“The man who fears death will never do anything worthy of a man who is alive"
― Seneca, Dialogues and Essays
🇫🇷 In Francia gli antifascisti hanno distrutto un locale di patrioti nella città di Angers.
💥 Mentre gli antifa saccheggiano, distruggono e alzano la tensione, in tutta Europa si fa sempre più dura la repressione degli Stati contro i militanti nazionalisti e identitari.
🪢 Solidarietà europea: sostieni le spese di riapertura del locale angevino al link:
Читать полностью…Life is Life and defeat is hell. Obey thine Inner Voice!
It can never err. It is thy very soul.
Be a Darwin in active operation.
Do noble deeds, don't dream about them all thy life long.
— Ragnar Redbeard, Might is Right
"In Athens at the time of Cicero, who expresses his surprise at this fact, the men and youths were by far superior to the women in beauty. But what work and effort the male sex had demanded of itself for centuries there in the service of beauty! For one must not be mistaken about the method here: merely training one’s feelings and thoughts is worth practically nil (here lies the great misunderstanding in German education, which is completely illusory): first one must convince the body. Keeping a meaningful and select demeanor strictly in place, being committed to live only with people who do not “let themselves go” — this is fully enough to become meaningful and select: in two or three generations, everything has already been internalized. It is decisive for the lot of a people and of humanity that one begin culture at the right place—not in the “soul” (as was the fatal superstition of the priests and semi-priests): the right place is the body, demeanor, diet, physiology, and the restis a consequence... For this reason, the Greeks are still the first cultural event of history — they knew, they did, what was needed. Christianity, which despised the body, is the greatest misfortune of humanity up to now."
— Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols
"The Greeks did not see the Homeric gods as set above them as masters, or themselves set beneath the gods as servants, as the Jews did.
They saw that they were only the reflection of the most successful exemplars of their own caste, that is to say an ideal, not an antithesis of their own nature. They felt interrelated with them, and there existed a mutual interest, a kind of symmetry ['symmachia']."
— Nietzsche
"Great men, like great periods, are explosive materials in which an immense force is accumulated; it is always pre-requisite for such men, historically and physiologically, that for a long period there has been a collecting, a heaping up, an economizing, and a hoarding with respect to them, that for a long time no explosion has taken place."
— Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols
In the above, Nietzsche is suggesting that in order for great men to emerge, and for the higher-type to be born (or re-born), there needs to be a prolonged period of building, where "a hoarding" of energy, ideas, and resources is accumulated. This energy, reaching a point of critical mass, is then unleashed upon the world in a manner that catalyzes profound transformation.
Julius Caesar was one such great man. Caesar's actions brought about the destruction of the decrepit and decadent Roman Republic, and in its place, through the dynamic explosion of transformative energy, the Roman Empire, the Imperium of Augustus and his successors, was born. From this, various questions are begged: When will the next release of "immense force" be unleashed? Who will be the next Caesar, Charlemagne, or Napoleon? And more aptly, is such a transformation still possible? I believe that transformation is possible, and it starts first with YOU, the individual. Become better and more than what you are.
"The Pythagoreans also insisted upon a very great exercise of the memory, setting up the following way of giving it practice. They would not arise from their beds until they had frankly disclosed to one another everything they had done the day before, beginning with early dawn and closing with the evening. ... This practice they followed to gain knowledge and judgement in all matters and experience in the ability to call many things to mind."
Diodorus Siculus, Historical Library 10.5.1
"We want a European religion. Christianity is corroded by Semitic infection. What we truly believe in is the pre-Christian elements that Christianity has not been able to expel...
Jehovah is a sparrow's egg laid in Europa's nest. It has no connection with Dante's God. His ultimate concept of supreme Love and Intelligence does not derive from the Old Testament."
— Ezra Pound
“Now, whoever has courage and a strong and collected spirit in his breast, let him come forward, lace on the gloves and put up his hands.”
— Virgil, The Aeneid
"The real test comes when all strength is fled and the men must produce victory on will alone.”
― Steven Pressfield, Gates of Fire
“What is truth? For the multitude, that which it continually reads and hears.”
— Oswald Spengler, ‘The Decline of the West’
"Bold, decisive actions are always contagious. But someone has to take the first step. If no one does anything, then nothing happens. Xenophon always understood that nothing good ever occurs without some external push in the appropriate direction. When courage and decision are needed, the Leader always has to stick his neck out and go first."
— Quintus Curtius
"In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst."
— C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
L'aube sacrée approche et avec le soleil levant s'annonce une nouvelle élite, une noblesse intrépide qui fera subir aux ennemis de la Nature le châtiment et impitoyable destin qui convient à tous ceux qui se sont jusqu'à présent affairé à transgresser les lois naturelles.
Nous sommes les porte-parole, la volonté même de la Nature, venus implémenter, réstaurer l'ordre narurel. L'esprit de nos ancêtres agit en nous, cependant cet echo venant d'autrefois ne se traduit point à un regard fixé vers le passé mais plutôt vient s'ajouter, se joindre à une flamme, non, un tonnerre s'élançant vers l'infini, au dela même du connu.
No matter what goes wrong, there is always some good to find in the setback.
A negative attitude will spread throughout the team, as will a positive one, so it’s important for a leader to maintain a positive attitude.
"All things have poetry as one aspect, and are considered to have an aspect that is not poetry. Therefore, poetry becomes an indivisible entity within the unity of things. Poetry corresponds with existence."
— Yojūrō Yasuda
They interviewed the founder of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid, about his country's future.
He said:
"My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel. I drive a Mercedes, my son drives a Land Rover, and my grandson will drive a Land Rover, but my great-grandson will have to ride a camel again...”
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men, weak men create hard times. Many won't understand, but we need to raise warriors, not parasites.”
"He who contemplates, through such considerations, how much misery and suffering are most often necessary for our salvation, will recognize that we should envy others less for their happiness than for their misfortune.
For the same reason, stoicism, which defies fate, is obviously a good shield against the ills of life, useful for better enduring the present; but it is opposed to true salvation, for it hardens the heart. How should one improve through suffering, if, encased in a stone shell, one does not feel it? Moreover, a certain degree of this stoicism is not very rare. Often it can be used to maintain a "brave face in bad times"; but where it is natural, it most often stems from a lack of feeling, of energy, of liveliness, of sensitivity and of imagination; these factors are required even for deep sorrow. The phlegm and heaviness of the Germans are particularly favorable to this kind of stoicism."
Everyone should pursue the ideal and peak of man. The warrior. This is why i encourage all of you to join your countries military and go special forces. To become Warrior Poets.
Читать полностью…"True aristocracy is not merely a hereditary privilege; it requires each generation to prove its worth through noble deeds and exemplary conduct. In a vision of a world where inequality is eternal, aristocrats are to have more rights, but these come with greater obligations, underscoring an ethical adherence to their societal roles."
— Constantin von Hoffmeister
“To what end should we give an appearance of coherence to those ideas of Nietzsche? … Nietzsche is an ensemble of attitudes; and to seek in him a will to order, a preoccupation with unity, is to diminish it”
— Cioran
"Everywhere where men are religious, warlike, and obedient, how can they not by right be full of good hope?"
~ Xenophon