offering libations at the fire)

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

“The state of general unrest we are currently experiencing gives me the dark feeling that, indeed, something is about to end.”

— Pierre Drieu La Rochelle

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"Every acquisition, every progress in knowledge is the result of courage, of hardness towards oneself, of cleanliness in relation to oneself.
I'm not refuting the ideals, I'm just putting on gloves before tackling them."
— Nietzsche

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"Every acquisition, every step forward in knowledge is the result of courage, of hardness against oneself, of cleanliness in relation to oneself.

I do not refute ideals, I merely put on gloves before them."


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Diary of an Underground Ronin


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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"Never trust a thought that occurs to you indoors."

— Friedrich Nietzsche

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"Neither family, nor privilege, nor wealth, nor anything but Love can light that beacon which a man must steer by when he sets out to live the better life."

Plato, The Symposium

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

Some funny facts about the Norwegian "documentary" that our fangirl Martha did a while back.

• They wanted to interview us. We said what we say to all journalist. If you can bench 100kg we will consider it.

• 8 Months it took for the state television in Norway to find a cameraman that was able to do it. So we asked them to film their Press-ID (Thanks for that ;))

• At the time it was quite alot of pedophilia scandals in and around NRK. We asked Martha if she could take a stand against her "childloving" collegues. She did not do that and the interview was cancelled.

Ergo. It's more convenient for journalists to sweep their social cluster filled with babyshouldered, boygirls and fatties to find ONE guy that can bench than to speak out against pedophilia.

We wonder why it could be so...

XIV 🏴‍☠️

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"Prepare yourself for the day of truth. It is near and unstoppable."

Ursula Haverbeck

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

Big believer in bodyweight reps of exercise every single day

Pull-ups, push-ups, handstands, jumps, Runs, climbs,

Regardless of your weight training volume you should be able to do these every single day - it won’t overtrain you

Use it, and you won’t lose it into old age!

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

Il Fight Club è un manipolo di uomini ancora virili, coraggiosi, svegli in un mondo di narcotizzati dal consumismo. Gente che non teme il dolore e che accoglie con gioia la sfida nella propria vita.

✍🏼 di Jean

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Diary of an Underground Ronin


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Diary of an Underground Ronin


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Diary of an Underground Ronin

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

The natural state of life is deterioration and putrid filth. It is only by great hat trick that man, individual men, are able to usher in new eras and new heights.

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

“All things are full of gods.”
— Thales of Miletus

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

Paroled from the Paywall: Greg Johnson's series of lectures on Plato's Alcibiades I continues by looking at how Socrates demonstrates his interlocutor's need for instruction by pointing out his ignorance of the nature of justice.

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"Turning the Indo-Europeans into an object of mere scholarship appears much more effective than polemically denying their existence as a people — as also happens — since the latter strategy ends up reactivating their presence."

Guillaume Faye

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

“….”the citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities in every State," having been made by me, it is supposed I must know, or perfectly recollect, what I meant by it. In answer, I say, that, at the time I drew that constitution, I perfectly knew that there did not then exist such a thing in the Union as a black or colored citizen, nor could I then have conceived it possible such a thing could have ever existed in it; nor, notwithstanding all that has been said on the subject, do I now believe one does exist in it.”

Charles Pinckney
Admission of Missouri, House of Representatives
13 Feb. 1821

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"I should only believe in a god that would know how to dance.

And when I saw my devil, I found him serious, thorough, profound, solemn: he was the spirit of gravity - through him all things fall.

Not by wrath, but by laughter, do we slay.


I learned to fly, since then I do not need pushing in order to move from a spot.

Now am I light, now do I fly; now do I see myself under myself. Now there dances a god in me."

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

Hot, frequent and unnecessarily long showers dull the body and mind and weaken the immune system.

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Diary of an Underground Ronin


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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"There are signs of an internal reconquest. The hope is to become master of oneself and one's home again — to look at one's children without a blush of shame and, when the time comes, to leave life knowing that the legacy is secure."

Dominique Venner

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Diary of an Underground Ronin


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Diary of an Underground Ronin

My Back and Tris workout today:

• With decreasing reps, increase weight
• 3x10 = 3 sets of 10 reps
• Choose a heavy weight to nearly fail on the last rep


- Zercher Deadlift 3x15, 8, 4
Superset -> Handstand hold against the wall for as long as you can 3xMax

- Pull-ups 2xMax reps

- Bent over barbell row 3x6

- Dips 1x set of Bodyweight
Then 3xsets of around 4 reps (heavy dumbbell between legs)

- Overhead Tricep Rope extension 3x8


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Diary of an Underground Ronin

When her son was lamenting his wounded leg that was causing him great pain, his mother said to him "Spartan, think about virtue (arete) with every step".

– Plutarch, Sayings of Spartan Women

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

Greg Johnson was once again joined by David Zsutty of the Homeland Institute on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss the Institute’s latest poll, on attitudes toward natalism and proposed pro-natal policies. The recording is now available for download and online listening.

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"If you see a nation languish, it is not because its government is bad; it is because this government, which is the best for this nation, has fallen into decline, like everything human, or rather because its national character is worn out. Then nations must undergo political regeneration, or they simply die."

Joseph de Maistre, Against Rousseau

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

You have to turn your words into action.
You have to turn your ideas into action.
You have to turn your skills into action.
You have to turn your goals into action.

Life is not meant to be simply thought about, it must be made manifest by action!


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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"The military is nothing other than a religion for honorable men."
— Pedro Calderón de la Barca

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